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Oct 08By smarthomer

Download Geogebra for the computer. What are the features of Geogebra?Geogebra:

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Geogebra program for mathematics

Download Geogebra Classic

Download Math Calculators

My beloved and followers, we present to you Geogebra, and this is the new program from the computer programs downloading that has been designed to draw equations and sports functions.

تحميل برنامج جيوجبرا GeoGebra للكمبيوتر ماهي مميزات برنامج جيوجبرا GeoGebra ؟ مجالات برنامج جيوجبرا GeoGebra :

What is Geogebra?

Geogebra is a program that specializes in interactive engineering, algebra, statistics, differential and integration applications..

Geogebra program helps you to solve mathematical issues and equations, and this program is a free application that helps you to learn engineering and solve a lot of mathematical functions and equations in addition to that this program is used in a lot of resolving sports curricula bad engineering, algebra or differentiation, as if you are a student inThe school has problems in solving mathematical issues and equations..

Geogebra program is used to solve many mathematical issues in which the differentiation and triangles are used and other mathematics branches. This program also helps you communicate to the events of the bishop.

Geogebra program has a very great and wonderful interface, and this program, if you download it on your computer, this program is very easy in the process of use as it does not ask you for any experience or its skill, and this program is free and available and available to all users in addition to other featuresIt is characterized by this program as it is lightweight on the computer and is compatible with all operating systems.

Additional features for Geogebra:

Geogebra program helps you to convert a two -dimensional drawing in the engineering drawing into a three -dimensional drawing. This program also provides you with several engineering shapes and lines that you can draw and apply to the homogeneous learner, as you can save the graph on the computer with a different vit.It helps you to save the graph on the web on the HTML page, and you can print it for the graph..

The Gio Jabra program allows you to perform a set of accounting operations on the graph, such as measuring lines, angles and axes, in addition to that it has the ability to perform some simple accounting operations such as plural, presentation and department.And algebra.

Gogbara is an interactive mathematics program for teaching and learning mathematics from primary to the university level.Forms can be built in Georgabra by drawing with points, radiology, observations, straight pieces, modests, functions, and mathematical relationships. The elements can be inserted through the mouse, touch screen or input bar using orders. The elements can also be modified by moving them and used to clarify or prove mathematical and engineering theories.

And its main features are:

The Gogbara Program is considered one of the best programs that have been designed in terms of conducting some solutions that include sports equations, as this program may solve many problems facing some students in the different academic stages.


About the writer

Ahmed Mukhtar 138 articles


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