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Jul 18By smarthomer

Read the last number

The Ministry of Education was very interested in the share of the Arabic calligraphy, and the daily school schedule was not without a share here and another there for all years of study in the primary stage, as this class had a clear educational sanctity, as it had a specific brochure called the font brochure, now this brochure has disappeared,The line has also disappeared, but his school is still steadfast fighting alone against a stream that sees the obvious thing that does not need a school, and from here the crisis began.

The first Arab calligraphy school was established by a decision of the king in 1922 and was elsewhere before it was transferred to the Bab al -Sharia neighborhood. Saidia secondary and some other schools, in addition to Alexandria, Tanta and the rest of the Egyptian country, and its creation was not from a vacuum, but because the king was convinced at the time that it is a distinguished school that takes over the line of lines of the honorable Kaaba lines, because it put us in the front of this field instead of bringing calligraphers and painters from other Islamic countries, because The line is the pillar of Islamic art, while the previous religions took care of photography and acting, he made us the Arabic calligraphy for us that distinguishes us, but unfortunately it was neglected, and these schools have a special nature, so they are not a certain age to accept it as much They are on the pension, the duration of the study is four years, and the study is evening throughout the week except Friday and Saturday, because it is practicing its work in the classes of ordinary schools attached to it, and the condition of entering it to pass the admission test, and A. Abd al -Hamid adds: He studies The student is all types of Arabic lines of copies, plots, one -third, Persian, Diwani, Islamic decoration, and Arabic language in the first two years, in addition to other subjects, including teaching methods to transform practical experience for a lesson that is suitable for his education and delivery in an educational way, and the student spends the first two years studying the great Persian line using a small age, In the last two years, he is used as a thick line, because the greater the size of the line, his faults appear to remedy it, and after the four years the student gets the diploma of the Arabic calligraphy approved in Egypt and abroad, and the testimony of Egypt is the only approved at the level of the Islamic world, there is also 65: 70 % of those who They continue to study to obtain a diploma specializing in the line and gilding, which is used in the decoration and gilding of the Qur’an, and there is another subject for "paint and perspective" in Islamic art, in which the student gets to know the Islamic motifs and all the vocabulary of architecture, which is a compulsory subject while continuing to study the two lines "third The Persian, "As for the choice, it is limited to one of the other three lines to intensify the information in it, so that the student graduates metaphorically in the type of line, in addition to theoretical materials from" taste "," criticism methods "," technical painting ", and" history Arabic calligraphy "," Kufic calligraphy "in short, the Arabic calligraphy is a deep sea science, and the graduate of the calligraphy school is studying next to the line of Arabic language sciences.

The last ministerial decision

Professor Abdel Hamid despaired the state of the school and confirms that the demand for it is no longer as it was, especially after the decision of the former Minister of Education Ahmed Zaki Badr to stop these schools for a year, and we tried to meet him and discuss it in this decision, so the Ministry’s officials refused to facilitate our mission, so we resorted to the press to preserve our leadership and Islamic heritage and in The end we started organizing protest stops until Dr. Ahmed Jamal Al -Din took over the ministry and canceled the decision, but we suffered from the difficulty of financial financing, imagine that the teacher’s share is currently five pounds, and had it not been for us to volunteer love and confidence in this field, one of the teachers would not have continued, this is in light of our opponents and our participation in Outside, the Ministry of Education has long canceled the share of Arabic calligraphy in schools, and imagined that Turkey is organizing an international competition in this field every four years, nothing but to commemorate the pioneers of their Arabic calligraphy, and that the Emirate of Sharjah now has a museum for the Arab calligraphy that embraces Annually some competitions, while in Egypt there is only a single annual exhibition held in the opera, as Saudi Arabia was interested in the Arabic script and began to bring the gifted in it and give them prizes that are Hajj and Umrah trips, and in Egypt even though we are the origin of this The field, but there is no interest in it, and the result was the low level of the scholarship line in universities due to the absence of linear awareness.

Graduate problems

إقرأ آخر عدد

The problems of the school graduates as it is done by Professor Mustafa, which is the absence of an actual union that brings them together, and when it was declared, it was not approved, the applies and the plasticists do not consider it an important part of their studies, although it is a basic component in their studies, which is another problem that is added to the problems of the Arabic calligraphy in Egypt, while in Europe it appeared A group of artists who called themselves "craftsmen" found in the Arabic letter a great artistic value due to its beauty, and when we organized two exhibitions in America on the Arabic calligraphy, the paintings witnessed a great media acceptance, after which the provincial museum submitted a request to host the exhibition two other weeks at its expense, in the past he was a graduate of the calligraphy school kidnapped To work in the newspapers and the general department of passports and the Ministry of Interior and Foreign Ministry, and also to work abroad with unprecedented privileges, but now they are less dependent on them and this is a danger to the future of this art that can be combined with modern technology where how to study how to employ the authentic Arabic calligraphy with graphic programs but on The margin of study, and I submitted a project similar to the Ministry of Education to take advantage of the rejection of it, and I remember thirty years ago when Sakhr learned to design computer Fontat with my projects. Lubna for his study.

The Arab writers and the line

Iman Sayed, an Arabic language teacher and a graduate of 2004, is studying at the Arabic calligraphy school, which prompted her admiration for the writings of calligraphers to love Arabic calligraphy, and in the period of organizing the Saidia School for courses in the Arabic calligraphy, she applied to one of the courses and passed it within a month in the footsteps of the patch and copy For four years, she says: The line is very important because it gives me an additional advantage among my colleagues, and I am the one who designs the school paintings, and I am one of the ongoing workshops and research in the development of the line, and in Al -Azhar the line is an essential material, but it is necessary to intensify attention to it, and the first of the teacher In order to take care of the attendance, whoever teaches us the art of writing Arabic calligraphy comes to the school out of "zakat on science" because what do you do five pounds for a share offered by an artist in this field, even the directed that takes the matter of traffic on the school is not specialized, so how will you fulfill its duty to evaluate and direct, Mervat Mohamed, a housewife, says: I graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, yet I studied Arabic line, and I did not expect that it was a sea with this abundance, which is a sophisticated art that must be taken care of, while Asma Shaker, a lawyer at the Agricultural Research Center, was led by her good line to study the calligraphy in this school After advising her close to her to develop this queen through the study, so she joined her and she is now in the third year, and she is now a plans of banners at the center, Asma says: Currently there is a school to teach Arabic calligraphy in London, and calligraphers from China, Malaysia and East Asia are competing for international centers, While we are struggling to continue this art, and I believe that the state is forced to take care of it after the victory of 20 Egyptians in the last competition held in Turkey.

The steps are popular

Kamal Bilal, a specialist in financial affairs in Cairo, explains: Points in length and height from the line and the width, and differ from one line to another, also for each dedicated pen line, and the form of the correct letter varies if the age of the pen changes or books with the regular dry pen, the pen of the patch differs from the copies from the Diwani, and when we buy the ordinary ink we break part At a certain angle, then it is immersed in the ink and is used. After the pension, Muhammad Yaqoub Abdel Aziz, 55, says: 90 % of the students are in the age of pension, and one of the teachers here was a former army brigade. He is the retired Major General Mohamed Khairi. Before that it plans to work in the field of advertisements and arts, and Badr Orabi, the official of the "Arabic Airlines School" page, reveals that the number of Arabic calligraphy schools in Egypt was 360 schools, all of which were affiliated with government schools, but most of them closed his doors after the decision of Ahmed Zaki Badr to close them for a year But it returned after the revolution, stressful and poor, and she is still immersed until it maintains its presence in light of the lack of appreciation for its importance, but on the other side there are senior calligraphers such as Khudair Al -Portaidi, the largest arbitrator of the Arabic calligraphy in the world and the captain of the calligraphers, and one of its most important Turkish and Iranian schools, and there is a World Cup, And the "Arsika" competition in Turkey, which is held every four years in addition to the Alburda Festival in the Emirates, adds: The Arabic calligraphy is a profitable craft, whether used to decorate the paintings or in writing banners, or in "computing the line", which is an intended practical field with the design of the components that we use in the computer And it is a need because it is part of an authentic Arab heritage that must be preserved even if it has no benefit, and it is one of the forms of plastic art. E, but in Egypt the interest in it is less, and the adoption of big calligraphers is usually on external work, but the market in Egypt is somewhat limited as in publishing houses, but abroad can be sold a plate written in an Arab line of fifty thousand pounds, and there are Iranian paintings sold in auctions for a hundred one thousand dollars .

Mahmoud Zaki School

This time we went to Alexandria and we met Mohamed El -Gohary, the founder and director of the Mahmoud Zaki Salem School for Arabic Calligraphy to explain to us other fields of Arabic calligraphy, as he indicated that there is a chapter for the deaf and dumbness based on their help psychologically and muscularly. Just an Arabic booklet and a teacher, and he also called for courses to improve the lines of teachers, which is beneficial to the student. From supporting the calligrapher, the artist is also supported by the plastic artist, and had it not been for the remaining rest of the pioneers of this art, it would not have lasted and what reached the youngest, also an exhibitions must be organized for us.