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Oct 25By smarthomer

Apple tops Swift Playgrounds 4 to learn programming language

After announcing it at WWDC 2021, Apple has released the Swift Playgrounds 4 application.0 What children and adults can use to learn the company's Swift programming language.

For the first time, the program allows you to create iPhone and iPad applications directly via the iPad.You can now use your tablet to download your complete applications to App Store using App Store Connect.

In addition, Swift Playgrounds 4 comes.0 equipped with a set of life quality improvements.For example, you can examine the changes on your application while making them actual time.

Speaking of the inspections, you can now see how you look filling in the screen.Apple also added guaranteed suggestions to help users write code quickly and accurately.

The project search feature is also more powerful as it can now find results via multiple files.There is also an advantage to transfer your projects between Playgrounds and Xcode and return again.

آبل تصدر Swift Playgrounds 4 لتعلم لغة البرمجة

Once iPados 15 is installed.2 via your tablet, go to App Store to download Swift Playground 4.0.

Swift Playgrounds makes learning programming and creating real applications is fun.You can solve the interactive puzzles in the guiding guide "Start using software instructions" and learn the basics of creating applications to "start using applications".

You are experimenting with a wide range of challenges and samples that allow you to explore the experiences of writing unique software.

Apple allows iOS developers to create applications via iPad

Swift Playgrounds does not require any experience of programming, making it perfect for learners who just started.Swift and swiftui, the programming techniques created by Apple and are used by professionals around the world to create many most popular applications today.

And because Swift Playgrounds is designed to take advantage of the iPad and the real iOS development group, it provides a unique educational experience.

The lessons that Apple created to the basic concepts of programming use you using software to solve puzzles.You can see your software instructions working in a 3D world reactive and enlarged.

Animation offers every new high -level programming concept before diving in puzzles.It also provides the list of terms and the included assistance pages detailed on orders, work frameworks, and available terms.