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Apr 01By smarthomer

Malika: I am a doctor of religions, and this is how the parliamentarian deflowered my virginity.

Aquarium, an association that cares about theater, supports the women's cause, and most of its members are women. The state of sympathy resulting from the acquittal of a parliamentarian of the charge of “rape and defloration resulting in pregnancy” prompted the association to summon Malika Suleimani, the daughter of “Ain Odeh,” whose case occupied an important space in the pages of newspapers and public debate, as well as the chat of those sitting on the sidewalks of cafes.

Under the lights

The headquarters of the association is a house with traditional Moroccan architecture, in the middle of the popular Akkari district of Rabat. The members of the “Aquarium” have equipped the space since its acquisition with a wooden plank in the middle of the “space” of the house, in the form of a kneeling, and spotlights in the ceiling, guaranteeing the minimum conditions for the professional theatrical performance, which is considered the priority and preoccupation of the association, but the guest of the theater group on the eve of this day did not He was an actor and his story is not a figment of imagination. A group of representatives of women's organizations, some sympathizers, an American journalist and a Hespress journalist waited for a young woman who wanted to tell her story directly and away from the media that sometimes distort the news.

Spot the ground

Cups of tea and coffee, and a two-way conversation between the attendees, who know each other in an intimate atmosphere, which was broken by the entry of a dark-haired young woman of medium height, wearing a veil and a long dress, and applying kohl in her large eyes. Malika Suleimani introduced herself to the audience, with all spontaneity and self-confidence, and told the audience that she was born in 1976, an orphan of the father, her mother is an elderly woman of very old age, and she has only one sister through breastfeeding. Contrary to what was reported in the media, Malika is a staff member at the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs. She holds a degree in advanced studies and is a PhD student with a dissertation on comparative religions. Malika says she postponed her thesis for the fifth year because of the rape she was the victim of.

The dark-haired young woman distributes her gaze to the audience, as she re-weaves the story from the beginning. Malika went to parliamentarian Hassan Aref, the mayor of Ain Odeh, to ask him about the fate of the plot of land for which she paid 2,500 dirhams, and whose location and borders she does not know. The mayor told her that there was no answer to her question at the present time, so they exchanged phone numbers with the aim of facilitating communication and answering the question about the spot when it was available.

Blood spot

The citizen and the national team exchanged calls, and the conversation shifted from the issue of the plot of land to an expression of admiration and then a marriage proposal, after the Constitutional Union parliamentarian told the student, “I want you to be reasonable..and I need a continental woman to cooperate….”. Malika did not object to the request, as she is a young woman in her thirties and has no problem with polygamy, according to what she told those sitting on the “Aquarium” platform.

Meetings in cafes with repeated attempts to lure the brunette into one of the villas, but her repeated refusal made the mayor view the issue as a challenge from which he must emerge victorious. There is no woman who resisted the temptations of men, including married women, according to what Malika told her hosts.

An open soft drink, given to the girl in a café in Harhoura, after an invitation from the promised husband, made her enter into a state of hysterical laughter until she found herself in an estate in the “poor” area, on the outskirts of “Ain Odeh”, and the parliamentarian was ferociously on top of her body, not on a platform. Oratory in the Legislative Chamber. The young woman screamed at the top of her voice and cried begging, according to her account, until the door of the manor room was knocked, where a voice was heard from behind the wall saying, “Hassan, we heard gossip, is it okay?” To the parliamentarian, “McCain and Alo Youssef, change your mind.” The rapist collected her shock, and with her was an underwear in which the rapist wiped the blood of her virginity, putting the “Sofitma” inside her personal belongings.

Preventing “scandal”

Malika: I am a doctor of religions, and this is how the parliamentarian objected My virginity...

Malika asked Aref to marry her and then divorce her, and he answered her, “Dump until it dries,” adding that her status as an adult and an employee will make her a silent victim to avoid scandal. The brunette moved to the stage of threats, informing the parliamentarian that she had his underwear that contained his semen and the blood of the hymen. Here, the head of the municipal council moved to the policy of carrots after sticks, telling the young woman that marriage was a reasonable and acceptable proposal and that he saw no objection to the “Lolia” cover.

The girl told her breast-feeding sister and her cousin about mediation in the matter, but the mediation turned into “business,” as Malika al-Sulaimani said that the parliamentarian bought the silence of relatives and turned them into a means of procrastination and procrastination to gain time.

The labyrinth of justice

Malika Al-Suleimani accuses Ahmed Wahroush, the former representative of the King in the Court of First Instance, of seizing her file through the memorization procedure. After the endowment employee got tired of “scratching” and her stomach swelled, she filed a complaint with al-Awfi, the attorney general of the king at the Court of Appeal, who in turn referred her to the judicial center. Likewise, with a list of calls from “Maroc Telecom” and “Medtel” companies, it was found that 284 calls were made between the alleged perpetrator and the victim. Nevertheless, Wahrush referred the case to the archive under the pretext of denial and lack of proof in front of the parliamentarian's adherence to the conspiracy theory woven by political opponents.

Waiting for the king

Malika did not control her nerves after saving the file, so she went straight to the headquarters of the “Ain Odeh” municipality. She broke everything that objected to her inside the headquarters of the elected council, and she went on a hunger strike for four days, resisting all the promises of the officials who promised her to remove the file from saving. The young woman's lawyer sent a request to remove the rape file from the shelves of oblivion, but the request was rejected, which made Malika return to her sit-in, especially after learning of the arrival of King Mohammed VI to her town near Rabat.

The royal visit moved the Pasha, the commanders of the two provinces, and the commander of the Royal Gendarmerie Company to negotiate with the angry, promising her to move her case, which is what was done. Malika al-Sulaymani met Hassan al-Daki, the King's Public Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal, whom she described as a man of law, kind and attentive. The Public Prosecutor of the King applied what was dictated by his duty, so he referred the file to the Criminal Chamber of First Instance. The court convicted the parliamentarian to one year in prison and a fine of 300,000 dirhams, so the convict appealed his preliminary ruling.

Go back to start

The appeals stage began, so the parliamentarian was absent from the first session under the pretext of not being summoned, and he was also absent from the second session under the pretext of illness. However, the strange thing, says the litigant, is the presence of Ahmed Wahrush in the courtroom after he was promoted to a judge in the Court of Appeal. The presence did not please Malika, who considered the judge a bad omen and a sign that things were not proceeding normally. Wahrouche was replaced by another judge after Malika protested, but the change of judge did not change the outcome she feared. Al-Awfi, the presiding judge, issued the acquittal verdict in favor of Fatehi, who went out ecstatic in front of the astonishment of Fahd's mother, who was trying to prove the case of rape and the lineage of her son.

The brunette returned, her eyes reddening with anger, to Ahmed Wahrush's office, and she shouted at him, accusing him of bribery, brokering, and "the blade". A room of the court. Malika went to the room and placed her son, Fahd, in front of the president, saying, “I am walking, the Virgin Mary.

Inside the dungeon

Malika Al-Sulaimani was transferred to the cell after attacking the judges. She spent 72 hours under extended theoretical guard. An official came to her asking her to apologize so that the cell door would be opened for her. However, Malika refused, detailing to the official the contradictions in the file. The female endowment employee was released after memorizing the charge against her. In the cell, Malika got acquainted with a number of delinquents, and she concluded through their stories that a number of them went out to crime and wandered because of judicial injustice and the pervasiveness of nepotism in one of the most sensitive organs.

Note: The reportage was made on the basis of the testimony given by Malika Suleimani at the headquarters of the “Aquarium” association on the evening of Wednesday, January 23, 2013.