Home >petition >Riyadh newspaperWomen's obesity ... the psychological state may lead her to excessive food!
Jun 24By smarthomer

Riyadh newspaperWomen's obesity ... the psychological state may lead her to excessive food!

It is considered one of the increasing problems in most societies, especially in our society, the phenomenon of weight gain (obesity), which increases its problems in girls and young people, not to mention their presence in the applicants and applicants, and this problem has become an obsession that disturbs societies and health organizations in particular, due to the accompanying future medical problems. Some parents may think that weight gain is complete in health and perfection of wellness and presses their children and their skinny daughters to eat more food, whatever its type and quality to gain weight. This belief was prevalent and is considered natural in many societies in previous ages. However, the damage of obesity and its multiple medical problems that necessitated standing in front of this medical problem, which is now identified as a disease that must be combined with health awareness in terms of food and sports. This is with the aim of adhering to specific weights and certain standards and how to use the appropriate means in order to achieve the desired goal.

Scientific documents issued by international health organizations and organizations indicate that obesity has increased among the countries of the industrial world and that they are crawling strongly on the countries in the process of growth.

In the United States of America, one of the studies showed that the obesity rate among Americans of African origin reached 30.4 percent, and in Americans of 27.3 percent.

The same is the case in the Arab and Gulf countries.

Methods of diagnosing obesity

وMethods of diagnosing obesity كثيرة، منها ما هو معقد ولا يجرى إلا في معامل الأبحاث، وما هو بسيط ويجرى بسهولة في أية عياده. وبالنسبة للعامة يمكن التعرف على الوزن الطبيعي التقريبي بخصم الرقم مئة من الطول (الوزن الطبيعي التقريبي = الطول بالسنتيمتر - 100).

As for clinics and obesity treatment centers, there are several methods mentioned, including:

1- Libra: The length is measured by centimeters and the weight is estimated at a kilogram.Then the weight is compared to the weight of the standard tables of natural weights based on length, age and sex, and thus can be calculated overweight for the ideal weight.

2- Measuring the thickness of the skin: In areas of the arms, back and abdomen, and devoted into special tables, from which the percentage of fat in the body can also be calculated, as well as there are scales and devices that can give the percentage of fat and compare these proportions in relation to normal.

3- Calculating the BMI:

By dividing the body weight in kilograms by the square of length per meter.Body mass guide = weight in kilogram / (length per meter) 2.Obesity degrees in this way are divided into: zero obesity degree 20 - 24.9, severity of obesity 1 - 25-29.9, seminar degrees 2 - 30-40, severity degree 3 - more than 40 called excessive obesity.The person is considered obese if the body mass guide increases at 27.8 for men and 27.3 for women.

4- Measuring the percentage of the waist circumference to the area of the buttocks:

This method benefits the diagnosis of obesity that leads to complications in the narrow arteries of the heart and other serious complications.

Causes of obesity

  1. Food: One of the main reasons for obesity is excessive food that leads to obesity, which is energy foods such as sweets, chocolate, rice, pasta, bread, jam, butter and cream. In fact, there is no objection to eating these foods for health Eating food between meals, eating sweets in abundance, fast food, nuts and soft drinks. This is in addition to the woman's lack of knowledge of how to prepare a proper diet that contains all the nutrients that the body needs is one of the factors that help in obesity.

  2. Lack of activity and lack of movement: The lack of physical activity and lethargy lead to obesity, and the modern lifestyle and the amenities inside and outside the house and the use of the car even in short distances, as well as the spread of TVs everywhere, around which family members gather young and old several hours a day.This reduces movement, not going out and walking.

  3. Psychological reasons: The psychological state can affect the amount of food that the individual consumes. Where some women escape from the psychological problem to the state of excessive eating, and this is what is called psychological obesity and is the result of hill in eating and not feeling full. This group of girls opens their appetite by simply seeing them, drilling them for foods, or even smelling them from a dimension, and they are usually less movement than others and do not practice any kind of physical exercise and they are sleeping to sleep, comfort and laziness, but they always search for eating even if it is not palatable to the taste and treat this type Obesity is easy, which is a regular diet of food.

  4. The effect of pregnancy in obesity: Female hormones play an important role in the distribution of fats in various areas of the woman's body. Perhaps the accumulation of fat in the buttocks in women is due to the estrogen hormone that the ovaries secrete, so this type of obesity (female obesity) is called the female and the accumulation of fat in women increases As a result of the growing hormonal activity in the period that extends from the beginning of puberty to the age of forty -five. As for pregnancy, it has not been proven that pregnancy has a major impact on the occurrence of high obesity. As for the weight gain that appears during pregnancy, it is the result of the growth of the fetus and the accompanying enlargement in the uterus in addition to increasing the hormonal activity that opens the appetite for eating, but some pregnant women are in part in food and immortality For the rest of them, this helps the growth and preservation of the fetus, which leads to weight gain and the weights of most pregnant women return to normal after birth in several weeks, especially if they are breastfeeding women, as adequate breastfeeding helps greatly in getting rid of the gained weight during pregnancy and perhaps without without that.

  5. The role of heredity in obesity: Genetics has a well -known role in obesity. The genetic preparation for obesity is inherited from parents to children, especially if one of the parents or both of them is a debt, but the direct cause of this phenomenon is complicated and unknown specifically and needs a lot of research and in -depth studies.

  6. The role of endocrine glands in obesity: One of the most endocrine glands is the cause of obesity is the lethargy of thyroid and it is very common in women, and adrenal and pancreas disorders have a role in obesity.

The effect of some medications

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Some of the medicines that women take have a direct effect on obesity and from them

• Birth control pills, due to the feminine hormones that lead to water storage inside the body and not consuming the entire energy, but this increase is a slight usually and rarely exceeds the excess weight from one to three kilograms and medicines that contain female hormones cannot be held responsible for weight gain inIf you are given in middle age, as this weight gain is due to genetic factors or other factors.

• Cortisone is known that cortisone is one of the causes of obesity, where the body is to produce fats, as well as it is unique in its distribution, as it makes it largely accumulated around the neck, cheeks and abdomen, in addition to its continuous effects and retention of fluids and salt inside the body even if its use is superficial on the skin where it can penetrate the leather barrier and spreadIn the body, the patient usually increases between 25 to 30 kilograms at once.But the use of cortisone for short periods and moderate quantities is not afraid, as obesity appears only when treatment exceeds a month.

• Stestesses and painkillers: The sedatives and analgesics do not increase weight, but their consumption is abundant and excessive may lead to obesity because the patient gradually loses his activity and movement, and his concern will decrease and therefore will not burn the thermal units that he stores, and his weight increases. As for the drugs that increase the weight, they are the first degree that treats nervous collapses and that directly affect the brain and the pressure centers of the nervous system that manages the affairs of the numbness of hunger and satiety, which leads to a feeling of interfering with the sick hunger to devour foods without restrictions and in a way that exceeds their daily requirements and the little use of these drugs does not affect The bottom line is that the best one that one can offer to himself is to move away as much as possible from medicines and rely on what is healthy and useful by self -will.

The Amazon Company launched a modern table for the tablet at a price of $ 49.99 (approximately 200 riyals), a price that analysts said was reduced to the extent that it gives a place in a crowded market with this type of devices and attracts more customers for the company's services on the Internet.

The new (Fire) device - one of several new and updated devices launched by Amazon - comes with a seven -inch screen, a front camera and a rear camera.It will start on September 30.

"There is one part of the tablet market is currently growing ... devices less than $ 100," said Daf Limp, Vice President of the Gathering.

He added that the company (Fire HD), which is sold at $ 99, has achieved the best sales for the company last year.

Analysts said there are few tablets that can be placed in comparison with the new Fire.The device is equipped with a four -core data processor and 12 GB storage.

"The lesson that we learn from the electronic devices to customers is that when the market ripens, consumers go to the cheapest ... if you are Amazon and you know that this will happen, you will be this trend," said James McCoyei, chief analyst at Forenester Research and Consulting.

He described the tablet, which is sold at $ 50, described the "addiction gate" Amazon to attract new consumers to (Prime), an annual shopping program with a subscription of $ 99, estimated at 40 million subscribers in the world.

Amazon also revealed two devices (Fire HD) with two screens, which were ten and ten inches, and provided customers with the updated Fire TV.

The Fire TV device, which is sold at $ 99.99, allows viewers to lose weather, follow the results of the matches and hear music.

Amazon said viewers will later be able to control home devices through Fire TV.

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