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Mar 03By smarthomer

Raddas reduces traffic accidents by 24 percent

The phenomenon of withdrawing driving licenses has risen significantly, causing greater concern among citizens, “victims” of this punitive measure, as a result of exceeding the legally permitted speed, whether on the motorway, national and state roads, entrances to cities and urban agglomerations, or for other errors..and it was Radar has the largest share in controlling “outlaws” ..

Although installing radar on the roads and in certain places has become a habit that Algerians have become accustomed to, they usually fall into its “trap”, and do not admit their mistake. By exceeding the speed..

Radar sparked a great uproar, and mixed reactions in the past few weeks, as more than eighty thousand driving licenses were withdrawn at the national level, and their owners were punished by depriving them of driving for a full six months. Absolutely against all expectations.

To discuss the nature of radar, its role, and the reality of its efficacy as a measure to mitigate traffic accidents, Al-Shorouk Online organized a symposium, which was the seventh in a series of symposiums that it has been organizing for some time. It invited the leadership of the National Gendarmerie, National Security, and Civil Protection to enrich the discussion, but the National Gendarmerie He was late for the .. National Security represented the first governor, Baoun Shawqi, head of the Statistics and Analysis Office at the General Directorate of National Security, and as for the Civil Protection, it dispatched First Lieutenant Amzal Zuhair, who is in charge of media at the General Directorate of Civil Protection

Radar is a restraining measure, not a preventive one

Nasr al-Din Qassem: Mr. Shawqi, what is the meaning of radar, or in other words, what is it? Is it a preventive or punitive measure?

Governor Baoun Shawky: I thank you for this good initiative that is part of an effective contribution to traffic awareness to reduce or mitigate traffic accidents..and when we talk about the radar device, we are talking about a deterrent measure, that is, it is used as a restraining device so that citizens know that there is a monitoring device To reduce speed, it is enough that there is a sign that the road is monitored by radar, “beware radar” and a speed limit sign..as for its restraining role, which is to impose punishment on the violator, including withdrawing the driving license, whether in the case of excessive speed or exceeding the legally permitted speed .. excessive speed Usually in cities, if the speed limit is thirty kilometers per hour on the radar, and exceeding it to thirty-one is considered excessive speed. This results in the withdrawal of the driving license and it is referred to the state committee to determine the period of withdrawal.

As for exceeding the permitted legal speed, it is usually in cities, outside cities, or on highways. When the sign indicates eighty kilometers, there is an increase in cities plus twenty, outside cities plus thirty, and on highways and a car plus forty.. inside cities. For example, if the speed is specified in the radar device at thirty kilometers, and exceeding it from thirty-one to fifty, that is, a difference of up to twenty kilometers, this is considered excessive speed, in the event that it exceeds fifty, then here it becomes a misdemeanor that moves from a violation to a misdemeanor. The judicial system that imposes a penalty on him, but in the case of excessive speed, his driving license is revoked. This is inside the city, but outside the city, it is plus thirty, meaning if it is fifty, then from fifty to eighty it is considered excessive speed, which means a violation, and if it exceeds eighty kilometers per hour, it becomes a misdemeanour. Up to one hundred and twenty is considered a violation according to which the driving license is withdrawn, and more than one hundred and twenty is considered a misdemeanor.

Nasr al-Din: Allow me, Mr. Bouaoun, to take you back to the issue of installing the radar. Is it a condition for that to be visible or hidden? Many citizens protest against its concealment?

Governor Baoun: No, legally, it should not be shown, as it is sufficient for there to be an indication of the presence of the radar. As for the operation of the radar, the best way is to act suddenly.

Qasim: It is noticeable that this resulted in what I call traffic solidarity between drivers, as they usually inform each other of the presence of the radar through light flashes from the opposite direction, which suggests as if there is a feeling of injustice among them..

Boaoun: This is related to people's behavior.. The radar is a sensitive device that must be in a special position in the shade, for example, and the way it works requires technical conditions for the nature of its position and how it is in order for it to work in a good way.. The radar device that will be acquired, for example, works in both directions, which requires arrangements and conditions. Others.. The use of radar, then, depends on the sudden action. The signal is sufficient. The citizen must respect the speed limit. In front of him is a signal with the presence of the radar, and another that determines the speed.. The driver must be a shrewd bag.

Police radars alone detected 12,440 speeding violations over the past 8 months

Riyad Boukhadha: Did the radar monitoring process achieve its goal of reducing traffic accidents, or did it remain just fines and driving license withdrawals to no avail?

Governor Baoun Shawky: I confirm with pride that the radar device has achieved very positive results, especially in urban areas that fall within the jurisdiction of urban security. Radar monitoring has contributed to a significant reduction in traffic accidents, and it contributes to reducing traffic accidents associated with excessive in speed by 24 percent, and when we say that radar is a deterrent or deterrent device, it certainly has a role in reducing road accidents.

In the security sector, we have a shortage of available radar devices, as there are currently 83 mobile devices, and about 400 new devices will be acquired in the future. Despite this, the number remains insufficient, compared to what exists in some countries, such as France, which has 4,000 mobile radars. And fixed, in addition to that they have a national card for the gray card, driver's license, and a fixed residence certificate that can only be changed with a permit, all these factors help to reduce traffic accidents.

Algeria is moving in this direction by preparing a national driver's license card and applying the driver's license with points.

Riyadh: Is the process of installing the radar subject to certain standards, such as choosing traffic points where accidents abound (for example)?

Governor Baoun: Of course, radar is installed in places where traffic accidents are frequent, and there is always a sign warning of the presence of radar (beware radar) and another that specifies the legal speed that must not be exceeded, but drivers deliberately ignore the law and drive quickly.

For example, the radar of the National Gendarmerie at the traffic point Sidi Mubarak in the wilaya of Bordj Bou Arreridj, on the “east-west” highway is known, and everyone knows that there is a radar in this area, but large numbers of drivers who cross the lane are always stopped very quickly.

In numbers, our latest tally shows that through 3128 radar monitoring operations that were carried out during the last eight months of this year (2014), 12440 violations related to exceeding the legal speed (20, 30, 40) km / h in excess of the legal speed were recorded. All of which are violations related to excessive speeding. In the same period, we recorded 4036 files referred to the judiciary (misdemeanors) for exceeding the authorized legal speed.

One of the advantages of radar is that it also helps detect stolen cars. The radar interests of the National Security were able to detect 144 cars bearing forged registration numbers during the aforementioned period.

Road terrorism kills ten people a day

Karima Khalas: Unusually in other sectors, Algeria occupies the global lead in traffic accidents, despite the deterrent and sensitization measures pursued by the various agencies in charge of road security.

Can you inform us of the general outcome of the civil protection sector in the field of interventions and victims?

Radar reduces traffic accidents by 24 percent

First Lieutenant Ben Amzal Zuhair: Yes, unfortunately, this is an undeniable fact. Road terrorism kills 10 people every day, and the number sometimes rises to 15 deaths in peak cases. Many accidents can be cited, the latest of which was the Laghouat accident, which claimed the lives of 8 people.

With regard to the outcome of the sector that I represent during the first six months of the current year, our units recorded 1,117 dead, including 838 men, 160 women and 119 children, while the number of wounded reached 36,760, including 26,471 men, 6,839 women and 3,450 children.

As for the number of registered accidents, it amounted to 30,248 accidents, compared to 56,753 interventions across the national territory.

The wilaya of Bouira tops the list of states with the most accidents recorded, with 51 dead and 1,371 injured, followed by the wilayas of M'sila, Biskra, Djelfa, Setif, Ain Defla and Ouargla, with a death rate of nearly 40 dead in each wilaya.

As for the temporary outcome of the summer season, which extends from June to August 30, it reached 780 deaths and 26,189 injured, with about 38,349 interventions.

In reading those numbers, it can be noted that the number of interventions increased by about 22 percent, as well as the increase in the number of accidents by 21.36 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

On the other hand, a very slight decline was recorded in terms of the number of deaths, which decreased by 0.71 percent, and the number of injured decreased by 22 percent.

The collision between vehicles takes a large part, indicating that excessive speed is the cause of these accidents, and it gets worse on national and state roads.

Karima Khalas: The awareness-raising aspect plays a major role in reducing traffic accidents. However, we notice that the awareness-raising process is very classic and routine and does not perform the role assigned to it. It is not convincing and ineffective. What do you think?

First Lieutenant Ben Amzal Zuhair: Indeed, sometimes the picture is many, as you described it, and for this reason, we in the Civil Protection pursued a policy of field work to educate the neighborhood, and in this context

62 thousand paramedics were trained across the various states of the country within the framework of the initiative launched by the General Directorate of Civil Protection since 2010 “a paramedic for every family”, which was supported by the “volunteer paramedic” initiative in order to enhance the culture of ambulance for the beneficiaries of the previous training, as they are prepared for their assistance In times of disaster or in some other situation.

As for improving the quality and duration of interventions, the civil protection units have always relied on motorcycles to provide first aid until the arrival of the ambulance, which may be hindered by difficult traffic. You arrive first, you take care of the task. All this is the concern of our sector for the human spirit, which minutes are extremely important in preserving.

Special security teams to detect radar circumvention devices

Mounir Rekab: The introduction of many modern applications to Algeria and its adoption of the third generation technology for mobile phones, and the future of the fourth has made the field open for citizens to circumvent and evade the radar device, using smart phones loaded with free programs from the Internet, that detect radar frequencies at a distance of more than 2 kilometer, does Algerian law criminalize such abuses?

Boaoun: Certainly … the Algerian legislator did not leave a legal void with regard to this circumvention, as he legislated Article No. 09-03, amending and supplementing Law 01-14 related to the Traffic Law, as a result of which all possessors of such equipment, whether they are sound or light alarms, or any electronic device that interferes, are punished Or hinders the work of the radar, but I stress that the noticeable development in the national security sector’s acquisition of modern technological devices is matched by a fierce competitor, which is “circumvention”, as we find every time modern technological and digital applications that seek to confront the devices established to deter and protect the citizen in order to reduce traffic accidents that have become a frightening specter with The increasing types and vehicles of cars, in addition to the fraudster's access to the World Wide Web, through which he copies free programs that have found their purpose in front of the radar.

The legislator did not leave a legal vacuum for technology to circumvent the radar

Muneerkab: You said that Law 09-03 related to the Traffic Law was established to deter such violations, so what is the penalty imposed on the fraudster in such cases?

Shawky Baoun: The judicial authorities are authorized to determine the type of punishment imposed on the violator, as it is determined on the basis of the type of crime or violation committed, by sending his judicial file with the type of crime or violation... The article that we mentioned previously determines the punishment of all traffic law violators with multiple types of violation And since radar is a preventive, deterrent, and sudden measure at the same time, and its role is to protect the citizen and reduce traffic accidents in the first place, this article was developed for deterrence and punishment?

Mounir Rekab: What is your security strategy to detect fraud, or rather, to stand up to this technological circumvention?

Shawki Bouaoun: The National Security Directorate has a security plan to protect the citizen from traffic accidents and deter violators, regardless of their age or gender, by preparing to install work teams that are currently intended for experimentation. , detects any illegal bypass devices to circumvent or evade the radar? ..

There are jurisprudences by the National Security Directorate aimed at protecting the citizen and arresting those who circumvent the law, and the role of these teams is to detect violators, but this matter remains a way to reduce and not limit because the technological development continues and with its continuity other advanced technological devices appear that make the security sectors coordinate efforts to find solutions for the phenomenon.

Deterrent laws for anyone who has an illegal number plate to evade radar

Munir Rikab: There are many ways, the goal is one. This proverb leads us to the fact that the methods of circumvention and evasion of the radar do not depend on technical devices that detect the vibrations of the latter, but rather extend to the presence of illegal insulating plastic number plates through which the driver escapes from the radar. Is there an explanation?

Shawki Bouaoun: The installation of numbering plates in vehicles is a regulated process, and the violator of the method of installing them is punished if he exceeds the legally agreed frameworks, which are length, width, type of numbers and color. The law punishes the violator and the maker of such insulating numbering plates, which is stipulated in Article 09/03 supplementing the law 01-14 related to the traffic law.

Munir Rekab: The lack of free lines for communication with the various security and civil protection sectors prevents the call from reaching the concerned authorities. Are there alternatives or other green numbers developed in coordination with the Algeria Telecom Complex to provide the largest possible extent to respond to citizens' calls, especially those living in the countryside?

Shawki Bouaoun: Of course, we have encountered several problems that prevent the call from coming through, since the citizen is the largest means of coordination in cases of traffic accidents or other incidents such as thefts, quarrels, fires, etc., and we seek to have other free lines for citizens soon.

The driver's license will not be withdrawn from tourists, and we focus on the financial penalty only

Mounir Rekab: Foreign tourists or the Algerian expatriate who violate the traffic law, are the same penalties applied to them, such as withdrawing a driver's license, for example?

Shawki Bououn: In line with the statements of the Director General of National Security, our interests have set out several facilities for tourists, by not withdrawing the driver's license and focusing on the financial punishment only for several considerations. This is a collective measure in coordination with the Ministry of Tourism and other sectors.