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Algeria news for Friday, February 11, 2022

Dozens of expelled families suffer from homelessness in Rouiba

Radia Merbah
Dozens of families against whom the expulsion decision was applied are waiting in the municipality of Rouiba. About 6 months ago, she spent it at the mercy of the cold inside tents that she was forced to install in the locations of her residences, including those whose buildings were demolished in the industrial zone, and those that were expelled from functional housing after years she spent inside them, only to find herself overnight floundering in miserable conditions that cannot be tolerated, especially when we are At the gates of the holy month.

18 families who used to live in the chaotic neighborhood in the industrial zone of Ruwaiba, are still facing homelessness on the street for about 6 months, as they were forced to erect tents in the site from which they were expelled and demolished their homes after they tried all means to find solutions to their situation and save their families from being lost, so no municipality intervened To find circumstantial solutions to the crisis, and no administrative department gave her promises to ease the brunt of the pain that was imposed on her inside those tents that she set up from blankets and plastic, where the various requirements are absent after the cold has become killing the bodies of its members daily. The street to meet their needs, whether with regard to washing and shaving, or even meeting biological needs, while the elderly among them resort to cafes, neighbors, and mosques.

The harsh conditions that these families live with, accompanied by the Ogles family, which consists of 3 families with a total of 11 members. They also face the hardest days of their lives after the darkness of darkness intensified upon them, and the expulsion decision was applied against them from the job housing in which they lived for years of their lives in Abdelmoumen High School in Rouiba. Since the date of last September 26 to the present day, she has been facing various forms of suffering and misery, waiting for a response from the authorities, headed by the governor of the capital, Ahmed Ma’bad, to consider the issue of insulting the dignity of a family and its displacement, which meets all the required conditions and evidence for its entitlement to the housing in which it has lived since the eighties of the last century. .

In view of the continued deterioration of the situation of the expelled families in Rouiba, especially with the cold weather that affects the health of adults before the children, they are calling today to the governor of the capital, Ahmed Ma`bad, in order to intervene to redress them after they sensed inaction on the part of their local officials who did not move a finger to contain their case. Although the municipality is ranked among the wealthiest nationally, it can help those slowly dying families in any way.

Citizens complain about urban chaos in Awlad Oraiba in M'sila

Ahmed. Q
Dozens of residents of Awlad Ariba, located in Maqra, east of M'sila, called on the local authorities to intervene, in light of the urban chaos, the encroachment on spaces and places, and the closure of some roads, which caused a state of discontent and resentment among the citizens, who appealed to the first official in the state No. 28 to dispatch a committee To investigate the facts and stop this phenomenon, which increased during the last election campaign period.

According to our interlocutors, the streets of Awlad Ariba, or what is known as the old Maqra, are plunged into chaos due to the closure of some secondary roads and streets and even the seizure of sidewalks and part of a piece of land belonging to the municipal branch during the electoral campaign period, through the construction of a wall side by side with a wall The administrative branch and other transgressions, in addition to that, Al-Shorouk speakers were quick to enter a new headquarters for the National Security soon to fight thieves and establish security and tranquility among the population.

This situation has contributed to changing the urban and aesthetic face of the city, which until recently was the center of the municipality, with a decent urban character and a destination for the residents of the region, but the neighborhood is witnessing deterioration and depletion of some vacant spaces.

According to our interlocutors, all their appeals to the local authorities failed, without their appeal being heard or a response, by opening an investigation and determining the responsibilities and including stopping these abuses, despite the instructions and recommendations provided by the Wali of M’sila, within the framework of Fighting various forms of chaotic constructions that do not have the required documents, and imposing the prestige of the state.

For further clarifications and in order to obtain a response from the local authorities, Al-Shorouk made a telephone call with the head of the Municipal People's Assembly, who confirmed the existence of some urban abuses that occurred months ago. He also intervened after his installation during the past few weeks, which enabled the removal of One of the citizens, an amount of bricks intended for construction, and with regard to the seizure of an area near the administrative branch, the fence will be removed in the coming days after his intervention, adding that all efforts made at the present time aim to combat the phenomenon of the spread of chaotic construction throughout the municipality. It is related to the opening of a headquarters for the security services in the region, after the completion of its works, the local authorities of the municipality hope to do so as soon as possible, which will benefit the citizens for more security protection.

Atallah's children in Medea without water despite the completion of the project

b. Abd al-Rahim
The residents of the Awlad Atallah area in the municipality of Shneikil, in the far southeast of the state of Medea, about a year and a half ago, were glad of the visit of the governor of Medea after Al-Shorouk touched on their suffering. After standing on the reality of what they are suffering, which has already been done.

Subsequently, a rural path project was sent to remove the isolation of dozens of families, as well as a water reservoir project that was connected from the canal that supplies the municipality of Shneikl from the Al-Athawra waterfall. At that time, and in record time, the reservoir project was emptied, as well as connecting the houses with water, and it was also provided for one time as an experimental measure For the received project, as it was a big day for dozens of families whose simple dwellings had never been visited by water before, and their still life was not aware that it was the last time, at least to the extent of writing these lines, as it was found that the possibility of supplying it from the canal that supplies the municipality of Shenkel is excluded, at least in The current circumstance may affect the supply of the latter and cause fluctuations in distribution.

The same problem will be faced by the residents of Awlad Arabiya in the municipality of Shneqil, who are being empowered with a water reservoir and linking their residences from it, so that the supplier of these reservoirs will remain in the answer “from where?”, Which reflects the shortcomings of tribal studies for such projects.

The residents were surprised by the fact that matters were not clarified to them regarding the absence of the source that supplies these reservoirs, leaving dozens if not hundreds of families in the Awlad Atallah and Awlad Arabiya regions waiting for the hour of relief for a while.

Preparation of more than 2590 real estate book in Blida

s. M
The unified window of the Real Estate Conservation Directorate of the Wilayat of Blida managed to prepare about 2592 real estate books during the past year, according to a report issued by this authority.

The same outcome, published on the state's Real Estate Conservation Directorate's social media website, revealed that during the period between February 22 and December 31, 2021, 2,592 real estate books were prepared out of a total of 5,523 applications registered in the register.

These prepared real estate books were distributed at the level of each of the Wednesday branch with 1123 books, 643 books in Boufarik Governorate, 612 books in Blida Governorate, and 214 books in Afron.

Out of 2592 notebooks, about 1380 files were handed over, of which 637 were delivered in Boufarik, 389 in Arbaa, and 188 in Blida.

The source explained that the same authority received, during the same period, 5523 files registered in the register, in which the Wednesday governorate topped the list of requests with 2800 requests, followed by the Blida governorate with 1347 requests, and the Boufarik governorate with 875 requests, in addition to 519 requests registered in the register at the Afron level.

For reference, the implementation of the decision to introduce the unified window in February of last year in the real estate governorate of the state contributed to improving coordination between the real estate preservation and land surveying services

Thus taking care of requests for real estate books, as is the matter of providing the net with the Internet to collect survey data.

Residents of the “Taasast” neighborhood in Bejaia are calling for attention to their demands

N. Ohab
a student living in the “Taasast” neighborhood in the city of Bejaia, took the demands of the residents of this ancient neighborhood, which is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city of Bejaia, seriously, and worked to provide them with the requirements of a decent life, as soon as possible, especially since this The latter is very populated.

The residents of the neighborhood demanded the competent authorities to open the doors of the public library for the reading done in the neighborhood in the face of the students of the neighborhood, and to enable them to use it in the part for which it was built, explaining that this important edifice in the neighborhood had been completed for a long time, and several promises were made to them. , by making it into service as soon as possible, but this has not been done so far, and it has not yet opened its doors to students and teachers in the expected manner, hoping that it will take advantage of the latter, within the framework set for it as soon as possible.

The residents of the neighborhood also appealed to the competent authorities to provide them with a treatment hall, which provides them with basic and necessary medical services, and spares them the trouble of moving to other neighborhoods and regions, similar to the multi-service clinic in Sidi Ahmed, explaining that patients and the elderly in particular, and citizens in general need a hall For treatment in order to heal wounds and provide injections, etc., denouncing the great delay in this regard, despite the fact that their demand and inspiration were presented.

The authorities begin to liberate sidewalks and public spaces in Bejaia

p. Tifmont
The municipality of Souk el-Tenein, east of Bejaia, witnessed, at the end of the week, a massive campaign to liberate the sidewalks and public spaces from the grip of some people who turned the aforementioned places into private property. On the one hand, it distorts the face of the region on the other hand, noting that the tourist city of Souk al-Athnayn has, in recent years, turned into a tin-like neighborhood due to the growing phenomenon of “planting” huts that are exploited by their owners in the practice of trade, in the form of shops selling vegetables and fruits, and others in the form of kiosks. For their part, many merchants acquired the spaces opposite their shops in an illegal expansion, at the expense of the comfort of the citizen who still needs those sidewalks for his movements and public spaces for his rest.

In order to put an end to such behaviors that have exhausted the citizens for many years, the local authorities of the Monday Market, in the presence of the security forces, demolished the shacks and messy tin buildings, which were built illegally on the sidewalks and public spaces in the urban area of ​​the city, where the process included the edges of National Road No. 43, which connects Bejaia with the state of Jijel, along with the land station and the public garden. The demolition process also extended to some neighborhoods of the city, which in turn were known as a complete chaos due to the dangerous growth of the phenomenon of appropriation of public spaces. During this process, 29 shops and huts constructed in an illegal manner were demolished. Legal, in the presence of the head of the department, the head of the Municipal People's Assembly and his deputies, in addition to the technical and security services.

It is expected that this process will be circulated to all municipalities of the state, as in this regard, the authorities of the municipality of Akbou have recently liberated some sidewalks and spaces of the city, by demolishing the huts that were greatly hindering traffic at the city level.

The citizen still suffers in silence as a result of the continuous takeover of sidewalks and public spaces, and this phenomenon has extended to include even the roads that have become crowded with goods in irresponsible behavior that requires the intervention of the concerned authorities in order to enforce the law, by liberating sidewalks inside and outside cities along the roads Patriotism, which, in turn, without warning, turned into a sprawling popular market, like the public spaces that were seized in suspicious ways, which deprived the citizen of resting places, after the latter turned before the eyes of officials into spaces for trade and through that into private ownership. Although the law.

Algeria News for Friday 11 February 2022

The process of demolishing and liberating sidewalks and public spaces was greatly welcomed at the level of the city of Souk al-Athen, while others are waiting for similar operations at the level of their municipalities, as it is impossible to confine these scenes to a specific area due to the chaos experienced by most of the municipalities of the state, but rather some of them Its officials have installed bus stops on the sidewalks, despite their narrowness, without the slightest regard for the danger and inconvenience left by such “lame” decisions that contradict any logic.

Fraud and defects in road works in Tarmont in M'sila

Ahmed Karti
Citizens and associations in Tarmont in M'sila called on the governor of the state to intervene and open an investigation regarding road construction works at a distance of half a kilometer, as a result of fraud and defects in Achievement, failure to respect established standards.

According to the complaint of the Al-Hadanah 2 Neighborhood Association and the Al-Basateen Neighborhood Association, as well as many citizens living in the area, in an interview with Al-Shorouk, after the residents were relieved after the registration of this project, which would break the isolation and facilitate traffic, especially for students, as it connects between the neighborhoods of Al-Houdna and Al-Basatin, however, in light of the abuses, negligence, and waste of public money in a blatant and public manner, in light of the instructions given by the higher authorities in the country, and the endeavor to fight various forms of corruption and corruptors, which was embodied in the work described by those concerned as poor by the costly contractor Works with the complicity of the technical committee in charge of following up the project, and this is embodied in the thickness of the road, which in most of its parts does not exceed 3 centimeters, which is less than half of the minimum applicable standards, and the same applies to the width of the road, which has decreased from six to five and a half meters only in some places. The parts, with the presence of cesspools at a higher level than the road and opposite the water course, which makes placing them useless, not to mention the cracks and cracks, and the appearance of gravel immediately after the completion of the layer of asphalt concrete, because of its quality because it does not have the appropriate amount of asphalt, which is borne by the Central Laboratory for Works General.

In the same context, Al-Shorouk learned that the state authorities ordered officials of the public works sector to move to the site, and the project was inspected in the presence of all the concerned authorities, and as a result, instructions were given to the laboratory to conduct the necessary experiments to determine the quality of asphalt concrete and the thickness achieved and to remove all Reservations as soon as possible, with the preparation of a report and its transfer to the guardianship.

This is how the hearth destroyed four members of one family in Setif

Samir Makhrebash
The death of 4 members of one family in the wilaya of Setif, due to gas, was a real tragedy. Today, there are only two small children among them, one of whom is left to narrate the curse of the “Tabouna” that suppressed the breath of his brothers, mother and father.

The name of the Ben Makhlouf family will remain immortal in the village of Mahdia in the municipality of Ain Arnat in the state of Setif, and people will not easily forget the tragedy that the region witnessed last Wednesday. It is the story of an Algerian family that is not different from the rest of the families that were kidnapped by gas and burned the hearts of Algerians, who were shocked at the condition of a father, mother, son and daughter who had their ears beaten for hours.

It is a tragedy experienced by a 10-year-old child who stayed for an hour among his dead family without knowing it. He woke up early on his own and heated the milk himself while his family was asleep, so he put the pot on the taboon or that gas stove on the ground that is used for cooking and preparing the crumb in particular. Which is not without any Algerian house. And when the milk overflowed, the child did not know that his eyes would overflow with tears after an expected emergency shortly. So the innocent drank his milk, but he forgot to turn off the taboon, left it as it was, and headed quickly to school. So he left the house with light steps, the lightness of that gas that was blown out by the tabunah, and it spread throughout the house while its people were asleep. No one knows who left life before the other and who was the first to perish. Is it the father, 49-year-old Abdul Hamid, the 38-year-old mother Amal, the 7-year-old daughter Taqwa, or the infant Abdul Rahman, who did not exceed The two-year-old, whose body barely knows anything but milk, and after that a deadly gas invaded his lungs and veins.

And the silence of death hung over the house with breathless breaths for hours. In order to reveal the matter of the victims, the uncle had to call his sister on the phone shortly before midday, and he noticed, unusually, that his sister did not answer, and the phrase that your correspondent does not answer the call, he also found it on his sister’s husband’s phone, and he does not know that he will not answer forever. When he was repeating the request, this coincided with the child’s return from school in the middle of the day, so he noticed without hesitation that his family members were still in their beds, and then he heard his mother’s phone ringing, and he answered the call, and if his uncle asked him bewilderedly, words raced where is your mother, why don’t you answer my calls? He replied with all innocence that they were all still asleep, so the uncle was astonished at the matter and had many ideas in one moment, and it is certain that he did not accept the idea of ​​them sleeping until midday.

There he asked his nephew to open the doors and windows and asked a neighbor for help while waiting for him to come home. Indeed, the child asked for help from the neighbor, who intervened and was surprised by the state of sleep, who refused to wake up, so that the neighbors rushed to ask for help. When the civil protection men arrived, they had no choice but to transport the bodies to their penultimate resting place. And the wisdom of your Lord willed that another 6-year-old girl should remain alive, so she was taken out of the house and transferred to the clinic for treatment.

Upon investigating the causes of the accident, the civil protection men suspected the heater's shaft, which might have a defect, especially since it was installed in a strange way, as it rose from the heater to about two meters and then took a horizontal path with the ceiling extending for a distance of 5 meters with more than Elbow and zigzag, to end up outside the house with an elbow that wasn't carefully installed. However, this hypothesis did not last long until the civil protection men discovered the condition of the brick that remained burning after the child left the house, which was confirmed by this innocent child who was absent for four hours and found four members of his family who had passed away.

It is a catastrophe that has already befallen more than one house, making the Ben Makhlouf family the second most affected by the burnt gas in the state of Setif, after the Rakah family, which lost 6 members at once, and that was on April 5, 2019 in the Maafar region in the municipality of Saleh in Setif, where The father, his wife, his two daughters, and his two granddaughters died because of the gas emitted from the heater. The death toll would have been greater had the family not been able to save two other grandchildren. As for the bin Makhlouf family in the Mahdia region, a child survived, her condition is now stable, and she is the survivor, accompanied by her brother, who left the house to go to school, and a new life was written for him with his sister. While in the Mahdia cemetery, 4 graves were dug at once, and a week preceded by the municipality of Saleh Bey in Setif, by digging 8 graves for members of two families who were killed by the explosive gas, whose outlets were numerous and with it many victims under one roof.

..and the death of a disabled person surrounded by fire

On Thursday, in the municipality of Ain Azal, south of the province of Setif, I witnessed a massive fire in a house that caused the death of a public clerk with special needs. He was unable to escape and surrendered under the flames. The victim is 68 years old, known to the municipality of Ain Azal as a public clerk who used to practice his work near the post office. People, especially the elderly, come to him to fill out postal checks and remittances for them, and to issue various administrative documents for them. On the day of the accident, he was inside his house, located in the 50-dwelling neighborhood in the city center of Ain Azal, where he lives alone in an apartment in which he uses an electrical resistance device for the purpose of heating, and it is the device that was behind the disaster after it overturned over the victim’s bed, and it was the cause of the fire that spread to all parts of the world. the home.

When the victim tried to escape, his leg got stuck between wooden planks, and he remained stuck to it until the flames consumed him, turning him into a lifeless body, which is the position in which the civil protection men found him.

One dead and 3 injured after a truck overturned in Bashar

N. Mazri
Thursday, one person was killed and three were injured, in a traffic accident that occurred on National Road No. 06 in the direction of Bani Ounif, in the state of Bechar. The accident occurred after a truck used to transport livestock overturned, causing the death of the 36-year-old driver, and the injury of three people, a 32-year-old woman, a three-year-old child, and a 31-year-old man.

Two teenagers kill a young man in a camp

Mozaila commanders
Elements of the Judicial Police Squad of the security of the Tignev district in a camp managed to arrest two children, between the ages of 16 and 17, suspected of committing premeditated murder. Its victim is a 30-year-old man. The operation came based on a phone call, received from the medical emergency department on the helpline 17, stating that a person with back injuries would be admitted to the emergency medical department of Tignev, and transferred to the hospital institution in a camp where he died, succumbing to the injury.

Investigations revealed that the incident occurred in the area called Al-Ain Al-Kabira in the center of the city of Tignev, so that some of the statements were used for the benefit of the investigation and the arrest of the minors who committed the crime and interrogated them with the legal guardian and the lawyer for being minors, so they confessed to the act attributed to them during the investigation, and indicated that they used a white weapon prohibited from The sixth grade (Bouchia), after which they hid it in their grandfather’s house in one of the nearby places, where it was retrieved by the security forces as material evidence of the crime, and a judicial procedure was completed against them, according to which they were brought before the justice that ordered them to be placed in detention in the juvenile penal institution.

Night closure of the Bouira Highway Tunnel

Ahcene Harrach
The National Gendarmerie revealed that a temporary stop was scheduled during the night period for traffic through the Ain Chriqui Tunnel on the East-West Highway in Bouira, for a period of 3 days in both directions. This is in order to install cables to calculate the flow of vehicles through the tunnel, provided that traffic is diverted via National Road No. 5.

The same interests highlighted on their official Facebook page that the Ain Chriki tunnel located in the municipality of Jabahiya in Bouira, which enters the East-West highway, will know the installation of vehicle flow calculation cables, as a result of which the traffic in the tunnel will be stopped during the night period extending from Ten in the evening until four in the morning during the days of the 13th, 14th and 15th of the current month, provided that traffic is diverted during that period via National Road No. 5 in coordination with other concerned departments until the completion of the works supervised by the highway traffic departments.

It should be noted that the Ain Shriki tunnel had been reconstructed, which witnessed great wear and tear, as it was supervised by a national company accompanied by another foreign company, but the black point in it is the continuation of the works and the placement of barriers in it until today and since it was put into service, with The continuation of the works throughout this period, which has become a source of inconvenience to road users, in addition to the risk of accidents that may occur as a result of these sudden barriers.

An incident of harassment ignites a group fight in the vicinity of the University of Tebessa

b. Duraid
The surroundings of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, at the University of Sheikh El-Arabi El-Tebsi, in the heart of the city of Tebessa, lived throughout the day before yesterday, Thursday, in a state of extreme alert, due to a violent quarrel, the majority of whose heroes were university students, most of whom were schooled in the same college, in which no less than 20 people, including strangers from the university, moved to the scene of the incident from outside the city of Tebessa, and in this violent quarrel that lasted for a long time, various white weapons were used such as sticks, rods, chains, daggers, swords, and stones, which led to a mass flight of male and female students in particular in an atmosphere of screaming. As a result of the quarrel and the case of escape, seven people, including five students, were injured. Their injuries ranged from serious to light. Had it not been for the intervention of the Fifth Urban Security Services, cordoning off the place and dealing with the situation wisely, the quarrel would have taken a dangerous slide, especially since the causes of the quarrel and its rapid development suggested a spark of sedition.

Al-Shorouk’s sources attributed the cause of the quarrel to the harassment of a university student by a stranger from the university, from outside the city of Tebessa. And the quarrel took royal and regional dimensions, and fortunately, its strife was extinguished as soon as the security men intervened, who used the force authorized to them by law, as 11 people were arrested, including 4 students, and the rest who reside outside the city of Tebessa from the throne of the student, and it was heard throughout Thursday evening All parties, who have been charged with gathering, armed quarreling, causing terror among students, and obstructing traffic, are expected to be brought before the investigating judge of the Tebessa court in the early hours of Sunday.

In a context related to the same events, in the same operation, a dangerous criminal, who was sought by justice, was arrested, subject to an arrest warrant, and a copy of a final decision to imprison him, and judicial rulings and physical coercion were issued against him, for his involvement in several crimes related to drug possession and group fights, Among the neighborhood gangs in several places, he was found in possession of a prohibited white weapon, and the cautious anticipation continued yesterday, Friday, when many male and female students attended to feel the pulse of the university, while all male and female students belonging to the throne of the victim student preferred to leave during the weekend.

More than 1,300 homes have been connected to electricity in the shadow areas of the valley

Walid. P
put into service 94 projects to connect to electric power at the level of the province of El-Wadi, during the past year 2021, which was supervised by the Directorate of Electricity and Gas Distribution in the El-Wadi, while it was funded by the interests of the state within the Solidarity and Guarantee Fund for local communities, in the framework of efforts to provide The state's residents with this necessary energy material.

A statement by the Directorate of Electricity and Gas Distribution in the Valley, seen by Al-Shorouk, stated that 154 electrical transformers were completed in these operations, including 135 ground transformers and 19 aerial transformers, at a distance of 69 km from medium-tension networks, and 244 km from Low-tension networks, which allowed more than 5,200 homes to be connected to the electrical grid.

It is mentioned that among the total of 94 completed projects, remote areas and shade areas across the state’s territory benefited from 25 operations, where 44 electrical transformers were put into service, including 36 ground transformers, and 8 air transformers, at a distance of more than 14 km of medium-tension networks, and 54 km of low-voltage networks, benefiting more than 1,300 homes. While these contacts are added to the series of achievements that the Directorate has embodied in the recent period, in terms of its endeavor to connect all remote areas registered in the program with electric power in the best possible time.

The launch of the activities of the national military championship for the march of the commandos in Tamanrasset

Sh. Ben Aich
Inaugurated, on Thursday, in the village of Atoll in Tamanrasset, the activities of the national military championship, for the march of the commandos, in the regional group for the works of installations, the martyr Amhamed El Hashemi. Where did the Chief of Staff of the 6th Military Region, Brigadier General Saadou Moussa, supervise, on behalf of Major General Mohamed Ajroud, Commander of the 6th Military Region in Tamanrasset, the aforementioned competition ceremony, which was widely known and falls within the framework of implementing the estimated annual program of national and international military sports activities for the current sports season.

This tournament was attended by 127 competitors representing 16 teams from the various commands of the major forces and units of the various military aspects and the central interests of People's National Army, in the midst of a competition between the participants over a length of 12 km, which reflects the high physical preparation and strong mental presence that characterizes this type of competition. Combat sports, in order to select the best athletes to support the national military team and to represent military sports in various national and international forums.

The tournament concluded with the awarding of medals and certificates to the best athletes, hoping for the strong leadership in the upcoming national competitions.

Security interests organize a campaign to combat Covid in Ghardaïa

Nazir Tomiat
Recently, police interests in Ghardaïa organized an awareness campaign to limit the spread of the Covid 19 virus in its fourth wave, and the field exit targeted citizens and merchants at the street level And the city’s neighborhoods, as well as public places, in addition to markets and public squares, the same interests call on them to adhere to the prevention measures and the health protocol that the Ministry of Health demanded to limit the exacerbation of this epidemic, which did not leave an adult or a young person from whom even children were not spared by inviting the various segments of society. To adhere to health preventive measures, as well as to avoid queues in front of shops while maintaining a social distance, noting the obligation to wear a protective mask, respect for a sanitary safety distance specified at least one meter between two people, regular hygiene, continuous sterilization, as well as the need to feel the sense of responsibility for health prevention protocols and measures. .

The issue of development is the focus of a meeting between farmers and the governor of Ghardaïa

Nazir Toumiat
The governor of Ghardaïa organized this weekend, a working session with the farmers of the Grain Division of the municipalities of Sebseb and Metlili in Ghardaïa, in the presence of the Director of Agricultural Departments, the President of the Chamber Al-Falahiyya and the State Secretary of the Peasants' Union, where he listened to all their concerns raised in the same sector, in addition to the most obstacles they face in practicing their agricultural activity in the region.

The problems revolved around the lack of electricity provision, which has become an obsession that terrifies various farmers in the exercise of their agricultural activities, in addition to putting forward the file of opening agricultural paths, as well as real estate expansion, and settling the files of the null condition for benefiting from subsidies, all in order to encourage agricultural reforms by investors.

This is what the person responsible for practicing agricultural activity in the entire region guarantees, beginning with accompanying farmers and investors and supporting them by facilitating licenses for digging wells and settling agricultural real estate, which is among the most bureaucratic obstacles that impede agricultural activity today, in addition to solving the various obstacles and problems it suffers from. The farmer is on his land, and the same official undertakes to provide everything that contributes to the promotion of agricultural activity.

The death of the oldest living person in Naama at the age of 115

Mohammadi. P
Haja Chikhaoui Milouda, who may be the oldest living person in Algeria, passed away at the age of 115 at her home in Ain Safra, in the state of Naama. According to her relatives, the deceased was born in 1907 before the First World War, and she had visited the Holy Bekaa in order to perform Hajj in 1979 and performed Umrah when she was 106 years old. She was in good health and memory, and did not suffer from incurable diseases. and grandchildren.

The Ostrich Hospital benefits from an oxygen generator

S. M
Qadri Mohamed Hospital in Naama supported Thursday by receiving an oxygen generator as part of the efforts aimed at confronting the Corona pandemic, according to what was reported by the Directorate of this health facility. The director of the hospital, Abd al-Karim Salih Laour, said that the generator, whose capacity is estimated to produce medical oxygen at 700 liters per minute, is a gift from one of the economic dealers. The Directorate has formed a committee comprising specialized technicians, in coordination with the administration of Al-Naama Hospital, to install this generator, which is the second of its kind at the level of the same health institution, and the operation will take place within no more than two weeks from now, according to Mr. Saleh Laour.