Home >petition >The press today 11-29 / 2021-Al-Manar Channel website-Lebanon
May 26By smarthomer

The press today 11-29 / 2021-Al-Manar Channel website-Lebanon

The Lebanese newspapers issued this morning, Monday 29-20-2021 in Beirut, focused on Lebanon continuing the efforts to decipher the isolation that Saudi Arabia imposed by cutting diplomatic relations, while Prime Minister Najib Mikati returns from the Vatican, the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, goes to Qatar, and the same axis for all visits Searching with efforts to mediate with Saudi Arabia, while at home the crisis economic situation, and the severe living situation pressure on the poorest groups, pushes towards seeking to overcome the problems of the complexity of the government to take decisions that have become necessary and cannot be taken without the conclusion of the Council of Ministers, which is still awaiting political consensus , Whose shares rose after Baabda presidential meeting.

The news "Qahwaji's arrest is forbidden and investigating Mansour is unacceptable": Al -Bitar complied with the orders of the army commander?

Al -Akhbar newspaper dealt with the internal affairs and wrote, saying, “It is expected that the judicial investigator will resume in the case of the port, Judge Tariq Al -Bitar, his work, after Judge Nassib Elijah announced his lack of jurisdiction to consider the request of the Judicial Investigator’s response, based on a decision issued by the General Authority of the Court of Cassation.The performance of the bit will remain at stake, because the immunity granted by current and former officials is expanding.

Weeks ago, the American ambassador to Lebanon, Dorothy Xia, went to the town of Hosh al -Qanab in the Rashaya district, where, accompanied by a number of corners of the embassy, ​​spent long hours. The "diplomatic" visit to that small town, located in a valley between the Western Bekaa and Jabal Al -Sheikh, was not for "exploratory" goals, nor to open a project funded by one of the American agencies. The only goal was to spend time in the house of retired dean from the army, Tony Mansour, who until the last month of 2020 served as director of intelligence in the army. Before Shia's visit to that town, which is "remote" by the standards and surroundings of the capital, Mansour traveled to the United States, accompanied by his wife, based on an official invitation addressed to him.

It is rare for an army officer to have a distinct relationship, such as the one who brought Mansour the American embassy and other institutions and agencies operating there.This reality can be summed up that Mansour was the majority of the Americans in the military establishment, since the beginning of General Joseph Aoun in Yarzeh.Although he was referred to retirement, the link of the former director of the intelligence with the Americans was not retracted, and this is also what distinguishes him from his peers who enjoy American satisfaction.

Before his appointment as director of intelligence, Mansour was the secretary of the Directorate. The attribute, more precisely, was that he was "the head of the secretariat." This position means that every mail of the Intelligence Directorate passes from "in his hands." Every mail without exception. For this, it is unlikely that Mansour should not be aware of the existence of 2750 tons of ammonium in the port of Beirut, while he was "presidency of the secretariat." During that period, that is, before April 2017, he was not borne by any procedural responsibility related to the presence of nitrates, or could get rid of the components of the bomb that exploded on August 4, 2020. However, after his appointment as Director of Intelligence (April 2017), Mansour has become broad executive powers And especially that the "port security apparatus" follows him directly, and not between them, in the hierarchy, that is, a branch manager. The "Security Agency" is the office of the Intelligence Directorate in the port. It has the supreme word, the first and last, in the port of the capital. Despite this, the first judicial investigator did not listen to the crime of the banner explosion, Judge Fadi Sawan, to benefit Mansour. He also did not listen to him, even as a witness or "he was ashamed", the current judge investigator Tariq Al -Bitar. When the latter, by some of his colleagues, was asked about the reason for his failure to interrogate Mansour, the judge said that the retired dean had no validity other than referring nitrate correspondence to the intelligence director before 2017, that is, Brigadier Edmon Fadel and then Brigadier Kamil Daher. “And what after his appointment as a manager?” Al -Bitar was asked, and he answered: “He did not receive a correspondent.” One of the judges said to the Justice investigator: “But he knew Yoghud Al -Nrat since he was a secretary.”

In this way, the "seal" of the "investigation" is about Mansour, whose duties are forced to be aware of the existence of 2750 tons of explosive materials in the capital, without any protection measures, which are received daily reports from the port security apparatus, including the lowest ofInformation about investigations over a full year about the presence of a huge amount of ammonium nitrate that can destroy a large part of the capital, kill hundreds, wound thousands and displace tens of thousands.

Al -Bitar judge is the only master of investigation.He has the full validity that he entitled to choose the ways he deems appropriate for investigation.However, Mansour neutralizing the entire neutralization of interrogation allows anyone to tie this neutralization with the luck that Mansour enjoys in Awker and other American agencies.What prevents this conclusion is a single step: that the performance of the judicial investigator is different from the behavior he has followed in recent months.

Mansour's immunity, and prevents listening to his testimony, appears to be also applied to others. Followers of the file of investigation into the banner explosion indicate that Al -Bitar decided that the former army commander, General Jean Kahwaji, did not arrest, after the intervention of the current army commander, General Joseph Aoun. According to the same sources, General Aoun refuses to register a former arrest of a former army commander, because this "weakens the morale of the military establishment." The sources indicate that Al -Bitar was "convinced" of Aoun's saying. And their evidence for this is that the judicial investigator, in the period between the response of Judge Nassib Elijah, asked to return the bit on the fourth of October 2021, and his notification of his hand by Judge Habib Mazhar on the fourth of November 2021, did not specify any date for the questioning of Kahwaji, despite the postponement The previous session, which was dedicated to that on September 28, 2021, due to the arrival of Al -Bitar by submitting a request to respond to the follow -up to the file. The sources recall that Al -Bitar was in a hurry to complete the investigation with Kahwaji, but that he had a bump, and preferred to consume a full month in determining sessions to interrogate former deputies and ministers that he knew that they would not come to his office.

On the other hand, sources related to Al -Bitar responded that his work has not yet ended, and it is not unlikely, after returning to his duties, to determine a session to listen to the testimony of the former army commander, and perhaps his arrest.

The countryside "he knew" also the "discretionary" attributed to the judicial investigator Tariq Al -Bitar is not limited to his insistence on neutralizing the current army leadership, and perhaps the previous one, for the responsibility in everything related to the presence of ammonium nitrate in the Beirut port, from the year 2014 until the explosion of August 4, 2020. This reproduction also appears at the political level. The last thing that appeared in the media, the document published by the activist Fawzi Mashlab on his account on Twitter last Friday morning, which is a metaphor for a book sent by the discriminatory public prosecutor (former) Judge Samir Hammoud, to the former Minister of Justice Ashraf Rifi, on 30/ 6/2014. In the book, Hammoud states that the ship "Rosos" carries 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate "toxic and dangerous". Nevertheless, no countryside was stirred to prevent the vanity of the vessel, and he did not do any mentioned procedure. Over the past year, a countryside was lecturing that officials who learned of ammonium nitrate had to be tried, in addition to his constant tightening of his security and military "experience", as a former general manager of the internal security forces. And Rafie had previously held the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, responsible for the banner's explosion, because of his "military background."

It was not yet clear how Judge Al -Bitar will behave with Rifi, knowing that he did not listen to his testimony, and he was satisfied with the statement that Rifi made to the former judicial attachment, Fadi Sawan, as a witness.

The world construction and the region from today to move on the rhythm of Vienna negotiations on returning to the nucleic agreement is trying today with Berri to revive Baabda's understanding after it was overthrown by the decisions of the Court of Cassation.

Al -Bouna newspaper wrote, “Among the results of the Pharmacists Syndicate elections, which came similar to the results of the Beirut Bar Association elections in terms of what it revealed about the decline in the chances of what was known as the regulations of the revolution and the forces of the October uprising, Lebanon and the Lebanese are close to their thorny files on the rhythm of the developments of the region, which will start from today seem tight As the whole world is towards the Vienna scene, where the expected negotiations begin for months between Iran and its partners in the nuclear agreement, while the United States alone has participated remotely in negotiations due to Iran's refusal to direct negotiations or Washington's accession to the participants in Vienna before announcing its return to the agreement and regaining the status of the partner in it And this is conditional on the announcement of its retreat from all the measures taken by the former US president from the date of his announcement of the withdrawal from the agreement, and the forefront of which is a return to the US sanctions that were imposed on Iran before the agreement, and the imposition of new sanctions above it called the most severe pressure that aimed at making Iran's production of Oil is zero, and it failed to achieve its goals.

Israeli statements threatening to launch military action against Iran that have not stopped, and opposing Iranian threats to make "Israel" pay the price dearly if it ventures any aggression against Iran, while American and Israeli experts assert that "Israel" is unable to risk a war against Iran without a full American partnership and risksThat such a war ends with an open confrontation, during which thousands of fine heavy missiles will fall on the vital installations in the entity economically and militarily.

The Americans within and outside the administration are divided between those who call for an acceleration in returning to the agreement, because Iran is close to reaching the nuclear threshold in terms of possessing the capabilities of the production of a nuclear bomb, while there is no horizon to bet on a military action except in the statements aimed at improving the conditions of negotiation, and excluding the feasibility of sanctions that did not succeed before Iran is able to overcome the impact of sanctions by manufacturing its oil product, and it no longer calculates a account of sanctions after it signed with China an agreement for economic cooperation that eliminates any pressure effect of the sanctions, and they believe that the return to the agreement will improve the American-Russian, American-Chinese and American-European relations to ensure the highest levels of control over Iran to prevent it from possessing a nuclear weapon, and describing this with the sufficient achievement of the agreement, and the deportation of the rest of the problems and disputes to other negotiating levels, such as the fate of ballistic missiles and regional conditions and the impact of Iran in it, and the owners of this opinion do not hide their fear that "Israel" and Saudi Arabia want America to fight on behalf of them Under the slogan of the claim that they are defending American interests, while another American stream stands in return that Iran will not turn into a friend or to A neutral state, and will remain the first opponent of American policies in the region, the first thing that will result from the agreement will provide more money, most of which will spend Iran to raise the readiness of its allies in the region, and in return the implantation of frustration on the bank of Washington's allies, and their payment of the price of the agreement morally and financially.

Under the shadows of Vienna talks, Lebanon continues efforts to decipher the isolation collar imposed by Saudi Arabia by cutting diplomatic relations, while Prime Minister Naguib Mikati returns from the Vatican, President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, goes to Qatar, and the same axis for all visits to search with endeavors to mediate with Saudi Arabia, while at home the economic situation The crisis, and the high living situation pressure on the poorest groups, is pushing towards seeking to overcome the problems of the complexity of the government to take decisions that have become necessary and cannot be taken without the conclusion With the issuance of the decisions of the General Authority of the Court of Cassation, the response of all reviews to the response of Judge Tariq Bitar, which was negatively shaped by the results of the Baabda meetings, which was focused on pushing the judiciary to assume its responsibilities and spare the country a tremor approaching unless the judicial path was corrected.

President Mikati, who is returning from the Vatican, is supposed to visit the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, in an attempt to float the presidential agreement that was overthrown by the decisions of the Court of Cassation, while the parliamentary path is not parallel to the judicial path, and it collides with the provision of the absolute majority of 61 or 65 deputies, which is the necessary number of deputiesFor the corresponding and vote, which is one in this session, and it does not seem to be available from the free national current and their vote with the prosecution, which does not seem to be available until the hour.

A government, Prime Minister Naguib Mikati, who returned to Beirut yesterday afternoon after a visit to the Vatican today in Al -Saray, has learned that "Al -Buna" learned that Mikati will meet President Nabih Berri in the coming hours, to discuss the files that still disrupt the work of the cabinet.Informed sources indicate to "Al -Banqa" that the prime minister continues his endeavors for the continuation of government work, which is sympathetic to the meetings of the committees he heads in the Serail, working to solve the internal crises that froze the sessions of the Council of Ministers.

On the other hand, political sources indicated to Al -Benaia that the hope of the cabinet return to the convening of many obstacles, especially. The state and the judges, and thus rejected the palm of the hand of Judge Tariq Al -Bitar, in conjunction with the response of the Court of Cassation, the lawsuit of "legitimate suspicion" against him disturbed the political forces, which prompted Hezbollah Secretary -General Hassan Nasrallah to move from the stage of correction on Judge Tariq Al -Bitar to criticize the work of the institution The judicial, and this matter was considered by the sources a new path indicating that things are getting more complicated and that the signs of Al -Halalah, who were on the horizon before President Mikati travel to the Vatican quickly.

In addition, it became clear that the current trend is towards approving the authority of the Supreme Council to try presidents and ministers, and in this context, the sources of the strong Lebanon bloc confirm that this matter has not yet been discussed, and no decision was taken in the representatives of the bloc in a session of the House of Representatives specialized in this regard, note.Political circles talk about the fact that Representative Gibran Bassil may attend the representatives of the session, if the existing contacts succeed through brokers between him and President Nabih Berri to postpone the parliamentary elections to May.

In this context, the French ambassador to Lebanon, Ann Ghio, head of the Marada Movement Suleiman Franjieh, visited the general situation in the country, in addition to the current regional and international developments.The difficulty of the stage that Lebanon is going through and the need to find a quick solution to the difficult conditions in Lebanon was also discussed.Al -Banaa learned that during her meeting with Franjieh, the French ambassador offered the importance of facilitating government work and thus the resignation of Minister George Qirdahi, and this comes with the confirmation of diplomatic sources that the French and American endeavors towards Saudi Arabia to resolve its crisis with Lebanon were met with the requirement of Saudi Arabia as the first condition of Qirdahi's resignation.

A member of the Development and Liberation Bloc, MP Ali Hassan Khalil, stressed that "we need the government to take responsible steps to address the files that prevented their convening in the past weeks, that it should be looked at solutions and re -correct the paths that hindered their meeting, not to remain in the spectator."

The Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Al -Raei stressed that “the Council of Ministers may not remain hostage or that, while it is essentially the authority concerned with saving Lebanon. He said, "It is time for the regularity of parliamentary life, so we warn of any attempt to postpone the elections under irrational and non -national pretexts and we insist on obtaining their constitutional dates, in order to ensure the people's right to vote, change and preserve Lebanon," noting in a sermon during his presidency of Sunday in Berkki Until “the parliamentary elections are not only a periodic constitutional entitlement, but rather as a station to renew national life through democracy and popular will, and as a starting point for a responsible and responsible national birth to revive the entity, identity, role, and privacy of Lebanon, and to protect its threatened fate. It is time for the regularity of parliamentary life, so the political forces are competing under the roof of the constitution, in order to change for the better and better. ”

The head of the Al -Wafa Resistance Bloc, MP Muhammad Raad, said: “We smell a coup against the settlement of Taif, whose goal is to reassure the Israeli and secure the inability of our people to confront its aggression in order to pass its normal and authoritarian policies and control even by determining the fate of our gas in our regional waters, so exploring the gas is limited In the hands of several companies for specific countries, and despite all this we are talking about independence and sovereignty, and we do not have to build a power station that provides Lebanon with lighting 24 on 24 ». He added, "From now, without wasting time or opportunities, come to understand, and do not let anyone drag you into a new civil war in order to impose on you after a settlement with new powers, as long as people are ready for dialogue and understanding and appreciates their common interest and has no enemies but one enemy And he is still occupying our land. ”

Member of the Al -Wafa Resistance Bloc, Representative Hassan Fadlallah, affirmed that the governor of the Bank of Lebanon and the central council of the bank are responsible for not controlling the manipulation of the exchange rate and re -regularity to it, especially since it is also concerned with the relationship with the banks, some of which manipulate the price of the dollar, and he performs suspicious practices, and she has submitted complaints against it to the judiciary , And there were investigations, the claim was, but this file went in the judiciary towards dilution, and put in the drawers. Fadlallah stressed that the central bank cannot complain about the high price of the dollar against the Lebanese lira, because the official must set solutions and treatments, and if there are speculations, manipulations and suspect applications, then he goes to judicial treatments.

"He who tries to make us economically and financially aims to put his hand on our decision and this is the great challenge.". He added, "They do not acknowledge the Capital Control to stop the financial leakage, even after two years of collapse because they continue to smuggle and try to stop criminal scrutiny, so imagine this battle that General Aoun started since 2005, 16 years have passed and we could not end it." And he added: "Our goal is to liberalize the Lebanese economy and the rest is all means, including criminal audit and the restoration of the funds that have been transferred abroad from politicians, ministers, deputies and influences, and these are to this day refuse to pass the law, as well as the law to detect accounts and property for public service organizers, which is also a means to reveal the corrupt."

In addition, the time limit for launching the second licensing cycle to explore oil wealth and gas in Lebanese territorial waters was set.Energy Minister Walid Fayyad explained in a statement that we set a deadline after 6 or 7 months of the time limits of the bidding, and we set more stimulating conditions than before in favor of the participant, as the winner will have a 3 -year period, and he decides whether he will abide by the issue of digging the well after a year of obligation.

Fayyad stressed that "we are interested in saying that we reinstall the sovereignty of Lebanon and its legal right to excavate the oil wealth and gas in the 4 or 9 numbers blocks, and I will go with the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun to Qatar and I want to speak with the Qatari minister on this issue, and we spoke with the Russian ambassador as well and manyOne of the international companies to participate in drilling in Block 4 and Block 9 ».

Under the title of hunger an infidel, calls on social media were invited to citizens to go to the street today, in protest against the rise in the dollar on the black market and the deterioration of economic conditions. In light of the serious calls to close the roads this morning and call for a general strike, and with what can be accompanied by security events and developments in the streets. In order not to repeat the tragic scene in schools during the recent Tayaynah events, the student committee called for leaving the option to open schools, high schools and official and private institutes for directors and estimate the circumstances surrounding the school. This comes after the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Abbas Al -Halabi, confirmed that the two are a regular education day in schools, high schools, professionalism and all official and private universities, pointing out that what is being circulated through social media about the closure of schools is rumors that are absolutely valid.

At the level of elections in the unions, the elections of the Dental Syndicate were canceled, due to several problems and conflicts between doctors during the process of counting votes in the union elections in protest of the slowdown of the screening process, amid a demand to adopt the manual counting method.The ballot boxes were also thrown.As for the pharmacy union elections, the candidate Joe Salloum won the position of "Al -Naqib", which he competed with the candidate Faraj Saadeh.

Maj.Shepherd: No to the resignation of the government ... and campaigns between the beautiful and Hezbollah after the disruption of the dental union elections

In turn, the brigade dealt with the internal affairs and wrote, saying, “With President Naguib Mikati’s return to Beirut, coming from the Vatican and the eve of the entry of the suspension of the“ Shiite duo ”ministers in the sessions of the Council of Ministers, pending the“ judgment ”of the Judicial investigator in the explosion of the Beirut port, Judge Tariq Bitar, the third month, as They went out of the session on 13 T1 (month 10), and the government was only a month or almost a month ago, the image appears to be suspended between orphan movements in the street, in protest against the price of the dollar in a crazy way, and the reflection of this on the high prices and fuel prices, the power outage and loss Medicines for incurable diseases, and waiting for President Mikati the results of the ongoing endeavors, to reach understandings about a basis of outstanding points, some of which are related to the judicial investigator and the separation of investigation with politicians from the judicial investigation, as well as holding a session for the House of Representatives to activate the Supreme Council to try presidents, ministers and deputies.

One of the emergency problems is what the Constitutional Council can reach regarding the appeal submitted by the Free Patriotic Movement, amid fears of divisions that would disrupt any constitutional decision, which exacerbates the crisis between the first and second presidencies.

الصحافة اليوم 29-11-2021 – موقع قناة المنار – لبنان

Informed political sources told the "brigade" that this brilliant week is detailed in the specialization of any new atmosphere related to the government's status and access to a solution to the convening of its sessions.She pointed out that nothing is clear yet, especially since the positions are oscillating.

The sources said that the call to hold the council is directed by President Mikati at a time when it sees it appropriate, and here the sources indicated that there are contacts that will take place in order to develop the final position, stressing that the question is how it will happen to the establishment of this session after talking about blowing up what was agreed upon at the presidential meeting in Baabda PalaceLast Monday, it indicated that the re -floating of the endeavor of the file of the judge al -Bitar from the government file is not excluded, but it is necessary to wait for certain signs.

On the other hand, political sources revealed that the communications and consultations that took place, following the meeting of the three presidents in Habda, to understand a solution to end the suspension of government sessions, did not lead to the desired results, and the problem remained in a vicious circle, to not be able to find an acceptable exit, for the condition of the Shiite duo to step down the investigatorAl -Adli bombed the Beirut port, Judge Tariq Al -Bitar.

The sources said that what was reported about attempts by Hezbollah to conduct what was called a barter, between the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri and the President of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gibran Bassil, according to which the judiciary is divided, so that the prosecution of presidents, ministers and deputies is limited to the Supreme Council of the Court of Presidents and Ministers And the deputies that are emanating from the parliament, through measures taken in the House of Representatives, in exchange for taking the demands of the current, returning from some amendments that took place on the law of the parliamentary elections recently, were not accurate, because there are political and constitutional obstacles that prevent the achievement of such an offering, with its indication to The consultations included more than one proposal and a proposal to get out of this mood.

The sources did not deny that far from the limelight, by Hezbollah, did not deny the relationship between Berri and Basil, and to try to find a solution to the problem of suspending government sessions, and indicated a recent visit from the party to the President of the Free Patriotic Movement, to achieve this goal, but it did not lead to An acceptable agreement on both sides. However, it revealed that everyone will complete the communications and meetings, including a visit from the expected Prime Minister Naguib Mikati to President Berri during the coming hours, to Google the results of the efforts and efforts made, to restore government sessions, and a communications fan that includes political parties supporting the government, to reach a final agreement Through it, this problem can be ended, and the problem of the Minister of Information, George Qirdahi, as well as as soon Economic, living and social for citizens.

Basil stabbed the appeal submitted to the Constitutional Council from the strong Lebanon bloc over the amendments law that has occurred on the election law, it is scheduled that the decision shall be submitted to the council today, provided that the President of the Council, Judge Tannous Mashlab, calls upon receiving the Council of the Council with all its ten members,To the meeting to study the report, and to take the appropriate decision on it, and it is expected that this week will be at the latest.

According to the available data, the five days interfered in the context of the countdown to the 15 -day deadline, which the council needs to accept the appeal to refuse it.

However, there are concerns about the scenario of disrupting the quorum, which needs 8 members out of 10, and if the quorum occurs, the decision to accept or reject needs 7 members, within the 15 -day deadline.

If the council ends with the establishment of the elections on March 27, the Speaker of the Council will not sign the decree of the invitation of the electoral bodies, and this denotes the setting dates of the elections in the circle of danger.

The shepherd against resignation and in the political context, the Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bishara Boutros Al -Raei announced that he was against the government's resignation, considering that the government's wheel was arrested in unconstitutional ways, stressing the speedy convening of it not causing resignations.

He affirmed that those who disrupt the government commit a crime against the homeland and citizens, and revealed that Hezbollah did not ask for a date to visit Bakri, and he did not seek to meet anyone from Hezbollah, and usually those who disrupt life, for example, will not receive it.

He said that the issue of the judicial investigator is not the authority of the government, but rather from the judiciary.As for the resignation of a minister, this matter is due to him, and the separation of the authorities must be respected.

He believed that the country is emptied by the heroes on which the country is based for agendas that require the people to accept anything, and we are in front of a starvation process to control this people.

The shepherd revealed that he asked Minister George Qirdahi to resign until he works as a hero .. and the Saudi Ambassador Walid Bukhari said that the resignation helps in resolving matters.

He defended the judiciary, and the decision of the Court of Cassation to refuse to return the request of Judge Bitar, and that the judiciary does not work in politics, and asked: Those who objected to the deputies and ministers, their objection, what then?He denied that he had made any contact with Judge Fadi Akiki.

He warned against a fundamental change of the identity of Lebanon, the message, democracy, freedoms and openness to East and West, calling for the preservation of the country ... as a great civilizational value, relying on the convening of an international conference on Lebanon to stop the road to death.The President of the Republic did not accept when his mandate ended.

Calling for the continuation of the civilized revolution, stressing the holding of the elections on time.Considering that the strong president is the honest and abstract.

He asked why the President of the Republic, the parliament and the government were subjected to Hezbollah?Requesting a strong army and internal security forces that impose internal sovereignty.

An uncomfortable rehearsal and disruption of the dental elections led to the outbreak of accusations between the head of the Phalanges Party, Sami Gemayel and Hezbollah, after the funds were broken, and the current captain Roger Rapists announced the cancellation of the elections, the direction to the judiciary, the announcement of other elections, as well as the claim of unknown persons.

The chaos was prevailed by the doctors against the background of their inability to see the results on a screen that was placed in the screening hall due to a technical failure, in light of complaints from the lack of transparency in the elections, in addition to that a number of them demanded the re -elections due to the chaos that occurred.

Commenting on the presence of people who are not dentists in the election hall, Rabies said: "This large number of people in the hall cannot be adjusted."

The dentists who were in Al -Bayal intercepted the votes manually sorted, 5 ballot boxes were thrown on the ground, and the largest part of the votes in it belongs to the candidate Ronald Younis.

"We felt a suspicious matter, so we demanded that we return to manual sorting so that the screening process did not last, and the problem occurred between the doctors, the boxes flew and signed on the ground."

The head of the "Phalanges" party, the resigned deputy, Sami Al -Jamil, published, on Twitter, a video of the process of throwing the boxes in the Syndicate of Dental.He commented on the video, saying: "What happened in the elections of the Dental Syndicate is defective and shameful, armed elements from" Hezbollah "from outside the doctors attacked the sorting staff and destroyed the boxes in a scene that does not preach good for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

A statement of the Hezbollah Dental Assembly said: When the electronic screening operations began and four out of the twenty boxes were sorted, and because of the delay in issuing the results until the time allocated to elect a captain had passed, some doctors were suspended from this delay.Here, the Kataeb Party candidate, Dr. Emily Hayek, submitted a high voice to make manual sorting, as its results were late and not among the top ten, so a frying and bone occurred, and some stormed the ballot boxes and broke them unfortunately and never acceptable and rejected.

The statement added: "Instead of Mr. Sami Gemayel and his allies from this act, he was ashamed to dress the accusation of Hezbollah's party, which left the freedom to support his supporters since the morning to election to those who see it appropriate, and he was not as concerned with the results."Accusing the beautiful of lying.

On the other hand, the Pharmacists Syndicate elections ended in a chain of transmission, and the pharmacist Joe Salloum won the Naqib Center, who competed with him, with the candidate Faraj Saadeh.

Salloum was nominated to the elections on the list of "Sindhi Syndicate", while His Excellency was a candidate on the list of "pharmacists who rose up."

After the final screening of the polls designated for the election of the captain, which began to sort at 8 pm yesterday, the results came as follows: Joe Salloum: 1134 votes compared to 995 for the joy of Saadeh, knowing that the number of voters reached 2158.

The "Sindhi Syndicate" list won 10 seats in the Pharmacists Syndicate elections, distributed to the union council, the retirement fund and the Disciplinary Council, while the list of "pharmacists rose up" on two seats, and 5 seats for the "Professional Prime Minister Syndicate".

Movements in the regions on the ground, Mahjatoun descended to the street in both Tripoli and Al-Minya, and cut off the Tripoli Highway- Akkar- Bab al-Tabbaneh locality, the dome- rice Street, and the road to the Beno police station, and the International Menia Highway.

In the context of the moves, a number of protesters stormed the electricity company, Qadisha in Tripoli, in protest against the power outages, and the protesters demanded that the employees be returned to all parts of Tripoli, and citizens in Halba carried out a sit -in in front of the Al -Waili station in Halaba, in protest against the power outage.

In view of the calls to block the roads today, Monday, the Minister of Education and Higher Learning, Abbas Halabi, tweeted asking school principals to coordinate with the heads of educational regions to make the decision regarding teaching or closing, while emphasizing that today is a normal teaching day.

In another context, "Lebanese sovereign groups" implemented a symbolic pause in front of the rocks of the River of the dog, on the anniversary of independence under the slogan "No matter how late Jayi". The word was the most prominent of what was stated in it: “Our history is a national resistance, and we will complete the march and we came here to increase a painting on the evacuation paintings. Lebanon is under the direct Iranian occupation through Hezbollah's dominance. We pledge to you today and in front of the evacuation paintings that we will resist and you civil resistance until this occupation was evacuated, as all the previous occupations were evacuated. We go to the Iranian occupier and say, raise your terrorism and your weapon from Lebanon, the state and the people, and you will not be able to change the identity of Lebanon or implement your Persian project, and it will not be Lebanon, no matter how you try, boycott from the jurisdiction of the jurist and will rise and emit from the hell that you promised us and brought us to it to recover its pioneering and neutral position as a bridge of civilization between East and West ». Participants in the stand unveiled the evacuation board, which preached the "evacuation of the Iranian occupation" and wrote: "The declaration of the civil resistance of the Iranian occupation of Lebanon and the restoration of the sovereignty and independence of Lebanon, the homeland of freedom and openness, Lebanon is the message and neutrality."

66,8057 health injuries, yesterday, the Ministry of Health announced that 1319 injuries were recorded in the virus "Corona" and recorded 8 deaths, bringing the cumulative number to 66,8057, proven laboratory since February 21, 2020.

Source: Newspapers