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Jan 11By smarthomer

Corona virus: Children draw their experiences and advice to deal with them in the shadow of home quarantine

The outbreak of the Corona virus was a home stone in most countries of the world and many Arab countries, and members of many families can spend more time with their families even during work!

But this new situation constituted a great psychological pressure on most of the children, many of whom do not understand what is happening.Parents found themselves facing new challenges, the most important of which is helping children adapt to the new lifestyle.

The BBC Trend Blog spoke to the mental health advisor, "Mohamed Al -Nasser Al -Nusairi", who has experience in dealing with those affected by major crises, "Ebola", including children, through his work with international organizations such as "Doctors Without Borders".We asked him about the most prominent psychological challenges facing children in these circumstances.

"Al -Nusairi" said that the children are aware of their innate sense that an important change falls in their lives, but most of them, according to their age, are unable to analyze reality and understand what is going on, and they directly go to stubbornness, rebellion and ask questions.

Children suddenly cut off their schools and owners and most of the manifestations of life outside the home, and "Muhammad Al -Nasser" says that this feeling of deprivation generates a state of tension in the child, as it is in adults, and represents a form of violence imposed on the child if he is not accompanied by a clear explanation that respects the child's abilitiesAnd its perceptions.

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"The child is able to absorb the answers and interpretations about the phenomenon of the epidemic and the means of protection from it, and he is often able to coexist with the reality of a healthy ban through identification with the behavior of parents.".

How do we deal with children in this circumstance?

The current circumstance caused by the outbreak of the parents ’parents’ epidemic has put in front of many challenges, including occupying the time of their children and filling the vacuum that their school and their owners left in addition to maintaining sensory growth and psychological balance for children, especially those who suffer from difficulties such as those with autism spectrum disorders.

We have provided a mental health counselor, "Muhammad Al -Nasser Al -Nusairi", with some advice to properly deal with children at this stage:

Many families make a great effort to overcome this stage with the lighter damage and maintain the psychological and physical safety of their members, but many children also live in a family climate in which they are vulnerable to violence in its various forms, so the harm of home stone is doubled on them and the size of the psychological pressure they are exposed to.

Family relations "before" and "after" the outbreak of the pandemic

تخطى البودكاست وواصل القراءةالبودكاستمراهقتي (Morahakaty)

Teenage taps, from the presentation of a dignity as a vehicle and prepared by Mays Baqi.


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Since the Internet has entered many homes in the Arab region and people complain of family members' preoccupation with each other, especially teenagers and younger people who spend most of their day in front of computer screens or electronic devices!

Other homes were the problem of working for long hours outside the home, which they leave at rushing in the morning to return in the evening.

In both cases, there is no time for a lengthy daily family dialogue or flying around a table with some group games, or watching a movie or even enjoying daily meals together.

The more concerns of the family members, the more the social gap between them, until they are in extremely strange cases, do not know some of them as much as their friends or colleagues know the work.

From this we complain whenever we meet on vacation or suitable!But we go back to spoil and get it in the cycle of daily life routine.

فيروس كورونا: أطفال يرسمون تجاربهم ونصائح للتعامل معهم في ظل الحجر الصحي المنزلي

But the outbreak of the Corona virus, and its home stone, imposed a new reality that allowed many to spend more time with the family.

What is the difference made by this situation in our family relations?

We asked this question to the followers of the BBC Arabic pages on Facebook and Twitter, so the answers came to be a variety of, the most prominent of which is.

"We have lived inside the virtual worlds."

Some of our followers found in the picture that accompanied our question as a reflection of the scene inside their homes: each of the family is immersed in his mobile phone or his electronic board.

It seems that this was the case of many families, whose members gathered inside the house, but each in his own world.

Some of them work and others are based on a search journey for the Corona virus, its upbringing, the possibilities of its treatment, the number of injuries, deaths, and others.

Some family members may find in his stay at home a rare opportunity to seek watching movies and dramas that missed him!

With our lengthy interruption from the outside world, the Internet and social media have become the strongest that links us abroad.

The longer the stone, the greater the psychological motivation to communicate with the external environment!

"We knew the value of the family."

This was the answer of the majority of BBC followers to our question.

Many have discovered that they really yearn for the family, and they want to enjoy their sharing as much daily activities as possible.

Rather, men have never entered the kitchen except for eating, who were cooking, washing and participating in many household work.

Some enjoy this to the degree of photos with their friends on social media.

"The problems increased and the gap deepened"

The image of the happy family whose members enjoy spending time together, its beauty, not the prevailing image during or before the stone.

In some families, violent fathers and violent mothers, especially with children.

In other families, parents suffer from alcohol addiction, and put them in their scarcity and lack of a psychological state that generates anger and violence that pours his jam on the rest of the family..

Associations and organizations, concerned with resisting domestic violence, have monitored a significant increase in cases since the start of the stone.

In some houses, the breadwinner was forced to stop work, and he missed his only source of income, so the matter returned to the rest of the family.

In less harsh cases, the imposition of home stone on members of the families of coexistence with the nature of some of them and their annoying customs, adding this to the psychological pressure that people live in because of the epidemic, and the rivalries are ignited for the most trivial reasons.

اليوم الدولي للأسروتبعات تفشي وباء كورونا

The fifteenth of May of each year is the International Day of Families approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993.

The celebration of this day is an opportunity to enhance awareness of the families related to the family and all the social, economic and demographic changes that affect it.

The revival of today this year comes in a very special circumstance due to the Corona International epidemic, which made the United Nations put the support of the affected families with the epidemic axis of the International Day of Families this year as it announced on its website:

Supporting weak families - whether they lost their incomes, or who live in inappropriate housing, or that have children, the elderly and people with disabilities - became a matter of necessity more than ever before..

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