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Sep 24By smarthomer

20 Usually avoid raising children from bad habits and methods

Today, we offer you on the 20th articles site of the wrong habits and methods that must be avoided in raising children, as it is a bad habits and completely wrong methods.

One of the most important basic responsibilities that must be done, as one of the parents is to pay attention to achieving the correct and integrated upbringing of my children in all respects and ensuring that all their material and moral needs are provided, starting with ensuring that they get appropriate nutrition and interest in their care and care and help in facing the problems that are difficult for them to solve and confront aloneBut what is the wrong concept on which traditional methods and behaviors are based on the journey of raising my children?

One of the most misconceptions and misconceptions used in raising children is to meet all their desires only because they want this and in order to satisfy them continuously without caring for the formation of their personalities and the keenness to create them in a correct and successful way and the consolidation of the principles and values ​​that qualify them to be citizens and honorable and with a great deal of respect and self -sufficiency and enjoy healthy and also have a spirit Cooperation and tolerance with other human beings, so we find that the methods of education followed by parents and their choices mainly affect the lives of their children and the formation of their personalities, whether negatively or in the affirmative, and for this reason there are some wrong habits and behaviors that I will avoid in raising and raising my children, and they are as follows:-

1- Not doing more than one food class at dinner.

You must make sure that your children are committed to eating the specified variety designated for them at dinner and their objection to what is presented to them unless there is a necessary medical reason that prevents them from the reach of that type of food assigned to them and it is not necessary to coordinate to fulfill their desires to eat certain and unhealthy foods just because they prefer them.

2- Not to surrender to the complaining and their entertainment.

When raising your children, you should not fulfill their desires just to calm them down or in order to get rid of the complaint and complaint that they do in order to get what they want, but on the contrary, they are perceived by the perception that the polite and calm method is the only way that helps in implementing their prestige and they must be responsible and deal in a positive way in place. On respect and compatibility and depend on these high -end methods in dealing in order to obtain their requirements, they depend on the exercise of these negative behaviors to meet their needs, and in this way you will not deprive your children from obtaining what they prefer and enjoy life, but in fact you will help form their personalities in a correct and positive way.

3- The children do not rely on helping parents to perform their school duties

Your children must rely on themselves in performing their school duties because this will help them to take responsibility and learn commitment and diligence and thus forming successful personalities in the future because it is important for children to learn from their mistakes and be happy with their achievements that were fulfilled by their self -efforts.

4 - Not replacing the damaged play for your children.

Where you should raise your children not to make them get used to the presence of alternatives to their games and their relatives with ease with ease in order to obligate them to maintain their things and not neglect when using them and thus establish sound principles that help them learn how to maintain their belongings and use a correct way.

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5- Not to buy any modern smart devices for your children just because all their friends have owned them.

You must not buy modern technological devices that are not necessary and exaggerated your children in order to only show off in front of their colleagues, but it is purchased if they will achieve a real benefit for your child and will help in the development and growth of his thinking positively.

6- Not allowing time to keep time in front of TV or computer screens and modern tablets throughout the day.

You should not allow your children to spend most of the time in front of the TV screens and modern tablets, but you must organize and allocate specific times only during the day to see them and sit in front of them, as well.

7 - Not to search for everything your child is lost or lost

Parents should not make their children depend entirely on them to search for their things and their relationships that they have lost or find it difficult to find them, but children must be urged to search alone..

8 - Obliging your children to take responsibility for cleaning their rooms.

The mother must be careful to teach and compel her children to take responsibility for cleaning the rooms of the halls when they have the ability and sufficient awareness to do this and not to rely on her completely in this role, and it will certainly help them at first to do so until they are able to rely on themselves in the end.

9- Not getting used to delivering your children on a daily basis to their school, but it is better to ride their school bus.

This is because it is not necessary that you deliver your children personally to their school on a daily basis, but it is better to participate in the school bus of the halls that help them to rely on themselves more.

10- Not adhering to purchasing expensive clothes with unique designs for your children.

When purchasing clothes for your children, you should not adhere to and adhere to buying unique designs and international and exaggerated brands, whose purchase costs them to pay exorbitant funds. Rather.

11- Not going to conflicts for your children.

Where you must raise your children to rely on themselves and they have the ability to face different life problems and situations, whether they are conflicts with their colleagues in study or in my life facing the problems that may occur when dealing with their teachers in the school, and Durikki is limited to supporting and supporting your children and directing how to solve these conflictsIn order to succeed in learning how to solve their problems themselves.

12- Not adhering to bringing the school tools that you can forget your children in the house so that they do not get used to forgetting them and depend on you to bring them to them.

Where you must make your children be able to rely on themselves and bear the full responsibility and learn how to focus and not forget their tools and make sure to take them complete without the need to remind parents of them to do this or rely on bringing parents to these tools in their school when they forget them at home and so that this forgetfulness does not usually have them.

13- Failure to accompany your children in work interviews.

Where we find that there are many parents who are still keen to accompany their adult children when going to high school or their universities, or even in the interviews of work for their children and this is a wrong method of education and makes their children unable to bear responsibility and negatively affects the formation of their personalities in the future.

14- Do you not make your children depend completely on providing them with money and do not like their own drainage machine.

Where you must spend on your children and meet their needs for their requirements, but at the same time help them to rely on themselves and give them skills that qualify them to earn private money as we suggest that they have a part -time job or do some additional homework and the goal is to increase the awareness of your children and realize the value of money.

15- Do not make sure to buy a new car for your children when they are 6 years old.

Where there is no need to buy a car for your children just because they graduated from their secondary studies and they have the ability to extract a driver's license, but instead make sure to train them on how to work and provide them with good and useful skills to qualify them to be able to buy a new chains themselves from their own money.

16- Not allowing children in the secondary stage to travel in summer holidays with their individual.

Although there are many parents who allow this, but as a former high school student, I have a knowledge of a lot of bad stories that occur to children when they travel alone on summer holidays outside the home and that support the idea of not allowing them to do this early age to ensure their safety.

17- Not allowing children to sleep in the homes of friends on school nights.

Although I used to be angry at my father because of not allowing me to do so, but now after I realized the bad results of doing this, I will implement this same policy with my children because weekends must be satisfied with comfort and recharge for the school and work, which are very important to health and success.

18- Not allowing your children to spend their night times with their friends close to the other sex

It is preferable to avoid mixing your children and children with their friends close to the other sex, especially from preventing them from spending at night times in the preacher, avoiding their occurrence in any illegal mistakes.

19- Not to seize your children by drinking non-healthy drinks.

Where you should take care of attention to the health of your children and stay away from eating any drinks of the health of their bodies.

20 - Not allowing them to stay abroad throughout the night.

You must pay attention to your children inside the house in night times, and follow their news and constantly support them in order to avoid their occurrence in any problems in the early stages of life.

In the end, we find that avoiding doing such habits and wrong behaviors mentioned during the raising of your children is a correct and sound behavior that you must implement and work with it and do not make you a person who does not destroy the lives of your children (although they see this in a different way in a different way) but instead, it will lead to raising them and establishing them in a correct way And successful and will help them to become able to achieve their own self -sufficiency and respect and appreciate the people and the things that are surrounded by them as well as themselves and will contribute to the growth of their personalities in a positive and effective way and thus you will succeed in implementing the final goals of raising your children, and it will help you to do a correct way and ensure the best degree of care for your children and their success in their practical lives in the future.

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