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Oct 16By smarthomer

Article: Chinese smartphones are gaining popularity in online education in Iraq after Corona's outbreak

Baghdad, May 3, 2021 (Xinhua) Smartphones and laptops made in China have gained popularity by Iraqi students, as they meet their need to learn online, after the restrictions imposed by the official authorities to limit the spread of the Corona Koruna in the country.

Iraq is not different from the rest of the world, which was affected by the pandemic in all forms of daily life for people, as well as causing great damage to the economy, health and other sectors, especially the education sector, which suffers mainly from destruction due to wars, violence and conflicts that Iraq has witnessed in recent decades.

After the rapid outbreak of the new Corona virus (Kovid-19) across the country, the Iraqi government was forced to take a series of restrictions to reduce the spread of the disease, including stopping studying in schools and universities and replacing them by creating educational platforms on the Internet to prevent gatherings in schools and universities.

As a result, Iraqi students were forced to buy smartphones and laptops to continue their studies via the Internet, although many of them cannot purchase it because of the negative impact of the Corona's pandemic on the Iraqi economy.

Muhammad al -Azzawi (20 years), a student at the University of Baghdad while researching a smartphone store for advanced mobile phones at reasonable prices, said that Chinese and computers are suitable for Iraqi students in these difficult economic conditions..

"The Iraqi students went to buy Chinese smartphones, not because they are developed and contain many of the advantages they need in their studies, only that she is also a budget friend, which made her very attractive to most students," Al -Azzawi told Xinhua..

Al -Azzawi added that I came today to buy a high -quality tablet phone and its cost is appropriate, stressing that the launch of Chinese companies for these phones at reasonable prices, helps students to continue their studies..

In the context, Abu Yahya, the owner of a store selling SIA (in the late 1940s) in Al -Mansour neighborhood, west of Baghdad, told ((Xinhua)), "There is a great demand from Iraqi students on Chinese smartphones because of its advanced technology and the ease of fixing it in the event of occurrenceflaw".

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He emphasized the existence of a large request from students to buy Chinese smartphones such as ((Huawei, Realme, Xiaomi and Infinix) since the spread of the disease in Iraq and switching to online education because of its wonderful advantages, including 72 -hour battery, a strong camera, and a processorVery fast".

"With regard to maintenance, spare parts are available, cheap and easy to repair, unlike other smart phone brands," he added..

Observers believe that the increase in Iraqi students ’demand to buy more Chinese smartphones and computers, as a result of increasing injuries to the Cofide-19, which has begun to affect young people, which may cause the authorities to make the study online for all stages.

"There is an increase in the number of injuries to Corona during the past few weeks, some of which were registered among young people, so I believe that the government will be directed to make study online at all stages of the study," said Dr. Hassan Al -Jubouri, a professor at the technical institute..

He continued, "Certainly, this procedure will push the rest of the students to buy smart phones to continue the study, and because they are from poor layers, the Chinese smartphones will be a lifeline for them because of its excellent characteristics, as well as their reasonable and appropriate price for the income of the poor.".

The increasing popularity of Chinese technology products in Iraq is not only limited to smartphones and their accessories, but also extends to high -tech laptops.

Iraqi students prefer Chinese technological devices because they have proven high quality and because of its high features and long -lasting batteries.

"Chinese companies offer a better guarantee and maintenance than other companies," Twana Dahab, 45, a laptop store owner, told (Xinhua)..

The Iraqi market has been filled in the past few years, with many brands for smartphones and laptops, including (Samsung, Sony, iPhone) and others, whose prices are expensive for many Iraqis, especially students.

But with the entry of Chinese smartphones for the first time in 2008 to the Iraqi market, the balance scale changed, as smartphones and Chinese laptops gained popularity and increasing confidence among the Iraqi people.

The number of injuries to the disease (Kovid-19) in Iraq until yesterday reached one million and 74930 injuries, including recovery 957200, and 15536 died, and 102,194 are still receiving treatment in hospitals according to the latest statistic announced by the Ministry of Health.
