Home >petition >A man receives 10 doses of the Corona vaccine in one day, and the fact that the inventor of the Pfizer vaccine and his wife refused to receive the vaccination
Mar 28By smarthomer

A man receives 10 doses of the Corona vaccine in one day, and the fact that the inventor of the Pfizer vaccine and his wife refused to receive the vaccination

What happens to the body if a person receives 10 doses of the Corona vaccine in one day? And what did a recent study reveal about the effectiveness of two doses of Pfizer's vaccine against the Omicron strain? And how effective are 3 doses of the Corona vaccine against the Omicron strain? Did Ugur Sahin, the inventor of the Pfizer vaccine, and his wife and company employees refuse to receive the Corona vaccine? The answers and more are in this report.

What happens to the body if a person receives 10 doses of the Corona vaccine in one day?

We start from New Zealand, where local media reported that a citizen received 10 doses of the anti-Coronavirus vaccine in one day, after people paid him to take the vaccination instead, according to the French magazine Le Point.

The magazine pointed out that the story of this "overly selfish" man sparked a great controversy in New Zealand, causing an investigation to be opened into the incident, especially that the person in question is exposed - according to immunologists - to a very high fever and headache due to the stronger immune response that may provoke the intake of vaccines inside his body. .

Local health officials indicated that people refusing to receive the two doses of the vaccine paid the man in order to enable them to obtain a health permit that would allow them access to certain places, a measure imposed by the New Zealand authorities to curb the spread of the virus.

A local news site stated that the man received the different doses in multiple vaccination centers, which the country's vaccination campaign coordinator, Astrid Kornev, considered "extremely worrying", stressing that the New Zealand Ministry of Health is taking what happened seriously in close coordination with all the relevant agencies.

A vaccination expert who was briefed on the health of the man who received the ten doses explained that his health is not in danger, but she warned that he may be exposed to a significant rise in his body temperature and headaches as a result of the complications of the intensive vaccination.

She also warned that the behavior of individuals willing to pay for this type of services is "particularly dangerous", because by providing a false vaccination record, they can continue to spread the virus among citizens.

What did a recent study reveal about the effectiveness of two doses of Pfizer's vaccine against the Omicron strain?

Laboratory experiments in South Africa revealed that two doses of Pfizer's vaccine proved to be only 22.5% effective against infection with the Omicron mutant, but they could resist severe disease symptoms, according to the German news agency.

And researchers at the African Health Research Institute in Durban released additional data for a limited study released earlier this week.

The research looked at blood plasma samples from 12 participants, and the scientists found that Omicron led to a 41-fold decrease in the levels of neutralizing antibodies produced by people who received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine compared to the strain discovered in China two years ago. Approximately.

The team of scientists led by laboratory chief Alex Segal said that this "essentially compromises the ability of the vaccine to protect against infection", and they said that there is still sufficient protection against severe disease symptoms.

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How effective are 3 doses of the Corona vaccine against the Omicron strain?

We move to good news in Britain, where the Health Security Agency said last Friday, based on preliminary results of a study, that booster doses of “Covid-19” vaccines provide protection between 70% and 75% of mild symptoms of the Omicron strain, according to Reuters.

The booster dose is the third dose given to a person who has already received two doses of the coronavirus.

These results represent some of the first data from outside lab studies regarding omicron protection, showing reduced immune activity against omicron.

Early data from the real-world study suggest that while Omicron is largely able to evade the mild symptom protection offered by both doses of vaccination, the booster doses restore some of this protection.

"Caution should be exercised in dealing with these early estimates, but they do suggest that the risk of omicron developing a few months after the second dose is greater compared to the delta mutant," said Dr. Mary Ramsey, head of vaccination at the Health Security Agency.

She added that protection against severe symptoms is expected to remain greater.

"The data suggests that this risk is significantly reduced after the booster dose, so I would urge everyone to take the booster if they qualify for it," she said.

In an analysis of 581 people who tested positive for Omicron, it was found that the booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine provided protection for about 70% of symptomatic infections for those who initially received the AstraZeneca vaccine, and about 75% for those who received two doses of Pfizer.

Did Ugur Sahin, the inventor of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, and his wife and company employees refuse to receive the vaccine?

A video has spread on social media claiming that the inventor of the “Pfizer-Biontech” vaccine against the Corona virus, Professor Ugur Sahin, his wife and his company’s employees did not take the vaccine, but the real story in Sahin not taking the vaccine at the time is due to another reason, which is that it was not a priority at the time, according to Deutsche Welle and The Associated Press, which refuted these allegations.

The news, launched by one of the users in a tweet circulated on Twitter and in a video spread on YouTube, claims that "Dr. Ugur Şahin, CEO of Biontech and discoverer of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, refrains from taking the vaccine for security reasons.

And this video actually shows Dr. Ugur Sahin, but he is old and has been since 2020, and Dr. Sahin has already taken a vaccine, and received the booster dose, according to what the Biotech company told Deutsche Welle.

What happened?

In this modified video, a journalist asks Shaheen if he received the vaccine, and he answers that he is not legally allowed to take the vaccine, due to the fact that there is precedence in Germany for those who receive the Corona vaccine.

During the appearance of the video, the priority in Germany was to take the vaccine for the at-risk groups of patients, the elderly and their relatives. Shaheen further explains that neither he nor any of the company's employees were allowed to take the vaccine during clinical trials on it, "It will certainly allow us to do so. It is very important for us that our workers get the vaccine, our goal is to produce more than 1.3 billion in 2021, and this cannot be achieved. Except for working day and night 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without stopping.”

Shaheen did not indicate, from near or far, that he did not want to take the vaccine.

Shaheen got the full vaccine months ago

During the first and second meeting phase in 2020, the 55-year-old scientist Ugur Sahin was unable to take the vaccine, because the situation in Germany did not allow the vaccination due to the priority imposed by the state and the Ministry of Health on those who have the right to take the vaccine from the threatened groups, especially those who They are over 80 years old and are elderly residents.

In March 2021, Şahin and his wife Ozlem Turje announced, in an interview with the newspaper "Bild", that they and the company's employees had received the vaccine. In response to a question from Deutsche Welle, a Biontech spokeswoman commented on the latest publications about the vaccine developer on social media, saying, “This is a mistake; these data date back to December of 2020, which is of course completely old, as he obtained the two doses The first two of the vaccine (the first and the second in early 2021), and he will receive the booster dose soon.”

Hence, the allegations that Ugur Şahin refuses to vaccinate against “Covid-19” are unfounded, and these attempts to publish such fabricated videos are nothing more than an attempt to distort the facts from skeptics of the effectiveness of the vaccine and delusional conspiracy theories.