Home >petition >A lukewarm reception for the bold return of "Sex, City" and "The Metrics"
Feb 03By smarthomer

A lukewarm reception for the bold return of "Sex, City" and "The Metrics"

There is a terrifying thing related to the two new versions of the movie "The Matrix" and the series "Sex and the City".There is a similarity between them just like the two original works that affected the popular culture, but they are also somewhat bleak and are frustrated, and they are in a complex way..In terms of visual, they are anti -ancestors - as "The Matrix Resurrections" was more brighter and optimistic than the previous three parts, while the colors in the series "So simply" Just Like that Take that were faded.The most attractive past is chasing the whole of the main characters that it begins to meditate with a mixture of remorse and longing.Both work was met with public resentment.

It is logical that the return of "The Metrics", which has proven to be divided, coincided with the return of "sex and the city".Although it rarely thinks that the two works are rare.The difference between their first release in the nineties was ten months, and both of them revolve around two beautiful characters who lived dreams - the character "New" that the actor Keano Reeves, and "Carey" that the actress Sarah Jessica Parker - often saw these two heroes a click with a pictureFull on the keyboard in their computers.Both characters live in imagined cities, whether it is the charming New York City, but it is affordable only in the dreamer scenario, or an unknown city that looks ideal and very practical that it cannot be real.

When the two projects were at the height of their success, we are mutual in fashion, while we cannot imagine the cinematic or television scene today without their influence.Even they were combined once in a long -time paragraph that was presented at the MTV Awards ceremony, as Carey goes on a date with New (who embodied him in a funny way, actor Jimmy Fallon)."I agreed to accompany him to a club called The Metrics...But before that we went to his home to eat a glass of wine..

In any case, the two works were more similar in terms of controversy that they raised.The evil forces have always employed the movie "The Metrics" in its favor - as the extreme right is built badly the "red pill" that enables the hero "New" to know the reality.Meanwhile, the series "Sex and City" has caused criticism from all sides for filming it- or its lack of filming- sexual tendencies, money, race or social class.The two modern copies of the two works collide with this legacy in different ways, they celebrate the original two stories and distance themselves from them at the same time..He depicts "so simply" his characters as far from reality, while "The Metrics 4: Emotion" draws a good percentage of the audience of the film series as misleading, strange -phase characters.

Perhaps as a result, there was a consensus not to welcome the revival of the two stories.Even if we ignore the fact that the movie "Spider-Man: No Way Way has acquired the box office during the past month," The Metriches 4: Emotion "was a financial disappointment, as it has so far achieved $ 100 million so far(The equivalent of 73 million pounds) while its budget is almost twice the amount.Critics greatly loved him, but even the masses whose opinions were sought after watching in the United States gave work as a whole a weak assessment (- b), was the worst in the history of the series so far.Also, "thus simply" was met with lukewarm assessments by most critics (if not, at least before me, I am in my review in the Independent), and the division between his fans was increasing with the display of more of his episodes.

Reactions in both cases are logical."The Metrics 4" lacks many action scenes that were one of the distinctive features of the previous parts, and sometimes its ambition is to make mistakes.Also, "This is simply" is a strongly pessimistic work - it has begun with the death of a major personality, and since then the work revolves around the stories of sadness, aging, alcoholism and depression.We hardly find the wonderful components of the original series, from shoes and sex to manipulating words and drinks.

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In any case, there is an impressive aspect of the lack of interested work of the past in the repetition."The Metrics 4: Emotion" begins with a perfect joke, we can say that it is almost designed to excite fans."I am sure that you can understand the reason for the decision of our beloved mother company, and Warner Bros..

In the emission movie, the alternative ego of the "New" hero known as "Thomas Anderson" is making a trilogy of video games, which is a distinctive sign of this type of games and bears the name "The Metrics".These games love obsessive people who do not really understand what they are, while corporate entities are keen to drain them to make more profits.Landson was told that he could be the person who leads the revival of the game, but his refusal will not stand on the way to do so anyway.In the end, he has two options: either to re -launch the game or allow others to take over the mission on his behalf.

At this point, the movie "Emotion" becomes more complicated, as it persuades us to perform more simulations of reality, and we see a mystical utopia at the base of the universe and actress Jada Pinkat Smith sheikh thanks to make -up tricks.But the first scenes in the film seem conflicting, and it is a full recognition that there was never a need to make this work.If it must be made, it will be implemented in the most confusing and unbearable methods that can be imagined.Director Lana Wachski spoke about her use of the film as a way to rid herself from the sadness of the loss of her parents, but it also seems that the director recovers the right of her chain..Ultimately, the name "The Metrics" has been present for a long time, spreading and turning into an unlawful banality through hate sites such as 4chaan and the empty controversy between Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump.Then Wachusky comes again and rolled over her aides and really says, "This will not happen in the sight of me.".

Also, the series "So simply" refused to give us what we want.Perhaps the significance has always been in the title - as the series was not called "Sex and City" for a specific reason - but the matter is still somewhat confusing.I was enthusiastic about to work after the first two episodes, but the reason is only due to the fact that a few axes of his story seemed scattered and confused, and not because it is not similar to "sex and the city".Instead, it was found that it is a convincing masterpiece, if not complete, and a width that adopts very bold options..

Let's take, for example, Samantha's character, played by Kim Katraral.The character was deleted from work when Catherrale rejected again in it, it was not possible to mention Samantha's mention as soon as we told us what happened to her - as she disagreed with Carrie and fled to London - yet she is still included in the tissue of the series.It is not referred to by name in a few episodes, so that it appears through a text message in which she remembers with sadness with Carrie a women's health experience shared by the two friends in the past.This has brought to mind the movie "Personal Shopper" by Olivier Asayas, in which actress Christine Stewart exchanges lengthy text messages with her deceased twin, which appears to be sending text messages from the other world.

By converting Samantha's character into something like a strange ghost that chases Carrie in her dreams, the series "And so simply" does something that he did not need to do.It is not the purpose of this dealing with the absence of the character with a facilitation, nor to alleviate the weight of sadness that lasted for a long time after ending an important friendship relationship.Instead, he puts himself in a thorny position in which easy answers negate, even raises an idea between the two friends. We know perhaps that it will never happen - if we take into account the clear disdain of Parker in real life..

The "The Metrics 4: Emotion" and "so simply" should have been praised, because they adopted that degree of difficulty in telling the story.Failure to obtain appreciation - from critics, viewers or critical masses - is depressed.If the culture of reviving business is a new natural matter in Hollywood, then it should at least try to form new formulations and seek to offer something different within the limits that have been previously presented in the past..It will not always succeed, but the new version will be distinguished at least.And if it is necessary to choose between a new, uncommon and uncommon treatment, it is a repetition of all the elements that we liked two decades ago, then the answer appears to be very easy.