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Dec 03By smarthomer

9 signs of your addiction to the computer!

Computers and smart devices have become an important thing in our lives, whether we like it or not, but do we use these devices to the appropriate extent?

A little difficult question, as the appropriate amount varies between each person and another according to the nature of his work and interests, and also according to his time, but there is a group of users who are classified as computer addicts, so how do you identify them or know if you are one of these users?

1- A nap on the keyboard

This is the first sign of course. If you spend a lot of time with your computer, you will have to sleep a little while using it after you completely empty your energy. How many times have you encountered this?

9 signs you're addicted to a computer!

2- Go anywhere with your computer

If you care about having a computer everywhere you are in your home, this is a very clear sign of computer addiction, regardless of the degree of importance of doing something anywhere.

3- Your room is a mixture of devices and wires

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Another thing indicates that you are addicted to the computer. If your room contains a lot of electronic devices and computers, as well as various cables and wires, then this is normal, but for computer addicts only.

4- Do not spend a lot of time with your children

At times, your addiction to the computer may control you in an annoying way, so you cannot spend a lot of time with your children, but you may even ignore it completely at times.

5- Your desktop computer is with you anywhere

This is not easy, of course. before?

6- Buying smart devices for your children

If you are in love with these devices and even addicted to them, you will find yourself buying smart devices and computers for your young children to entertain them and develop that part of their personality, of course, and share those interests with you.

7- You own several devices, not just one

This is also a sign of computer addiction.

8- Neglecting to empty the litter box

Many times you forget that the litter box is full and you have to empty it. It's okay if you care about cleaning your room at a specific time every week, for example, but If the box is full before that date, will you bother emptying it?

9- You use the computer even if you are sick

If you are sick or in the hospital for health reasons and you are still using the computer, this means only one thing, which is that you are addicted to your computer and smart devices.