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Jan 28By smarthomer

Apple creates a shipping technology on the iPhone and iPad screen

A recent report revealed Apple's recording of a new patent related to charging one device from another wireless only through the screen, and works to provide this feature in its iPhone and iPad devices..

Previous reports confirmed that Apple is working on the idea of charging a device from another device, but the talk was about charging the iPhone from iPad through the back, so that the tablet is placed on the screen and above it the smartphone.

According to a new report published by the Appleinsider website interested in covering Apple news, the company has already obtained a patent for wireless charging technology by connecting two devices to each other, but through the screen and not the back as it was rumored in the past.

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The report stated that the idea of the company is to charge the small devices and the accessories it provides to work with iPhone and iPad, such as AirPods or the pen in the case of Apple Pencil.

Under the name "Wireless Shipping through the Screen" or "TDWC", as mentioned by the report, it was a new patent certificate for Apple so that it allows users to charge the accessory only by placing it on the screen.

While the report stated that the new technology will not stop or disrupt the iPhone or iPad (the power source) at all during the charging process through its screen, but the accessory will be placed in a partial that will be extinguished to be completely transparent for shipping, provided that the work is done naturally and the screen content is seen inThe other side, which is a much better advantage than the previous idea about charging one device from another by connecting back, as this would have mean to stop using the power source completely.

No dates have been set for the beginning of the arrival of the new technology in the future devices of iPhone or iPad, but with the recording of the patent already registration, expectations indicate two to three years for their availability already..

Until this date, Apple must work to provide wireless charging technology in all its accessories and expanding the spread of the idea among users so that the new technology receives more popularity and provides a service that the user needs, especially since shipping through the screen can cost users more sums to buy upcoming versions of iPhoneAnd an iPad.