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Consultant Jalal Al-Musawi answers the questions of "Al-Wasat" readers in the comments

Today, Saturday (March 5, 2016), Al-Wasat newspaper publishes the answers of Jalal Amin Al-Moussawi, a consultant ophthalmologist, in the section "You ask and the expert answers." Here are the readers' questions and the consultant Al-Moussawi's answers to them:

What is your advice for those who deal with computers on a daily basis and for long hours (an office job) in order to maintain eye health from the problems of looking at the screen for long periods of time?

The daily use of computers and other devices, such as mobile phones, has become a feature of the times. To avoid the stress caused by frequent use, we recommend taking rest periods for a minute or more, and looking at a relatively distant view, about 6 meters, so that the eye muscles relax with the eyes closed, as it is natural to blink. 15 times per minute, but with reading, the number of blinks may involuntarily decrease, which leads to dehydration. We also recommend using moisturizing drops when feeling dry or tired.

Can I undergo a vision correction operation (LASIK) when I am forty years old and be successful?

Lasik surgery at the age of forty does not differ from the early age, except in some cases, as the person needs reading glasses after the operation, and he may need more moisturizers.

My aunt suffers from eye inflammation and also suffers from cataracts. She went to one of the countries and underwent an operation to remove cataracts, and the operation was successful. The doctor prescribed medicine for her to reduce the inflammation before performing the operation, as the time was short, as it only took two weeks to perform the operation. For both her eyes, and now she still says that her operation did not succeed because she still suffers from inflammation and tears in her eyes constantly. She went to more than one doctor and prescribed medicine for the inflammation, but she still suffers. Will the inflammation continue with her forever, or is there a cure?

If the operation was successful, the wound healing takes only 4 weeks to return to normal, and in some cases it is delayed due to other factors such as dryness, trachoma, or blepharitis, which necessitates the use of other medications such as moisturizer for a long time.

My son is now 10 years old, and the school administration told us that he has poor eyesight, and I contacted the health center, and he examined his vision with points, as it was found that he has poor eyesight in the right eye, then I contacted a private doctor, and he examined him, and he said that his vision is normal, the question is, can it be Sometimes the vision is weak and other times the vision is normal?

If the medical examination was 6/6, it cannot change in a short period, i.e. within 6 months. However, if there is a genetic factor, the eye may weaken at any time, and a new examination must be done, and it may need eye drops to accurately examine the vision.

I suffer from low vision and I don't want to wear glasses. Does this affect me? Does frequent phone use affect vision? Is the role of the head or headache of the causes of poor vision?

Not wearing glasses in case of poor eyesight may lead to headache and eye fatigue and may lead to more weak eyesight, meaning that wearing glasses may preserve vision and reduce stress, and the use of devices affects the eyesight in children, but reading without glasses for adults only is better In the event of age beyond 40 years, in the event of myopia.

I suffer from burning in the eye and a feeling of a foreign body inside the eye when exposed to air or in cold or hot weather. What is the treatment? Note that I use contact lenses to correct vision?

These are symptoms that may occur with dehydration or sensitivity, and they are more than the use of lenses, and the air also increases dryness. It is preferable to use drops for lenses, and if they do not improve, it is preferable to visit a doctor.

I am 37 years old. I suffer from tearing in the left eye. It is said that it is a blockage in the tear duct. Is there a treatment for that, or is it necessary to perform a surgical intervention?

If there is a blockage in the external eye canal, you may need to widen the canal, which is a simple operation. But if the obstruction is in the internal canal, the operation must be performed with a silicone wire placed for a period of 6 months.

Is there a relationship between RK and IOP? As I was recently diagnosed with high eye pressure, knowing that I underwent RK surgery 22 years ago, and Travatan was prescribed for one eye in the evening, but vision declined immediately the next morning. Some of the few websites on the Internet say that this is normal due to a change in vision. The shape of the eye after the operation, and some others say that it must be treated immediately, so what is the solution?

There is no relationship between vision correction and eye pressure, but vision impairment immediately after using eye drops is not necessary, and vision decline after RK surgery is something that happens over time and takes several years and can be repaired with medical vision, and the use of pressure drops increases dryness as well.

I have a retinal problem since birth, and it was hereditary. It is a retinal fracture in one eye, and the vision from it is very weak. Is it possible that it affects the healthy second eye, and if the problem in both eyes leads to blindness, and is there a modern treatment for this problem? ?

If weakness occurs in one eye since childhood, then this leads to a condition called laziness of the eye, and its treatment at a young age may be effective, but the normal eye may maintain its strength without effect, and laziness does not lead to blindness.

When I stay up late and wake up in the morning, I suffer from burning in the eyes. What is the treatment for this?

This is one of the signs of dryness in the eyes, which increases with staying up late, interrupting sleep, or traveling. The presence of dryness in the eyes increases when sleeping. It is preferable to use moisturizing packs.

My newborn daughter suffers from a lot of tears in her eyes, which caused her to have 3 eye infections. What is the appropriate treatment and how do I take care of her eyes and avoid inflammation?

The recurrence of inflammation in the eye may be due to the infant putting his hand in the eye or the presence of a blockage in the tear ducts. The tear ducts must be checked because their treatment is easy if they are blocked.

I experienced symptoms that are most likely according to the initial examinations of MS, where I suffered from tingling and numbness in the left part of my body along with the face, drooping eyelids and mouth, paralysis of the facial nerve, and severe blurring of the eye, including the eyes, but the left is more severe. Eye clinic or wait until the situation stabilizes?

It is necessary to follow-up in the brain and nerves clinic and the eye clinic to obtain a comprehensive examination of the nerve and retina and work the field of vision. Preliminary examination is preferred even before full recovery, in order to build on it in other visits.

My 6-year-old daughter suffers from shogren, what is its effect on the eye?

This disease may lead to dryness in the eyes and mouth, which may lead to external infections in the eye. It is advised to make visits to the ophthalmologist and follow-up even in the absence of symptoms, but treating the disease with medications may improve the situation and prevent complications.

I underwent a retinal surgery while I have type 2 diabetes, and I still suffer from poor eyesight. Does this indicate that my eyesight will fade?

Diabetic retinopathy requires careful follow-up with a retina doctor and with a diabetes doctor. Regulating blood sugar and treating the retina reduces complications and thus preserves the retina and vision.

I am a student who needs to study for very long hours, whether from a computer or a tablet, and like other young people, I am addicted to smart phones. The question is: How can I maintain my eyesight, knowing that it is healthy, but if I look for long hours at the computer or the phone, I feel that I do not see anything?

This is a feature of the modern era that is inevitable, but complications resulting from excessive use must be avoided, which is chronic dryness in the eye, which has no symptoms in the door and children, and frequent periods of rest must be taken in which the eye is closed and looking at open and far places to relax the muscles and take a moisturizer if Necessary while reducing light and radiation.

I suffer from a lot of pain in the eyes extending to the head, accompanied by vomiting, and it sometimes lasts for long times that last for days.. Does this mean that I suffer from a problem in my eyes, knowing that my vision is weak? Is there a risk of laser work for pregnant or breastfeeding women?

These may be symptoms of a migraine headache and the presence of visual impairment that may be a stimulating factor for headaches. LASIK is not performed during pregnancy, but 4 to 6 months after birth, when examinations and surgery can be performed.

I suffer from low vision for about ten years, and in the past I only used medical glasses for the period of study. Is there any harm that could result from not using medical glasses, and what are the harms that could result from that, given that I cannot stand the use of glasses or lenses? From advice you give us, my other question is related to sunglasses. Is there any harm that may result from using non-original and unapproved glasses?

Not using glasses or lenses with poor vision may lead to a headache and an increase in vision impairment, and this is one of the cases for which the Lasik vision correction process may work after the examination, and non-original sunglasses may cause eye damage and may not lead to preventing the resulting damage of harmful sunlight.

My daughter, who is four months old, and from the moments of birth, I noticed her two eyes secreting a sticky green substance, and I used an eye cream. After examining the clinic, they informed me that she had bacteria during childbirth, and maybe the tear ducts were incomplete. I used anti-drops, but the problem still exists, what do you advise me? Do you advise me to visit you or continue to massage the eye and use the cream?

The existence of a blockage in the tear ducts in infants is a recurrent condition, so the ducts must be continued to be massaged several times a day with the use of antibiotic drops in the event of infection, and in these cases the ducts may open in the first year of life.

Is it possible to dispense with reading glasses with LASIK surgery or something similar? And is it available in Bahrain? Is it recommended to conduct it abroad and why and where?

There is no effective treatment with LASIK to get rid of reading glasses at present, and there are lenses for reading and distance in the event of cataracts, and there is a modern technique to implant a device in the cornea for near vision, but it still needs time to complete the operation, and all operations are in Bahrain.

I was born with a vision impairment in one of my eyes, as the cornea is conical and the eye muscles are weak, so I cannot control it. It moves by itself to the far left when I fix my gaze on anything, which puts me in embarrassing situations since childhood. I can only see through fog and colors, knowing that My other eye is healthy, but with time my vision became weak. I got used to my life like this, but with driving I had to bend my head a little so that I could see the side mirror. Has medicine reached a solution that makes me able to see from it, or at least control its direction? If there is, what is the nature of the process, its effects and the extent of its pain?

The eye usually deviates if it is weak and lazy, and the brain cannot control its movement. Treatment for poor vision and laziness in children is possible, but it is difficult and complicated in adult children, but it does not prevent me from trying, and I need examinations to evaluate the eye first and determine the treatment. As for correcting the eye movement, it is after correcting the vision .

I suffer from a problem in my eyes that gets inflamed from time to time, and I cannot see clearly in the sun or heat, and I feel that there are granules in them, and I suffer from swelling and poor vision in them?

You may have eye allergies. It is best to see an ophthalmologist.

Do non-original sunglasses have an effect on the eyes? And what are the most suitable types of sunglasses (glass or plastic), do you recommend using medical glasses when using a computer or mobile phone for a long time, for those who do not suffer from any weakness or vision problems?

Traditional sunglasses may have more harm than good, as it does not guarantee that they protect from the harmful rays of the sun, so it is preferable to use medical glasses for those who have poor eyesight when reading or using a computer, because they preserve vision and prevent early eye strain.

Is there a treatment for night dinner sickness, or something that improves the quality of life for patients if the cause is not vitamin A deficiency, and is there a specific age for treatment, if any?

There is no treatment currently for night dinner patients, but the complications associated with the disease are treated, which are high eye pressure, cataracts, runny nose on the center of the retina, and taking special vitamins may slow down the disease.

I suffer from a lot of eye redness and tears, so that my right eye tears, especially with heat in it, and this happens at any time, even while sleeping sometimes, or driving a car, or while watching TV.

It is best to visit an ophthalmologist to find out the causes of your eye irritation.

My children play the Playstation, and I am afraid that their eyes will be affected. Do you recommend that I use special glasses to play?

There are special glasses for playing and computers, and they reduce the radiation emitted from devices, but the most important thing is to reduce the time of playing and use to avoid visual impairment.

My daughter is two and a half years old and often suffers from redness in the eyes and dirt in the morning. I went to the hospital and used the anti-ointment for her and she improved and after a while the condition returned. Is this normal or should I visit a consultant?

In the event that the inflammation is repeated, it is not normal, but it is not dangerous. Rather, it may be the result of an allergy, which is the most common at this age, so it is better to visit the specialist doctor.

Is it harmful to use glasses with the same strength but the axis is different?

Yes, there is harm from using glasses with the wrong number, as it causes strain in the eyes and frequent headaches.

Do contact lenses contribute to cataracts or long-term vision impairment?

Lenses do not cause cataracts, and they protect vision from weakness in the long run, if taken care of to avoid inflammation.

My son suffers from poor eyesight, and if he looks at something, he closes his eyes a little to see, so what is the problem?

It is a sign of low vision or nearsightedness. It is recommended to do an examination in an eyeglasses store or with a doctor to get glasses if necessary.

Consultant Jalal Al-Mousawi answers readers' questions

I suffer from blurring of the eye, starting from sitting from sleeping for a short period and then ending, and I am afraid that this is the beginning of poor eyesight. I am 38 and use computers and phones a lot for work?

When sleeping, fluids accumulate in the body and around the eye, and perhaps on the cornea of ​​the eye, which leads to blurring.

Is there a definitive treatment for dry eyes that we are tired of daily moisturizing?

Moisturizing drops are still the most suitable for this, and silicone plugs are placed in the tear duct, as it helps a lot to reduce symptoms, and the underlying causes, if any, such as rheumatism, must be treated.

I feel eye pain after intercourse... Is this scientifically proven and what is the advice to reduce it?

This happens sometimes with migraine and you should check it out.

I have a small lump or lobe formed on the surface of the white of the eye, and this pill is present in both eyes and in the same location, specifically in the middle between the beginning of the eye to the white area and the eyeball. This tingling or pain is in the eyeball or the lens of the eye. For information, my vision is very excellent. I only suffer from nasal congestion, which also leads to a headache, and the eyes are pale and red. For information, I did not use a treatment for the eye problem. My question is what is the reason for this pill and what is the cause of the tingling? within the scope of the eyepiece?

These are symptoms of grease in the eye, and it is caused by excessive exposure to the sun in childhood and youth, and grease leads to chronic dryness and burning, so you should use a moisturizer and see a doctor.

Is it true that non-compliance with wearing medical glasses permanently contributes to a further decline in vision? Note that I suffer from nearsightedness in both eyes, and I only wear glasses intermittently and very little.

Medical glasses protect vision from weakness, especially at an early age. If the vision is slightly weak, perhaps using glasses or leaving them has no effect.

My husband works at night and comes back in the morning. Does it have an effect on sleep, as he is very nervous and his eyes are red. Sleeping during the day is never enough for him. He always feels dizzy inside the eyes. He smokes too.

Lack of sleep or interrupted sleep causes eye fatigue and chronic dryness, which leads to inflammation and chronic eye redness.

I suffer from continuous dryness in the eye and around the eye, and when I wake up from sleep in the morning, I feel that my eyes are not open, and sometimes I feel severe pain in the eye. I have double vision in the right eye, only I work all day on the computer and use the phone a lot. What is the solution to dryness and closed eyes? in the morning?

Dryness in the eye leads to swelling of the eye when waking up, with the inability to open the eye directly upon waking, so he needs moisturizing drops and ointment when sleeping.

I had a wound in the cornea, after the wound healed, I still have blurry vision. What is the problem and what is the solution? Note that it has been about 10 days since the wound?

The wound needs 4 to 6 weeks for vision to return to normal, and it is recommended to use moisturizer during this period.

I constantly suffer from eye dryness, redness and itching. What are your advice for the appropriate treatment for such a case? Bearing in mind that I am a computer and mobile phone user on a regular basis, and is using drops a safe treatment for it, or is there a better treatment?

Using drops of moisturizer is safe and beneficial, especially drops that do not contain any preservatives, and they are available in many types.

I am a 42-year-old man. I suffer from strabismus since childhood. I underwent two surgeries to correct the strabismus, and the deviation is still present. Is the strabismus treated only by surgery, or are there other techniques such as LASIK, laser, or others? Do we have these technologies in Bahrain? If yes, how much does it cost approximately? Finally, are there glasses based on correcting astigmatism (squint)?

The treatment of strabismus in adults is more difficult than in children, and the presence of laziness leads to deviation after the operation. There are special glasses that reduce deviation to a certain degree, and there is no laser for the treatment of strabismus.

My sister suffers from a clouding of the eye, that is, she has fog in her eye, for 14 years, and the doctor told her that she will lose her sight. Is there an advanced treatment?

You need to visit more than one doctor to find out the cause and treatment.

Is it safe to use drops to clear the whites of the eyes? What is the best kind? Does it dry the eye?

Using clear eye drops is not safe and may lead to cataracts or chronic redness.

I live in an apartment and a little sunlight enters it. When I go out in the morning and in the sun, I cannot open my eyes, and all the time I shed tears, but in the shade I can open my eyes, but my eyelid hurts. What is the reason?

Some people are sensitive to light.

I suffer from deviation in my right eye. I went to the doctor and he told me that the treatment is either in the process of correcting the angle of vision or physical therapy. Do you recommend performing the operation and what is the success rate and what are its complications, given that the doctor told me that the deviation may return after a while, is there any other treatment Operation or physiotherapy, can glasses be one of the methods of treatment using the conical lens, and are they present in Bahrain, and do they look unpleasant, knowing that after the examination, it became clear that I do not suffer from myopia or farsightedness, and my vision is clear, not double, except that I face embarrassment during meetings?

Difficulty operations can be performed for adults, but they are less successful than children. The operation depends a lot on the strength of vision in the treatment. Physiotherapy can be done before and after the operation for the muscles and vision. There are no lenses to correct the deviation in the muscles (strabismus), but glasses have a major role in correcting the percentage of amblyopia.

What is the cost of LASIK or laser surgery in Bahrain, and is it performed for people with diabetes and at what age?

Lasik prices differ from one clinic to another and according to the type of operation. The LASIK operation is performed from the age of 18 years. As for people with diabetes, it is preferable not to undergo the LASIK operation, but the operation can be performed in the absence of complications of diabetes and regular blood sugar.

I have a problem in the eye. If, for example, I look closely at something for 10 minutes, it forms fog and I don't see. I examined my eyesight and there is no problem, and my appointment is in Salmaniya next August?

This problem may occur with dehydration and some vitamin deficiency. It is preferable to do an eye examination first before doing any other examinations.

My vision is -1.25. Is it possible for me to undergo a vision correction procedure (LASIK)? Knowing that I wear optical lenses every day?

Lasik operations can be performed from (-1 to -10) as well as operations can be performed for farsightedness and astigmatism, and it is preferable not to wear the operation for a week before performing the LASIK examinations.

Does the use of eye drops and ointment moisturize for a long time have side effects on vision?

Using drops without medical advice may have complications on the eye, and all prescriptions have a specific duration for use, except for drops of moisturizer, especially moisturizer without preservatives, as its effect is like water on the eye and moisturizing ointment as well.

Is it possible to lose sight again after corrective surgery?

Visual impairment may occur after LASIK in some cases. LASIK corrects vision and does not prevent visual impairment in cases of severe myopia, for example. However, LASIK can be performed for another period in case of visual impairment.

Glaucoma is known to be hereditary. How do we avoid it? Is it by prevention only? When do we see a doctor? From what age?

If there are no symptoms of pain or weakness in vision, then the examination starts from the age of 40 years, every two years, if the examination is smooth and there is no prevention of glaucoma, but exercise reduces eye weakness.

Several months ago, I installed a permanent lens in the eye as an alternative to LASIK, without the need for lenses that need care and replacement. Is it possible to have side effects in the future?

Lens implants may cause complications such as infections, eye weakness, and cataracts, but there is a modern ICL lens that has a lower rate of complications because it is similar to external contact lenses, but it is implanted inside the eye without stitching and does not cause complications. All lens implants require follow-up with a doctor.

Do you recommend LASIK vision correction for diabetics?

We do not recommend it to patients with diabetes, as it is a cosmetic operation that is not without complications such as dehydration, but after conducting tests, it may be appropriate for the person to undergo the operation.

What do you think about the method of placing silicone inside the tear duct, especially for my condition, I have always been suffering from dehydration and I have been wearing contact lenses for a long time, and today I am 42 years old?

Silicone plugs for tear ducts and cases of severe dryness are a very safe and easy procedure that does not require anesthesia and does not cause complications and helps a lot in case of dry eyes.

Would a person with a negative vision benefit from LASIK, or not?

LASIK is one of the safe and successful operations as a result of the development in technology, but there are still complications that may occur, but they are rare, such as lack of vision 6/6, or the occurrence of infections that may occur during the period of wound healing or dehydration, which is the most common.

I want to do LASIK, how much will it cost me?

All LASIK operations differ according to the type of operation and the type of device used, and prices range from 500 to 1,000 dinars.

Is it possible to undergo an operation to correct vision at the age of 50? Wearing medical glasses has become a problem for me, because they impede my near vision. I do not like to use double medical glasses?

The vision correction process can be performed at any time, but it is preferred early. Usually, after the age of forty, the person needs reading glasses, meaning that the vision correction is only for the distance, and there is no correction for the distance and proximity together, and the late age to 50 years may be there Signs of cataracts, so it is better to install an internal lens for distance and close together after the LASIK operation.

A woman over 70 years old who suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure, is it possible to undergo a vision correction operation?

It is not recommended to perform the LASIK operation for those who suffer from pressure and diabetes, and at the age of 70 it is not appropriate to perform the operation, and often at this age there is cataracts, and it is necessary to withdraw the water and install an internal lens to correct the vision.

What are the harms of contact lenses on the eye, and is it true that continuing and perpetuating wearing them harms the eye to the extent that it is not subject to LASIK surgery? Because the eye is used to clarity? What are the worst results of the failure of the LASIK operation, God forbid? Does the LASIK process have any side effects and harms in the event of aging, and does the operation lose its effect with age and the return of vision to its previous state?

The harms of contact lenses are not many if the person adheres to cleanliness and care for the lenses. Most of the complications result from negligence that leads to serious infections on the cornea. The most common symptoms are dryness associated with excessive use of lenses and sensitivity to lenses sometimes. Excessive use of lenses does not prevent LASIK from being performed later in any Only time a person needs a week before doing the tests. And the use of medical glasses or lenses does not lead to poor vision, on the contrary, it preserves vision, but does not prevent poor vision, and vision may weaken with or without glasses, but the weakness may be more and faster with not wearing glasses, especially in children. It is one of the modern operations that has a very high success rate, and the most common complications are the occurrence of dry eye, and one of the rare complications is not getting the accurate result, and rarely there is inflammation in the eye, and vision impairment may occur after the LASIK operation, and the operation can be performed again.

I suffer from keratoconus and severe dryness in the eye, especially in the morning. Is this topic relevant? And in the case of keratoconus, do LASIK operations benefit it? They advised me to undergo the crosslinking operation, but when I did the tests abroad, they told me that sight after the age of 30 proves that there is no need for the operation.. What do you think is the appropriate treatment for keratoconus?

Yes, dryness may occur with keratoconus. Dryness is more in the morning and before bedtime. In some cases of keratoconus, superficial LASIK can be done for it if the thickness of the cornea is suitable, after x-ray fixation of the cornea. The cornea can be fixed and stiffened until the age of forty, but naturally it begins to stabilize After the age of thirty. The appropriate treatment for keratoconus depends on the percentage of corneal curvature, the age of the patient, and the speed of disease development. Treatment ranges from wearing glasses, lenses, fixation of the cornea, or corneal transplantation.

My son is four months old. From about a month and a half, I notice the iris moving quickly sometimes. Is it considered an eye problem? Please reply to be reassured, and thank you very much?

In the event of an abnormal itching, the child needs a comprehensive examination to ensure the safety of the eye.

Doctor, I am 23 years old and suffer from lazy eye disease. Is there a treatment?

Treatment of eye laziness gives an excellent result in childhood, but many cases of laziness for adults can be treated with natural exercises.