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Jan 29By smarthomer

Corona virus: Is it better to have a third dose of the vaccine?

Programs to obtain additional doses of the Corona virus vaccine involve a very complicated work, as it will lead to many repercussions, at the beginning of wasting the global stock of vaccines to the possibility of undermining immunity..

The major turning point in the world's dealings with the Corona epidemic came after six thirty in the morning on Tuesday, December 9, 2020, when Margaret Keenn, 91, and 81 -year -old William Shakespeare, became the first two people to receive an initial doseFrom the Corona virus vaccine away from clinical trials.

The entire room exploded with applause, and this day was called "The Day of Victory".One of the British newspapers celebrated this event, saying in its main title, "Tame the virus", while on Twitter, video clips of the recipient of a vaccine enjoying a charismatic personality say that "somewhat bad lunch" caused him greater concern than the needle that is injected with the Corona vaccine.

The epidemic had not ended yet, but what happened at the time was the first step on the way to overcome the epidemic.

After nine months, about 5 were given.7 billion doses of different vaccines all over the world, and become 41.8 percent of the world's population are partially protected.But the list of unknown things is still increasing day by day.

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"One of the horrific things in this epidemic is that people do not believe everything that is said from scholars, because we change our opinions because the goal is moving," says Danny Altman, a professor of immunology at College University..

Now, after it has become clear that the world will suffer from the Corona virus - and from many subsequent variables - for years to come, the important question now is: Is it sufficient for a person to get two doses of the vaccine?

Altman explains that not long ago - in April and May, he was writing articles and interviews in which he says that most of the people who obtained the vaccine enjoy very enormous immunity, and there is no need to worry about reinforcement doses.

"The expression you used was (the preventive height), because the person who received the vaccine has a high degree of prevention, and even if variables appear that reduce the effectiveness of your vaccine 10 times, for example, this will not cause any harm, because you haveA thousand times of antibodies ".

Then the Delta variable came to turn things upside down - and although most people still have high levels of antibodies, the "hacking infection" - a condition in which the recipient of the vaccine develops the same disease that the vaccine aims to prevent - began to repeat a lot.

"We are witnessing hacker injuries in the face of very good levels of antibodies," Altman says..

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But are we likely to start seeing large numbers of deaths?What is the effectiveness of reinforced doses anyway?What is the best way to deal with these doses?

Starting with radically varying immunity in different groups of people to virtual probability - albeit small - that the third doses of certain vaccines can actually reduce the immunity that we have, there are many scientific reasons that make enhanced programs completely different from the first vaccine dose.

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"Initially, it was very simple concepts - are we testing or not? Do we have counterfeit bodies, or not? But now, it has become much more complicated.".

Let us give, for example, Israel - that country that has sparked its residents on a very early scale, which was recently described by the chief scientific official of the Pfizer company as a "type of laboratory" - by mid -March the rest of the world was still scrambling to obtain the first dosesBut more than 50 percent of Israel's population had already obtained the vaccine.

In May, Israel was among the lowest injury rates anywhere in the world.Things seemed so good that a month later, the government began to reduce restrictions significantly.There is no longer a specific limit for the number of gatherings, and restaurants and other cultural places were opened in front of all citizens, who obtained the vaccine or who did not get it.People are no longer asked to wear masks in open places.

But there was a big problem looming on the horizon, which is the appearance of the Delta variable, which infiltrated across the border at one time in early July, and I discovered its first case on July 7, and the cases soon reached a level that warns of danger.Within weeks, the number of injured people reached hundreds.Later that month, it reached several thousand.

By the time when the Jewish majority in the country began preparing for the religious celebration of the Day of Forgiveness (Kibor) in mid -September, there was at least 10,000 cases of injury every day - this was the highest injury to anywhere on earth..

Initially, it was said that this rapid collapse is due to the emergence of the new variable, and then data appeared that surprised experts around the world.

When a team of Israeli researchers looked at the infection among the people who obtained the country's vaccine, they found that although they were less likely to develop acute symptoms of the Corona virus compared to individuals who did not get the vaccine, their immunity became less powerful over time.For example, those who received the second dose of the vaccine in January were more likely to infection with the acute Corona virus by 1.7 times from those who got the two doses after only two months.

"Fortunately, this is not a database of death, because you simply if the residents are sparked, you will have much lower deaths.So it is all about protecting against diseases accompanied by symptoms, but there are many cases accompanied by symptoms, curves and striking statistical values..

Now, the fourth wave has spread in most parts of the world.In recent weeks, the virus jumped to record levels in Scotland, Japan and the Philippines, and many European countries have witnessed the high cases of infection again.Evidence is that the decline in immunity can be a global problem.

One study in the United Kingdom found that two doses of the Pharaoit/Punite vaccine were 88 percent after one month, compared to 74 percent after five or six months..Meanwhile, the effectiveness of Oxford/Astrazzinica vaccine decreased from 77 percent to 67 percent.

Also, the cases of injury between people who got two doses of our Moder vaccine jumped from 88 out of 11,431 people who received their second dose between December and March, to 162 out of 16,747 people who got the vaccine five months ago, that is, i.e.An increase of up to 36 percent.

Meanwhile, Pfizer revealed that the effectiveness of its vaccines is declining from 96 percent to 83.7 percent after four months.

And as is exactly the case with the protection acquired from the natural infection, it appears that the immunity caused by the vaccine gradually fades.

Augmented vaccination programs began to appear quickly all over the world.In Israel, it was agreed to grant third doses of vaccines to those over sixty in late July, before the government gradually agreed to make it an increasing number of people..

The additional dose of the vaccine is currently available to all people over the age of 12, as long as it has passed at least five months since they got the second dose..

The list of countries that follow the same approach is increasing daily.The United Kingdom recently announced a promoted program for all people over the age60 years old.

In the United States, hundreds of thousands of additional doses were given to people at risk clinically since August 13, and the Biden Administration plans to allow this to all American adults as soon as eight weeks have passed since the second dose has been obtained.The list of other countries that have enhanced programs includes both Italy, China and Russia.

Doctors recently warned that they treated many elderly people who suffer from immunodeficiency after serious symptoms, despite obtaining two doses of the vaccine..

But what is really clear is that the vaccines are still very effective in protecting people from death, regardless of the time of obtaining the vaccine, and the possibilities of the death of people who got the vaccine are very small..In the United Kingdom, there were 256 deaths associated with the virus between people who got two doses of vaccine between January and July 2021, out of more than 51,000 deaths.These cases came significantly in the most vulnerable groups, such as the elderly who suffer from weak immune system.