Home >petition >Sleep hours can help reduce the rate of acquisition of visceral fat
Aug 04By smarthomer

Sleep hours can help reduce the rate of acquisition of visceral fat

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  2. صحة وبيئة
  3. ساعات النوم يمكن أن تساعد في خفض معدل اكتساب الدهون الحشوية
مدار نيوز، نشر بـ 2022/01/17 الساعة 7:24 مساءًشارك الخبر:

Madar News/

The accumulation of visceral fat is dangerous to public health, as it can influence the internal organs, and the presence of many of them may be a threat to life.

Violent fats are located around the abdomen between the skin and the outer abdomen.With a lot of these fats around the internal organs such as the liver and pancreas, the individual is at risk of developing a number of serious cases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and breast cancer.

And because it is difficult to get rid of visceral fats, it can be reduced instead of slowing its growth.

A study that followed 293 people over a period of six years found that increasing the number of hours of sleep from six to seven or eight hours, reduced the rate of participants' acquisition of visceral fat by about 26%..

On the other hand, other studies found that bad sleep conditions, such as sleep apnea, are linked to increased visceral fat.

This approach was more clear in the participants under the age of 40.

ساعات النوم يمكن أن تساعد في خفض معدل اكتساب الدهون الحشوية

Sleep is an essential part of the body's operations.The National Health Services Authority (NHS) recommends that you get at least eight hours of sleep every night.

It is noteworthy that bad sleep in one night can make people feel nervous and lack focus the next day, and therefore, the successive sleep at night is not good either, in addition to the exacerbation of mental health repercussions, it can also affect public health.

The reason that makes people more likely to gain weight if they do not sleep well is that people deprived of sleep develop a chemical called leptin that makes people feel full.

With the increased levels of the leptin hormone, the lack of sleep also leads to an increase in the hormone of ghrelin, which is the hunger hormone.

As a result, people can be in a strange dilemma to feel full and hunger at the same time.

To improve sleep, a number of methods and tactics can be used, including relaxation.

This may seem clear that sleep is a relaxing condition, but relaxation before bed is very important.

How to do this includes getting a warm bath, relaxation or yoga exercises, or reading a book, all of which are recommended to help relax before bed.

You can also avoid looking at the phone, tablet, or laptop, as looking at these devices an hour before trying to sleep can have a negative effect, and this is due to the light emitted from the screen and not because of what a person reads in it.

The National Health Services Authority also recommends that people try to avoid using their bedrooms in activities other than sleeping.

The researchers claim that there is a strong correlation in the mind of the individual between the bedroom and sleep.Moreover, try to keep the bedroom at a temperature of no more than 24 degrees.

If the difficulties continue to sleep, call your doctor and consult it.

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