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Oct 18By smarthomer

Legumes improve blood sugar ... and the drunk food for diabetics formed

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - Legumes have a stunning number of health benefits.And if you suffer from diabetes, the legumes of all kinds can help you better control the rate of sugar in your blood.

What are the legumes?

Legumes are food that contains a low percentage of the sugar level that will not cause sudden mutations in blood sugar.The sugar level indicates the extent of raising the level of sugar in the blood (glucose) when eating foods that contain carbohydrates such as beans, compared to essential food such as white bread.

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Foods with low sugar indicator are slowly digested by the body.On the other hand, high -sugar -sugar (such as white rice) foods digests more quickly, which may lead to high blood sugar levels.

Super food for diabetes

Many nutrition instructions for diabetes and legumes recommend as part of a healthy diet.In fact, the American Diabetes Association is included in these foods within the list of rich foods for diabetes.However, why are the legumes are very good for you:

Studies indicate that adding a cup of legumes to your daily diet helps reduce the levels of hemoglobin A1C. (وهو متوسط ​​مستوى السكر في الدم لديك لمدة تتراوح بين شهرين إلى 3 أشهر).Some research indicates that eating legumes at breakfast prevents mutations after that meal and the following on that day.

And legumes are also good for your heart.A daily dose of it may reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol in the blood, and coronary artery diseases.

Add legumes to your diet:

There are many types of legumes that can be chosen from.You can choose that canned or dried.The content of canned legumes, especially sodium and fat must be verified.(You will need to choose low -fat and sodium pills).It includes:

Here are some easy ways to add legumes to your diet:

You must follow a healthy and balanced diet very important if you suffer from diabetes.And proper nutrition helps you control sudden changes in blood sugar.As for beans and legumes, they are only one part of this nutrition plan.Ask your doctor or nutritionist about the most appropriate diet for your general health.