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Feb 28By smarthomer

How did the flying world spent their time during the closing period amid Corona's outbreak?

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN)- Some people consider that the gradual and partial openness of the world again means that there is an opportunity to re-visit people to their favorite places or see their families, while other people consider that the same flight on the plane is the most exciting.

CNN spoke to five flying world lovers about how they dealt with complete closure amid the Corona virus outbreak.

Air deals owned

During the pre -pandemic period, Elliot Charod was flying almost once a week out of work.

"There is something in the entire experiment that has always carried an echo with me, since I was a young child," said Shadod...It is the experience itself on the plane, when it is surrounded by all these people who travel for various reasons..

However, Sharod traveled once from his home in the United Kingdom to Croatia since March 2020.

It was supposed to be 2020 years old for Saord and his fiancé.

He says: "We postponed it to April 2021, then the Corona virus variable appeared in South Africa, so we booked the ticket in April from 2021.".

He explained: "A frustrating matter..But I had the opportunity to get some great flight deals for the wedding..

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Instead of traveling in recent months, Shaord has spent his time searching for flights and flights.He also planned a trip to the "Airbus" factory in Toulouse, putting himself in front of the challenge of taking the largest possible number of flights to get there at less than 282 USD..

Searching for friends on social media

Away from planning his following moves, Shaord was helping his relations with the aviation lovers community, as he converted his acquaintances on social media into real friendships.

After being a follower of flying lovers on YouTube, Noel Phillips and Paul Lucas, Chaward went to drink beer with Lucas during the summer, when that was allowed to be allowed.

It is also known to some of the most famous pilots in the UK on social media, such as Dave and Al -Surth.

Simulator pilot

Adam Lungogut misses a lot to the point that he taught himself how to drive a plane.In May 2020, he bought a flight simulation program, and turned his home into a flight platform.

Loneglot did not register with official flights at the time because the United Kingdom was under the obligatory closure of the majority of last year.

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This does not mean that he was sitting in front of the screen all the time..

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"I know that I am following the correct protocols and that I am able to fly the planes in a realistic way that is a very wonderful feeling," he says, adding: "I will not assume that I will be able to drive a real plane, but it is great to be able to do this on the simulation device safely.".

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The simulation device is "realistic" to the point that if it does not fly properly, the plane will "crash".

And this happened several times at the beginning with Lungut and you.

He explained: "But as with a real plane, there are emergency protocols that you can follow that that will help you to land safely in most situations.".

The virtual traveler

Many resorted to watching the tourist attractions virtually during the full closing period.However, bloggers Dave Grossman were slightly different from others.

Through the "Heygo" application, Grossman visited many different places with large groups and tourist guides, the people continue through the chat system.

The capital of the Chinese province of Sichuan, Chengdu, known as giant panda is a favorite Grossman destination.

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He said: "I had no idea what it seemed to be, and it was more attractive and luxurious than I imagined.".

In fact, these virtual trips inspired him to add Chengdu to the list of destinations that should be visited in real life.

However, Grossman believes that there is a major thing missing from this virtual journey, which is the same trip.

Although the destination is more important than the journey it breathes, Grossman says: "I really like to use miles and points to make this experience begin in the atmosphere, through a first -class ticket or business class, and a luxurious free hotel.".

He added: "One of the things that I feel is longing for when flying is to expect to drop in a new place..You cannot overcome this feeling..

Susan Carter was born and grew up in Australia, but she lives today in the Arkni Islands, off the coast of Scotland, and flying has always been part of her life since childhood.

"When I was eight years old, my father got a private pilot license, and every time he was traveling by plane, I wanted to go with him.".

Carter explained that living in Arkini means traveling to the mainland at any time you would like to go anywhere.In turn, I worked at the local airport for about a decade.

When the closure was imposed, the idea of Carter came up, which made the shed of the house carry the plane, and it will be shown on the "Airbnb" website.

Thus, Carter bought some of the purposes you will need, such as a foldable table, three groups of seats, and others.Carter has already owns a row of three British Airways seats in the kitchen.

Of course, Carter thought about all the details, starting from head baccalaureate to the oxygen masks that I made from towels and wash bags.

So far, Carter believes that it has spent about $ 7,000 on aircraft accessories.The shed must be ready for its first guests within 12-18 months.


Some flying lovers consider that travel is a contemplative experience.

However, Lerd Kai, a flight photographer from Toronto who used to travel 7 or 8 times a year to Europe out of work, managed to take advantage of the complete closure.

And there was one thing that Kai really missed.

He said: "I thought I just wanted to hear the Solari plate at Frankfurt Airport again..This iconic voice, "referring to" old -style departure panels, which are still present in two places around the world ".

After his search on YouTube, he found a recording that he operated many times.

This voice had prompted him to think about other sounds that could be heard at the airport.

He said: "I searched on the Soundcloud application, and I found that people record the strangest votes.".

Kai spent his time listening to the airport's voices during the closing period.Consequently, the operation of sounds had turned the Internet into a "memory box" for him.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, Kai has once traveled to Montreal, on a 45 -minute trip.He explained: "It was great to be on a plane, and to feel taken off and listen to her ads.".

He pointed out that: "It is fun to be wearing the muzzle, it was a completely different feeling, but there is still magic on the trip..Look abroad and watch the clouds as it passes, which is very magical, thinking about this machine that humans designed to fly around the world..

Beyond listening to the sounds of the plane, Kay also spends his time looking at aircraft and souvenirs, such as previous flight lists and old paper tickets..