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Nov 10By smarthomer

How do you choose the hosting server provider for your company or project?

Any company or institution needs a server to host its sites and services on it so that visitors can open them and learn about their activities, and for this, as a company owner or institution, you must deal with maid hosting companies monthly to provide servers required for your uses.

But the problem is that there is a lot of these companies;Like Amazon, DigitalOcean, Linode, Alibaba Cloud, and many others, and each of them provides a group of different advantages from the other, so how do you choose the most appropriate ones for your commercial activity?

Why do you choose VPS servers, not a shared hosting?

Initially, let's emphasize an important introduction, which is the necessity of using a special virtual server - not shared hosting in your commercial activity, for several reasons:

For this we are talking in this article about the criteria for choosing the best VPS servers, and we are not talking about regular joint hosting companies.

Weighting factors between servers companies

You have to put these factors in your mind when you want to weight between server companies:

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What is meant by promotion is to upgrade server resources when needed, for example, many hosting companies allow you to increase the volume of random memory (RAM), CPU or Disk Space. Whenever you need this to your servers, then move from 1 GB memory and one processorAnd 20 GB storage for $ 5 per month to 2 GB memory and two therapists and 30 GB storage for $ 10 per month, and so on whenever you need more of these resources.

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This feature is important because the sites of companies and institutions often do not bring many users in their beginnings, and therefore they do not need to pay a lot of costs to buy strong servers to bear millions.

Any VPS server provider does not provide this feature, remove it from your list.

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It is also important to pay attention to the geographical region where the servers that you want to rent are monthly, for example, if most of your site's visitors are from the Arab world, then it will be bad to buy from a hosting company in Malaysia or Indonesia, because the linkage (Latence) will be high regardlessAbout the speed of the user, and your site will take longer to download for users from the Arab world.

That is why most cloud hosting companies offer you a set of options around the world to the places of hosting Khuwaymak, so you can choose the place of its creation (in any country or region) when you want it.Some companies are limited in that, only two locations or sites, and some of them have a very wide variety of geographical areas such as Amazon and Digitalocean.

You have to choose hosting companies that provide a geographical place close to the geographical place for most of your users and customers, and this is in order to raise the quality of their use experience by increasing the speed of browsing and downloading.

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Bandwidth is the amount of data exchange allowed between users and server.For example, if the permitted transmission rate for the server is 100 GB, for example, the site may stop working when it exceeds or is placed on you greater bills on each additional gig..

That is why it is important to pay attention to the transfer rate available in the hosting company for each servant, and is this suitable for the number of your users and the nature of your sites?For example, electronic stores - by their nature - have a lot of pictures, and one user visiting the store may cost hundreds of maes, and therefore the stores need large sizes of transportation rates and will not be suitable for small sizes that may suit blogs or forums, and you should pay attention to that according to your website content.

It is also important to pay attention to the Connection Speed available for the server, as it is often 1 GB or 2 GB per second, but it may be less than that based on the hosting and subscription company, and this also has an impact on the speed of your site and the period of downloading it on devicesUsers, especially if you have thousands of visits daily.

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It is self -evident that you compare the hosting companies based on the resources that will provide you with the monthly cost..

But note that some companies calculate the costs in a different way, as DigitalOCEAN, for example, adopts the account for the hour for each servant, and this account includes everything from the rate of transportation and requests on the DNS system for the rousting and so on, while companies like Amazon may put you additional monthly constructive costs on youOn the number of DNS requests that come to your servant, and the volume of data transfer is separate from the fee of the server itself, and therefore calculating the monthly costs will be more complex here and you should pay attention to that.

This is another factor to take into account: Do you want this style of billing that holds you accountable based on the size of your use (Pay as you go), or do you want the simple fixed pattern that holds you accountable for $ 10, $ 20 or $ 100 per month exactly, nothing more, nothing less?The matter is due to you.

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There are other advantages that are advisable to be in the hosting company that you want to subscribe to:


The servers are no longer expensive today as they were in the past, but the companies hosting the servers have become very many and are present at the lowest prices, and the advantages available mostly are ok for starting and thus the VPS packages are the default option to host and create websites instead of traditional common hosts.

Also, many server hosting companies also provide a free trial period through which you can try the available features and performance test before you decide to subscribe completely.

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