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Feb 09By smarthomer

Did the former leader of the ruling party in Algeria choose to resort to Morocco?

The issue of the escape of the former Secretary -General of the ruling party in Algeria, Ammar Saadani, to Morocco is still exclamation and the question, and as much as the Algerians have provoked, it reveals the extent of the damage caused by the regime of the late former President Bouteflika with the image of the country.

Tight security guard

In light of a tense situation between Algeria and Rabat, the John Africs magazine confirmed that the former Secretary -General of the National Liberation Front Party, Ammar Saadani, fled to Morocco for stability there, and stressed a transfer of what they described as "security sources in Rabat" that "the Secretary -GeneralThe former of the ruling party in Algeria is pursued by the authorities of his country because of the scandals of corruption, and he found in Morocco a haven for stability there..

وكشفت المجلة الفرنسية عن "أن الأمين العام الأسبق لحزب (جبهة التحرير الوطني)، يعيش في المغرب تحت Tight security guard من الأجهزة الأمنية المغربية، منذ أن لجأ للرباط في الربيع الماضي".She pointed out that "he refuses to speak to the media since his arrival in Morocco," adding that "he does not want to talk about and send signals that the Algerians can view as provocation.".While Saadani was described as "the political ally of Rabat", she stressed that the Algerians see his asylum in Morocco, especially in light of the tensions between the two countries..

He does not intend to seek asylum to the western neighbor

Saadani, who during his political career, held the position of Speaker of Parliament, had "infiltrated" to France at first, with Algerian justice investigations on corruption files after the fall of the Bouteflika regime, as it included ministers, government officials and businessmen, and then transferred to Portugal for fear that it will beA "victim" of a deal between Algeria and France in the context of the handover agreements of the wanted persons, after the issuance of an international fetch card, to find himself again forced to resort to Morocco, a solution that the Secretary -General of the "Liberation Front" party deems the most appropriate and reassured, given that the two neighboring countries have become "enemy".

هل اختار القيادي الأسبق للحزب الحاكم في الجزائر اللجوء إلى المغرب؟

On the other hand, many parties circulated from a source from the Saadani family, that "the former Secretary -General of the ruling party has been residing in Britain for almost a year, and he does not think about its departure, nor does he intend to seek asylum, neither to Morocco nor to others.".

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Its choice of Morocco is not arbitrary

In the context, the professor of modern and contemporary history, Rabeh Longi, believes, in a statement to "The Independent Arab", that it is not possible to explain "Saadani's flight to Morocco unless we remember several things that occurred when he was at a position of strength and at the head of the party's general secretariat, including his statement on the possibility of abdicationAlgeria about the support of Western Sahara, and considered it to be a hint as a Moroccan land, and he also played a major role in overthrowing General Mohamed Median called (Tawfiq), the head of intelligence, which led to the weakening of the agency at the time, in addition to several activities that flow into the same direction, and therefore the choice of Morocco is a country that resorted to itNot arbitrary ".

The man has precedents with politics and corruption

Saadani was accompanied by positions on the issue of Western Sahara that sparked a lot of controversy in Algeria, where he said in a previous dialogue, "In fact, I consider historically that the Sahara is Moroccan and not anything else, and was taken from Morocco at the Berlin conference, and in my opinion that Algeria that pays many moneyFor the organization, which has been called the Polisario for more than 50 years, has paid a precious price without the organization to do something or get out of the bottleneck..After these statements, the Algerian authorities responded by government spokesman, Hassan Rabhi, by saying, "It belongs to its owner and is not equal to the weight of an atom.".

During his leadership, the "Liberation Front" party also led a fire attack on the intelligence service and its president, General Mohamed Median, and accused him of failing to protect the security of Algeria years of terrorism, and to interfere in parties and media affairs, and invited him to leave and leave politics, which sparked widespread controversy in the country.

The Algerian justice, the former Secretary -General of the ruling party, has placed, since 2018, on the list of personalities accused of corruption, but he did not care, but the arrest of the former Minister of Justice, Al -Tayeb Louh, in 2019, was confused and his fears escalated, because he was betting on the man, which urgentlyHis departure towards France.

The leadership of the National Liberation Front, Anas Najlawi, was surprised by the news of Saadani's asylum request to Morocco, and highlighted in media statements, that "it is not logical that a former asylum official requests to escape justice, while no arrest warrants were issued on itHe escaped or wanted for justice, "adding that" when it comes to Saadani, he loses the biased media, so he takes advantage of his position on the Sahara issue to weave the April lies (April) about his request to resort to a sister country between it and Algeria is an inheritance of political sensitivities and skirmishes. ".