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Fact or exaggeration .. Are the nineties really special?

Our views are formed around others based on the generation they belong to, but these classifications often lack the opinion of science.Individuals born between the mid -1980s and the beginning of the second millennium were called many names: "Generation Way", "The Generation of the Digital Network", and "Millennium Generation", which is the most widespread name.Today, there is a new designation for this generation whose popularity increases one day, and a day: "The exhausted generation".

The discussion was reported on the new name in an article that received wide resonance, and it was published on the "Buzzfeed" website last month.The article argues that the generation of the emerging millennium was unjustified by the financial crisis that took place in the late first decade of the current century, and the children of this generation were affected by the new intense parenting wave.As a result, they have excessive ambition, work more than their energy, and they feel unable to all of this.

This description seemed real for many readers from the millennial generation, but he left many people from the previous generation "Generation" [born between the early 1960s to the early eighties], asking why no one was interested in the difficulties they face.This disparity reveals to any degree we address the subject of generations in a loose manner.Is it useful to divide individuals in this way?

"If you want to draw boundaries between two historical generations, there should be a reason for that," says Ilwood Carlson, sociologist at Florida State University..He believes that this reason should be represented in a total collective difference between the two groups, which can be determined experimentally.It is not clear whether "exhaustion" fulfills these criteria, but it is possible."Determining the important differences to separate generations is the art of being more than it is a science," says Carlson..

The study of generations started in the 1920s, when the sociologist Karl Mannheim assumed that young people who experience major events and rapid social change are more coherent generations..He argued that coexistence alone is not enough to produce awareness among generations.

But in 1997, our way of thinking about generations changed a satirical playwright and another is an economic advisor;In their book "The Fourth Transformation", Neil Howe and William Strauss argued that generations follow a fixed cycle: children are born either during historical successes, renaissance, degradation or crises, which means that their generation is either a dreamer, interactive, civil or adaptive generation.

For example, the generation born in the period of "booming births" is a dreamer [births after the World War between 1946 and 1964.M], because he grew up during the prosperity period followed by the war.While the birth of the tenth generation are interactive because they were born in the mid -sixties to the mid -1980s, which means that they grew up during a social awakening.

The success of the book has strengthened the belief that people born in the same period shares common features, behaviors and beliefs, even if there is no historical event that unite it around it.Dan Woodman, sociologist at the University of Melbourne, believes that the idea of specific age groups led to a war between generations.He adds: "The classifications of generations that we use are highly superficial and simplified, and are often used to engage in what is called" the bashing of generations ", such as the saying:" The Millennium Millennium Generation ", the generation of selfish births", "X x generation '' '".


According to Woodman, these definitions are also transformed depending on those who have power and power.The millennial generation, which has always been described as spoiled and lazy in the media, is now able to change this narration.The article "The Glared Generation" was written in Bazid, a member of the millennial generation, for example, which applies to the article that you now read as well..

However, Henry Rose Lee, the author and who is speaking about generations at the workplace, says that while classifications can be dangerous, they are also necessary to understand the differences between generations in their positions towards work."Young values revolve around wider matters of integration, diversity, environmental sustainability, care and cooperation.".This is explained that while the millennial generation may seem traitor to employers, this is just a result of the increase in the movement of its children between the jobs, which in turn is due to the decrease in the number of young people associated with a real estate mortgage due to the global recession.

New generations are now joining the labor market."In 2017 and 2018, he joined the labor market about three million individuals from" Generation Z ".".These individuals come after the millennium generation;This means that the oldest of them has reached the age of adulthood recently.

Jane Twing, a psychologist at San Diego State University and author of "Igen", argues that smartphones have made this generation more worried and depressed than previous generations."I call them" Igen "because they are the first generation that spends its full -time teenage period on smartphones.This transformation between generations, like most of the transformations since the birth of the birth, is limited based on life experiences instead of historical events..

Its analysis of surveys on the positions and behaviors of adolescents has been criticized, but Toeing says that its conclusions are based on rates representing the reality at the national level in the United States: "There is no danger in that unless someone assumes that all individuals of the same generation are similar, which I do not think thatSomeone will assume it..

However, many of us already adopt this assumption;Woodman believes that the simplified definitions of generations obscure the layer, sex and sweat, and thus reduce the differences between members of one generation.Carlson blames the commercial exploitation of generations, with a boom in products that target one generation without another, such as books on managing the millennial generation in the workplace.

Carlson says: "Awareness of diversity between the people of one generation was never more important than it is for the generation of the millennium, and it is the most diverse generations [in the United States] within at least a century.".The American population statistics show that the millennial generation is made up of 56% of the white skin, compared to 68% for older generations..

This diversity has prompted some to address the subject of generations in a new way.The MacRandel company, a marketing research company based in Sydney, formulated the term "Alpha generation" to describe the smallest current generations, and they are children of the children of the millennium.According to Ashley Phil, from MacRIndel: "Today's generations are socially defined, not biological.".

Phil says that the pace of change in modern society has lost the traditional biological definition of generations, which is defined by generations based on a period of fifteen to twenty years.."The groups of age groups change very quickly, in response to new technologies, and the functional and study options are changed," she added..

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Some people already define generations according to shorter periods, such as "Xennials", which is called the generation born between the generation X and the millennial generation, that is, born in the late 1970s and early eighties, and is considered a miniature generation.This designation was popular through an article published in the "Good" magazine in 2014.At a time when Phil believes that the division of generations has become naturally shorter now, Woodman warns that without agreed criteria to divide generations, the creation of mini generations may be meaningless.

Woodman says: "The account of generations must clearly define the changing and concrete social conditions that have effects that exceed young people compared to previous generations..Despite the benefit of dividing generations with higher accuracy, it does not keep us away from the limits of these classifications in general;They are required to be treated with caution and doubt..

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Even if the members of the "Alpha generation" have arisen on the virtual reality, there is no guarantee that this will lead to major social differences.Also, the older generations are adaptive to the new technologies, which makes it difficult to say that the differences are clear as they seem at first glance.

However, Carlson argues that despite the discussions, we must continue to pay attention to the generations' divisions.He says: "If we do not pay attention to our differences, it is easy to misunderstand the fears, hopes, previous ideas and general expectations of a generation different from our generation.".

النشأة بصحبة أداةMعينة

Born boom generation

Born in the mid -1940s to the mid -sixties.

the television

While the "silent generation" [and they are the births between 1925 and 1942, specifically during the period of the Great Depression and the Second World War.M.] قد شهد ظهور the television، فإن Born boom generation هو أولMن كبر بصحبة the television كوسيلة إعلام جماهيرية. عُرِض برنامج للأطفال لأولMرة في عام 1947، بينما شاهد الملايين الهبوط على سطح القمر في عام 1969.

C generation

مواليدMنتصف الستينيات حتىMنتصف الثمانينيات


كان أبناء C generation هم أول الأطفال الذين امتلكوا Computers في المنزل. يدّعي البعض وجود جيلMصغّر ضمن هذا الجيل، المعروف باسم "Xennials" أو "جيل أوريغون تريل"، وهو الجيل الأصغر سنا الذي نشأ على لعب لعبة حاسوب باسم "أوريغون تريل"،Mواليد هذا الجيل المصغّرMن أواخر السبعينيات وأوائل الثمانينيات.

Millennium generation

مواليدMنتصف الثمانينيات حتى أوائل العقد الأولMن القرن الحادي والعشرين

Social media

من الرسائل النصية إلى واتس آب، شهد Millennium generation تغيّرا تكنولوجيا سريعا في طريقة تواصلهم. كانت Social media جزءا أساسياMنMرحلة المراهقة، وقد نقلوا هذه التجربةMعهم إلىMكان العمل.

The generation Z

مواليد العقد الأولMن الألفية الثانية وصاعدا


ومثلما نشأMواليد "طفرة المواليد" على شاشات the television، فإن أبناء "The generation Z" هم أولMن حصلوا على أجهزة IPad في سنMبكرة نسبيا. وقد برعت هذه المجموعة في النقر على الشاشات وتمرير أصابعهم عليهاMنذ الطفولة، فتعلمت هذه المجموعة كيفية التنقل في المشهد الرقمي وفقا لشروطها الخاصة.


Translated (Alaa Abu Rumaila)

هذا التقريرMترجم عن: New Scientist ولا يعبر بالضرورة عنMوقعMيدان.