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Apr 01By smarthomer

Don't do what hackers and hackers love.. 11 tips to protect your privacy on the Internet

Computer hackers have many tools that help them threaten your security system when using the Internet, but these tips from cybersecurity experts can help you protect your privacy.

1. Confirm the identity of the senderThe process of phishing by sending emails to pay you for your financial information or passwords, has become a very sophisticated way.

Now they call you, use your title, and even mention the projects you're working on for that, unless you're absolutely sure the message is from someone you know, don't open attachments or click links.

2. Install all updates for your browser "While you're browsing a website, you'll think it's safe, someone directs you to a series of other sites that attack you," Giovanni Vina, a professor of computer sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara, explained.

Often, even the owner of the site does not know that his site has been hacked. Although search engines maintain blacklists of known malicious websites, they are constantly changing. Accordingly, experts advise to make sure that you install all available updates on your browser or use a browser that updates automatically.

3. Avoid using public Wi-Fi If you are connected to a public Wi-Fi network, you are likely to get hacked by a hacker who wants to hack you.

As a result, avoid using both public Wi-Fi, and unsecured networks that do not rely on passwords. Alternatively, set up your smartphone as a secure hotspot or subscribe to a VPN service.

4. Facebook Video MinesThe director of security research at cybersecurity firm Tripwire, Tyler Rigoli, says that if a friend posts a video of a strange animal found in Africa, and you click the “Watch” button, you will be asked to download a media player or run a survey. Installs malware on your computer. As a result, be sure to do a Google browser search for the title of the video and see if it's on YouTube.

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5. Turn off Bluetooth after using it The author mentioned that if you leave the Bluetooth feature on your device after using wireless headphones, hackers can easily connect to your phone, tamper with it and steal your data.

Therefore, it is important to always turn off Bluetooth after using it. Furthermore, set your bluetooth settings to 'off' or 'undiscoverable', and ask for a verification code when pairing with another bluetooth device.

6. Withdrawing Small Amounts At first, the author showed that hackers test a stolen card by withdrawing small amounts of no more than $10 to see if anyone notices it. Therefore, check the financial transactions you make on the Internet regularly. In the event that you notice any fees that you did not pay, you will have to report immediately to the authority that issued your card.

7. Hacking the ATM You Just Drawn Cash From The author points out, scammers install cleverly hidden “browsers” to steal your card data, while a hidden camera or thin layer of skin over the keypad captures your PIN.

Therefore, try to use ATMs located inside banks, where it is difficult for criminals to install such devices, in addition to checking the device carefully before using it.

8. Check the apps you install and beware of fake onesThe author said that these apps steal confidential information or bypass your phone's security settings and sign up for premium services to download a free version of a game for example so these scammers will steal your money.

Before installing an app, check the ratings and the number of people who have installed it, knowing that hackers can give fake positive reviews, but they can't prevent users from posting warnings that the app is a scam. It is worth noting that the applications should be downloaded from the official stores, such as Google Play and the App Store.

9. Don't Always Leave Your Device's Wi-Fi On Although it is appropriate to leave Wi-Fi on your laptop, tablet or smartphone turned on while traveling, your device will constantly try to connect to known networks. Hackers can identify these networks and create rogue networks to impersonate them. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the WiFi network is turned off whenever you leave your home.

10. Beware of Fake Software Updates Hackers may send fake updates in order to install hidden malware on your computer. And in case you get a pop-up about an update, go to the actual website of the software providers and check if the update is real. You can also try closing your web browser to see if the update popup is gone. And if it does, it may be fake.

11. Safety in fact The author touched on the advice given by some readers who have fallen victim to or prevented cybercrime. First, try not to apply for a credit card online, and avoid using debit cards, as it allows hackers to access bank accounts much easier than credit cards do.

When logging into an online account, never click "remember me", as it only takes a few seconds to type in your username and password each time, so you certainly don't want to "remember" that information.