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Nov 12By smarthomer

Scientists say that human origin is not a monkey but a fish!

According to the new study, the ancient human beings were similar to salmon fish, which swam in the vast ancient oceans for hundreds of millions of years ago.

Although thousands of years have passed since the human development, the study confirmed the existence of signs in the human body that still confirms that the origin of human being is the name of the salmon, as they considered it as a "biological resonance for our aqueous past"..

According to the research published in the BBC newspaper, the new study, written by Dr. Michel Moussali, gave several signs of the origin of the fish, namely:


Hiccup مزعجة والتي تثير الغضب في بعض الأحيان، والتي كانت جزءا غريبا من عالمنا كبشر طوال فترة وجودنا، يعتقد العلماء أنها من أصل سمكي، حيث كانت تحتاجها الأسماك لعملية التنفس، حيت تعتبر منعكس لا إرادي باق منذ الأصل السمكي، والتي تحدث عند الإنسان بسبب انقباض الحجاب الحاجز.

These cramps cause a sudden shine of air and force your vocal cords to close for a very small period, which results in the distinctive sound.

The researcher noted that the breathing system has developed a lot in humans and has become different from that in the fish, but the diaphragm and membranes spasm is one of the remains of these assets.

علماء يقولون ان أصل الانسان ليس قردا بل سمكة !

The upper lip

At the top of the lip, there is almost a slight curvature to the interior that reaches the bridge of the nose.Studies indicate that there is no real or useful reason for this bending, but experts confirm that this bend has moved from our fish -like ancestors..

This bend, which is called "proliferation", appears when our faces are formed in the womb, and our face consists of three parts that collect in the first ten weeks of the uterus, a process that we inherited from our fish ancestors, according to the research.

When the head is almost the size of a grain of rice, the eyes are at the top of the head and then they move to the middle later, while your upper lip begins along with the jaw in the form of gills -like structures on the neck.

And with the passage of time and the continuation of the periods of pregnancy, the details of the face take their new sites that resemble the human face, where the three parts of our face meet somewhere, and the proliferation is the place of this meeting and its effect.

Reduced genitalia

Humans inherited, as the study indicated, the site of the reproductive system from their fish ancestors, and it is almost identical to the shark fish.

The research noted that the testes in the sharks are settled in the chest, which is what happens in humans when pregnant, where the genitals are formed in an area close to the chest, and then gradually decrease to take their human position at the end of the months of pregnancy.

Dr. Musli said: "The inguinal hernia (which occurs in men) often require surgery, and if you are sad when it occurs with you, you should blame the fish.".