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Sep 26By smarthomer

Learn all Android codes to open hidden features and tests

Who said that the secrets of the Android operating system end! Where there have always been a lot of features that the user needs to deepening more to discover, and that the nature of the system is open source, there is a huge amount of information about it, which frankly, the average person cannot access easily, in general, away from the features that can be searched in the application Settings, we are here to deepen more, specifically access to Android secret codes, which can be dealt with from the connection board only, and these codes are enough for the user to reach many hidden features, alongside access to the test screen, such as screen test Wi -Fi, etc., if you are one of those interested in reaching Android codes, continue reading to the end.

تعرّف على جميع أكواد أندرويد لفتح ميزات واختبارات مخفية

Important warning:

You should be careful by dealing with these codes, and in the event of your tampering and you do not know what to do, this can cause great harm to your Android device you are indispensable, like wiping all your data, or accessing a stage where you can not use your phone, so again, be careful.

Definition with hidden Android codes or codes and how to reach them?

We start with the last part of the address, where it can be accessed from the communication board, and does not require you to be connected to the Internet, and usually, these symbols or codes begin with the star symbol or the hashtag, and since these codes are universal, they work on the vast blackness of Android devices,With the indication, that with each new version of the aforementioned system, these codes are updated.

At the same time, all Android codes will not work on your phone, and the reason is that they are codes for the phone manufacturers, for example, your phone Xiaomi and the code for HTC, therefore, there is a high possibility of not responding to the symbol, and there are also symbols of the country's telecommunications companyNow let's get to know the most important secret Android codes.

First: Information codes

Second: Test symbols

لربما تكون هذه الاكواد هي الأهم، والتي عادةً يتم التطرق إليها عند شراء هاتف مستعمل، لذا احفظ هذه الرموز أو انسخها لفائدتها.

Third: Special symbols for some mobile phone manufacturers

Fourth: The composition symbols

أجدر بالإشارة، أن هذه الرموز للمستخدمين المتقدمين، فيجب عدم العبث بها لطالما لا تعرف ما تفعله، وهي 5 أكواد لا غير.

Fifth and finally: Other symbols of the Android system

الوسومأكواد أندرويد السرية أكواد أندرويد المخفية أندرويد اكواد اندرويد اندرويد رمز اندرويد كود اندرويد