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May 25By smarthomer

James Webb. A technological miracle penetrating the sky to reveal the secrets of the birth of the universe.

Yaman Sharif

The astronaut had to overcome a number of challenges and physical obstacles such as changing the effect of gravity on the human body and physiological functions, and other psychological obstacles such as an attempt to absorb the mind when the eyes fall on it, there is no cycle of life after today, but a dark darkness with a solemn view of hanging lamps as if they were notIt has been turned off long ago.

The astronauts are betting on a completely different view of the adornment of the Earth's sky, for those suspended bulbs that capture the beholder with their number and multiple colors and races and fill the scene from all sides, so that the myself is evident in the universe in the universe as if the arrows of the stars are ready for him, and what will be that impression until he dissipated little by little,From fascination with the punctuality, which is accompanied by the dread of the silence of the fierce place.

At the top there, in outer space everything is kept silent, there is no sound that is heard or for a pain that is seen. There is no air cover that transmits sound waves, not even breaking the light of the stars coming from the distant space, so the stars appear silent and silent in front of the eyes of the astronauts.

It may seem unfamiliar and unanimous for them, but it is the ideal state that all astronomers and amateurs seek to put their "telescope" relatives in it, and the reason is the same, as there is no air cover or antenna atoms that confuse the vision or work to filter the rays of the stars.

The "Hubble" telescope .. the best predecessor for the good of Khalaf

What we seek to understand the universe in which we live is to reach the true image of the universe naturally without any "filters", and this prompted NASA scientists to send and establish engineering marveling the "James Web Space Telescope" to solve one of the largest astronomical projectsIn human history, the Hubble Space Telescope launched in 1990.

The name "Hubble" telescope is attributed to the American astronomer "Edwin Hubble", the author of the theory of expanding the universe at the beginning of the third decade of the last century.With its lens, which is 2.4 m.

هابل.. أعظم تلسكوب فضاء حتى عصر جيمس ويب.. أطلق سنة 1990 ولا يزال يعمل بجدارة

على مدار ثلاثة عقود استطاع تلسكوب "هابل" أن يحظى بثقة واحترام الكثير من العلماء والمهندسين على الرغم من أنه لم يكن أوّل تلسكوب يعمل خارج الغلاف الجوي للأرض، إذ سبقه في عام 1968 تلسكوب "المرصد الفلكي المداري" وهو الأول من نوعه، ثم تبعه مقارب أخرى ب سوفيتية وأمريكية.1

The "Hubble" telescope has contributed to achieving more than a million discoveries, such as taking accurate pictures of the birth and death of stars, as well as pictures of galaxies several billion light years away from us, and his most prominent discoveries ever were:

- Helping the age of the universe of 13.8 billion years, or nearly three times the age of the Earth.

Discover two additional satellites follow the dwarf planet Pluto, namely "Nix" and "Heidra".

- Helping to determine the rate of expansion of the universe.

- Enable to understand the nature of the main galaxies by containing black holes in their center.

–رسم خريطة ثلاثية الأبعاد للمادة المظلمة في الكون.2

The telescope mirror .. a lens is stronger than the human eye 120 thousand times

The "Hubble" telescope contains "Fine Guidance Sensors" capable of directing and adjusting the camera lenses towards the target in a superior way, and if the goal is only one mile, the index will not budge more than the width of the human hair for its high accuracy, as experts described it.

بالإضافة إلى مرآة أساسية مصممة على نحو يمنحها القدرة على جمع الضوء أكثر بـ120 ألف مرة من قدرة عين الإنسان على جمع الضوء. ويرتد الضوء من المرآة الأساسية إلى مرآة ثانوية تعمل على تركيز الضوء وإرساله مجددا إلى المرآة الرئيسية ليمر عبر ثقب صغير، فيجتمع الضوء ليجري تحليله أخيرا بواسطة 5 أدوات علمية، لكلٍ منها غرض خاص لدراسة الطيف الضوئي.3

مئات الكشوفات الفلكية والكونية حققها تلسكوب هابل عبر رحلته التي امتدت أكثر من 30 سنة

Like the human being and the rest of the creatures, for everything that is in existence is a life that goes according to its requirements, and perhaps the machines that stay in space are the worst fortunate in this matter, due to their continuous exposure to solar winds that contain huge numbers of charged particles that contribute In destroying and destroying electronic devices, the default life that scientists set for the "Hubble" telescope when he sent it was to live for nearly 25 years, but it exceeded expectations, and we do not know what point will remain good luck standing for the benefit of astronomers, so work was on a more tolerance alternative at work For many years, as well as more capable and capable.

A New Year's satellite cake .. Thirty years juice of hard work

أخيرا وبعد 30 عاما من العمل الدؤوب على بناء أكثر الأجهزة الإلكترونية حداثة وتطورا في التاريخ المعاصر، الذي يعد كذلك من أغلى القطع الهندسية في عالم التكنولوجيا إذ بلغت تكلفته 10 مليارات دولار؛ استطاعت وكالة ناسا الفضائية قبل أيام قليلة في يوم 24 كانون الأول/ديسمبر 2021، إرسال "تلسكوب جيمس ويب الفضائي" على متن صاروخ فضائي من نوع "آريان 5" (Ariane 5)، لينطلق من إقليم غيانا الفرنسية الواقع في شمال قارة أمريكا اللاتينية.4

It was not for such news that the passage of the honorable pass without the major air stations and international newspapers, as well as social media around the world, did not celebrate it.

حلم إطلاق تلسكوب جيمس ويب الفضائي تحقق يوم 24 ديسمبر/كانون أول 2021 بعد انتظار زاد عن عشر سنوات

Of course, we may not remember the first image taken by the "Hubble" telescope with its lens about 30 years ago, and the reaction of the scientific community towards it, due to the scarcity of communication and the lack of the possibilities of seeing the other world and its course at the time, but of course we live today a unique moment and a moment of anticipation of what it will achieveThe telescope of achievements, as well as the first image that will take it, sympathy with the scientific and technical details that it affected during the process of preparing and preparing the "Space Cake for the New Year".

Lift the birth of the stars ... a journey to the first days of the universe

One of the goals assigned to the "James Web" telescope is the search in the depths of the universe for threads that lead us to the primitive era of the universe, the first percent of the first of the universe specifically, when the stars appeared and raised for the first time.

"Thanks to the" James Web "telescope, we will be able to reach a point that shows us the beginning of the universe from ever, given that what astronomers know about the first eraFrom the universe not only 5%.

صاروخ أريان5 الأوروبي يحمل على متنه أعظم تلسكوب فضاء إلى ما وراء الكرة الأرضية

There is also another goal of this task, which is the research in the hidden and the corridors of the universe for a planet similar to the Earth, with which it shares heat and size.

Perhaps what drives everyone to feel enthusiasm is that the telescope is designed to be more sensitive than the "Hubble" telescope with 100 times, that is, as if we have replaced glasses with another to see what we were unable to see before, thanks to the sensitivity and double the size of the lenses/mirrors 6 times, by 8 small mirrorsCombined together to form a huge mirror.

Radiology collection .. Technical laboratories in space to analyze the image

On the opposite of the eye and the lenses of the visual cameras that pick up the optical spectrum only, these mirrors that the telescope carry the ability to collect light as well as infrared in particular, and it is the basis for the success of the telescope and its uniqueness from others as we will see details that we have never seen from before.

After the rays are collected by mirrors, it will be reflected in order to be in a certain focus, so all the data is reduced to this point, and then it is analyzed by specialized scientific tools to deal with infrared rays, and according to the telescope engineers, it is divided into four scientific tools and is as follows:

Mid-Infrared Instrument.

Near-infriend Camera.

Near-infriend Special Special Sectroscopy.

Near-infriend Image and Spit term Special Spectrograph

يبلغ قطر مرآة التلسكوب الرئيسية ذات الـ 18 قطعة سداسية 6,5 مترا


This is of course in addition to a careful sensor to direct and control the camera lenses to track the target, and each of these four devices has a full package of advanced technical equipment capable of extracting and analyzing the most complex data.

Digital photography .. High accuracy captures space details

The "James Web" telescope is designed to work in a range of optical rays, whose wavelength ranges between 0.6 microns (visible red) and 28.8 microns (mid -infrared).Each device specializes in a specific range, in the end, a very accurate artistic painting is like a multi -spectrum space mosaic.

As mentioned above about the ability of the telescope on spectroscopy in analyzing the intensity and brightness of colors or different wavelengths separately, this would give us additional information such as the heat, composition, intensity and movement, as well as the distance that separates us and it.

حلقة "الجزيرة هذا الصباح" حول تلسكوب جيمس ويب

Likewise, the ability to photograph in the usual form that we familiarize with is digital photography, but with high accuracy and four situations, which are as follows:

Familiar or direct photography.

Coronagraphic Imaging, this is characterized by the pattern of the possibility of blocking intense light sources such as the light of the stars to focus on the low lights coming from planets or other celestial bodies.

Imaging with the technique of the opening or macular photography, which is a way to increase the accuracy and focus of the lens towards certain points by using a special mask with holes on the lens that blocks rays and not others.

Time-Series Imaging, and this pattern is concerned with taking several pictures of the same goal at different periods, in order to study emergency changes.

Lagrang points ... where the forces weigh

Some specialists in the difference in the issue of the right to grant the title of "heir" to the "James Web" telescope are indicated by its appearance with the approaching date of the "Hubble" telescope, as both differ from each other in essential points, as well as the location of each of them in space.

It is well known that the "Hubble" telescope is located around the Earth at an estimated distance of about 545 km, that is, in the near orbit of the Earth Orbit, and for the James Web telescope he will go to a point where a person will not be able to reach again at a distanceA million and a half million kilometers, specifically the second "Lagrang" point.

على مسافة 1,5 مليون كيلومتر من الأرض، سيستقر تلسكوب جيمس ويب في نقطة تدعى لاغرانج2

Just as it may seem to those who do not realize the significance behind this point, he may think that it is an encrypted word for a place in space, and it is perhaps so, but it is not encrypted in the sense that we are trading, but only athletic.

In 1772, the famous Italian-French athlete "Joseph Lagrang" revealed in a research paper on distinct points that have no gravity effect between two large heavenly criminals, known as the three-bodies system (Three- Body System), and the number of five points centered around the body of the smaller celestial body, As in -the terrestrial solar system.

Because of the lack of gravity effect, the (third) body remains stuck in those points and in that spatial space to eternity, or until it is affected by the gravity of a huge third body.These five points were called digital sequence, preceded by the first letter of the name of the discovered world, the letter Lam, and NASA scholars chose the "Lam 2" website (L-2) to be a site for telescope. 7.

The reason for choosing this point exactly is due to the need for the telescope to infrared imaging that is affected by any upcoming heat, and because the "Lam 2" point falls directly behind the earth, our planet gives something similar to the shadow that prevents or relieves the next solar rays.

"James Web" .. a victory for the ingenuity of human civilization

It seemed as if the day that the telescope launched would never come after the engineering masterpiece continued for nearly three decades, with an engineering crew that exceeded many obstacles and difficulties with multiple nationalities from various countries.

"After 30 years of planning and development, we now have the greatest reader in the history of astronomy, and for this it is a civilized measure of humanity," says Karan Jani, an astronomical physicist of Indian origin at Vanderblit University.Then he added: This closeness belongs to all of us, regardless of our origin and our hometown, it represents a victory for humanity. 8. 8

تبلغ قدرة تلسكوب جيمس ويب 100 مرة قدرة تلسكوب هابل الفضائي من حيث البيانات العلمية

As it seems, the space, which was a dream for us in the past, has become closer to us day after day, and who knows what the James Web telescope will carry for us from the expected surprises, although he will not show us what is with his possession until the summer of 2022, and thus leaves all on the planet EarthIn a state of waiting and anticipation.


[1] Latis, James (2018).The first space telescope in the world.Recovery from: https://blogs.scientificerican.com/observations/the-worlds-firstt-Space- Tilescope/

[2] Site editor (history is unknown).What did the Hubble telescope discover?Recovery from: https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/what-has-hubble-Space- Tilescope-Discovered

[3] Site editor (2020).What is the Hubble Space Telescope?Recovery from: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/5-8/feits/nasa-knows/what-is-the-hubble-Space- Telecope-58.html

[4] Wal, Mike (2021).29 days on the edge: "What is the next for the NASA space launching.Recovery from: https://www.livescience.com/nasa-james- Webb-Space- Teilescope-NExt-steps

[5] Johnson, Veronsia (2021).Telescopype: a cosmic time machine that will show the first galaxies and stars.Recovery from: https://wjla.com/weather/james- Webb- Tilescope-cosition-time-machine-to-show-firstt-nd-nd-stars-are-alone-in-the-uniiverse

[6] The official website (history is unknown).Tools to photograph the universe.Recovery from: https://webtelescope.org/news/webb-science-writers-guide/webbs-scientific-instruments

[7] Trebathi, Sibu (2021).Explanation: Where does the James Web telescope go and why do we need to send it away.Recovery from: https://www.indiatoday.in/science/story/where-is-james- Webb- Tilescope-ging-second-lagrange-Point-explained-nasa-esa-1892637-2021-12-27-27

[8] The same source.