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Jan 23By smarthomer

Sleeping and taste is a symptom of zinc deficiency in the body .. Here are its natural sources

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I wrote- Shaima, the immune system is the first weapon against the outbreak of the Corona virus, so he loves to pay attention to the foods and drinks that should be eaten.And zinc is one of the most important important elements that the human body needs as it helps to strengthen immunity, so we offer you the symptoms of its lack of body and its natural sources, according to what the "Health Line" website reported..Symptoms of deficiency:- Low the sense of smell and taste.Unemployed weight loss.- Delayed wound healing.Diarrhea and loss of appetite.Natural sources of zinc: 1- Meat: a special source in particular, and zinc can be found in beef and sheep.2- Legumes: Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and beans contain large amounts of zinc, so it is preferable to eat it.3- Sudanese beans: contain a high amount of zinc that enhances immunity and protects the body from infection and viruses.4- Dairy products: Dairy products such as cheese and milk provide a group of nutrients, including zinc, as they contain protein, calcium and vitamin D, all of which are important nutrients for bone health.5- Nuts: nuts and their derivatives such as almonds, cashews and pine.6- Eggs: It contains moderate amounts of zinc, which can help meet the daily need of this mineral.7- Grains: whole grains such as wheat, rice, and oats contain zinc, as they include 100 grams of oats on one milligram of zinc, which is equivalent to 9% of the daily quantity.

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