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Jan 10By smarthomer

Can English remain "the world's favorite language"?

Hundreds of millions of people in the world speak the English language, but can developments in translation techniques and the spread of hybrid languages to threaten their status?

What is the country that is proud to be the most countries in terms of the number of speakers in English, or in terms of the number of those who learn to speak?

The answer is China.

A study published by the University of Cambridge says that in China about 350 million people have knowledge of English, and there are at least 100 million people in India.

In China, there are a largest number of English who speak English, a second language, from the number of Americans who speak it as a first language.For five Americans speak a language other than English in their homes.

But how long will the English language remain the "favorite language in the world"?The International Economic Forum estimates that about one billion and 500 million people around the world speak it, but the number of those who speak it is less than that, as it is only 400 million.

Of course, there are more than one English, even in England itself.In the historic port of Portsmouth, for example, the regional dialect known as "Bombay" is still used, despite the challenges it faces from new forms of English on the Internet and American English.

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English is the world's favorite common language, that is, the language that people mostly resort to if they do not participate in the first language.

If we imagined a position in which a Chinese does not speak to the French, with a French who does not speak the Chinese, we would have mostly used English.

These two people could have, about five years ago, no more, they would speak to each of them, and immediately listen to the automatic translation, thanks to the progress of translation by computer, and the technology of votes..

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Therefore, the English language days as the top of international languages, may have become numbered.Frankly, we say: the computer is coming, and it will win it.

And whoever reads this topic in its English version, in which he wrote, can by pressing a button on the computer, or by pressing the tablet, to read the same topic easily in the Arabic, German, French, or Japanese language.

So why is the interest in learning English if the computer is on your behalf in difficult works?

Does human translators have a future?

If you want to enter the business field internationally, at the present time, to play the latest video game, or to listen to the last popular music versions, you will find it difficult if you do not know English.But the situation changes quickly.

We and Nikum Lee, a South Korean, works in the field of computer science at Stanford University in California, to develop a program for translation and awareness of sounds to help people when they request customer service departments, and with its use, you will not be able to differentiate the human voice and the automated sound made.

Professor Christopher Maneting, who works at the same university, says that it is never excluded that the technique of translation by computer is developing so that it is in the quality of translation that human or more quality does..

This is not the only challenge facing English.Given that a large number of people speak it as a second or third language for them, the hybrid languages are spreading, and they are languages that link elements of the English language with some elements of local dialects.

In India, you can find "Hinglesh"-Indian (English Indian), Bangaling (Bengali English), and Tamamgligi (Tamil English).

In the United States, many Americans, with Latin descendants from the center and south of the American continent, speak Spanish (Spanish English), in the same way of linking the elements of both languages.

English has changed since Choser's era

The language is not only a means of communication.It is an expression of identity, which tells us when we hear it a lot about the identity of the speaker.

It is thanks to the fact that the English language is a global language that it is the language of two states that were the most powerful in the world, namely Britain and America.But the situation has now changed with the emergence of China as a major economic power.

This change may push job seekers to learn the Chinese.This began to increase even in the United States.

But English is still the language used in high schools in Uganda, and some parents still teach their English a first language.In many parts of the world, it is still seen as a gateway to success.

Is the future of English in danger?I do not think that, despite the possibility of its role as a global language during the coming decades.It is like other languages, adapting to steady changes.