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Aug 08By smarthomer

Secret banks in the homes of the Algerians

This coded iron treasury installed in a wall behind an artistic painting, for example.But the reality today is far from this..Organized robberies targeting homes, as well as the decline in the confidence of many Algerians in the banks after the Caliph Bank's scandal, has adopted many of the option to save money and valuable property that is easy.It is not necessary to be a millionaire, a businessman or a merchant in order to acquire an armored treasury that you put in your home to reassure your precious purposes and your important documents as well, which we stood on a tour to stores selling stores in the capital.Perhaps the number of stores that offer this "commodity" is the most true evidence that the demand for it is increasing.Our first destination was the Al -Qubba neighborhood, the shop was not large and was offering office equipment, along with armored stores.We stopped its owner after we were waiting for him until he finished the conversation to a customer who took a medium -sized treasury, and he asked about the smallest details related to the secret number or "blade" and the way to change it, and other details.Women..The number one customer asked the customer about the reason for the acquisition of the armored treasury, and we justified our curiosity, of course, by revealing our identity after we gave our speaker with a surprising look, he replied, laughing:naturally..There is no longer safety, just a few days ago, a neighboring house in Zeralda in the capital was subjected to a robbery in which he lost about 14 million centimeters..I assumed that the theft of his neighbor's money would have motivated him more to avoid keeping the money at home, so my speaking response quickly came: “Certainly, I keep my money in the bank, but putting some money at home for necessity is also important, and securing the wife’s jewelry is no less important, so the treasury must be present.”.Here, the owner of the store, who was reciting the story of one of his clients, who lost jewelry worth 400 million centimeters, interfered, including a golden belt and sets set with precious stones, when she was celebrating the wedding of her son in the family home, and the thief of course was only a family member, he found gold in its consumption, because it isHe was preserved in a simple box, with a correct secret number, but it can be carried and easily hidden.Our conversation attracted a woman who entered the shop only for the acquisition of office purposes, but our conversation tightened her and she interfered to remember an incident that occurred to her in her home, saying: “There is no safer than saving money and precious jewelry in a private fund in the bank.”.The lady continued to tell an incident that occurred to her and her sister, saying: “By virtue of that I and my sisters are employees and spend most of the time outside, we used to keep our jewelry in my mother’s house by virtue of that she only left it rareWith all jewelry that exceeds 600 million, and we have not yet known the perpetrator..We left the shop, whose owner confirmed that the steel treasury trade has recovered in the recent period, with the emergence of what he described as "the new rich", and at the same time he did not deny that he received customers of all classes and social levels.It is the same as what the owner of a store went to in the Al -Humaiz neighborhood.. يقول محدثنا، “استقبل الكثير منWomen اللواتي يبحثن عن خزنة للاحتفاظ بمجوهراتهن، والكثير منهن تعرضن للسرقة في السابق حتى من طرف أشخاص من البيت نفسه، فيجدن في تأمين المجوهرات في خزنة لا يحفظ غيرهن رقمها السري الطريقة الأمثل لتجنب السرقة”.The owner of the store continued that the women choose medium -sized stores, from 20 to 40 cm, and cost them between 4500 dinars to 4000 dinars..Merchants are also among the most important customers of these stores, as these people keep their money in the store mostly, they cannot transfer their money daily to the house for fear of being subjected to a robbery or attacking thieves, and also they cannot transfer them daily to the bank.Many are reluctant to keep their money in banks, although it is the safest place, for fear of losing their money or being embezzled.Perhaps the century scandal related to the Caliph Bank is the most true example that justifies the fear of these people, but usurious financial transactions in banks are also among the reasons for some reluctance to keep their money in it, and those who are obligated specifically.In the context, our interlocutor highlighted that these are among the customers who choose to save their money at home, and their argument in that is that even if usurious increases do not affect his money saved in the bank, but his money is used to grant usury loans to the bank’s customers, and he does not want to participate inthis process.

بنوك سرية في بيوت الجزائريين

Various varieties and prices from 4 thousand dinars to 4 million

Many customers, according to the owner of a store selling armored stores in the Al -Humaz region in the capital, are looking for the most secure tanks, no matter how much their price is, and it ranges from 4000 dinars to 4 million centimeters, and perhaps more, according to the quality of the treasury, the country of manufacturing, the blade, and also provide them with the alarm deviceIn the event that one of them tries to open it and put a wrong number, as many people ask about a treasury that allows the possibility of installing in the wall to keep it away from the eyes, and until you are in a secret place that he does not know sometimes even the people of the house, and these are many, according to the owners of the shops we talked to.."The thief" does not sleep, and despite the keenness of many of the customers of these high -tech storage, this does not put them in immune to theft and sometimes robbery, as this is also the latter has thieves specializing in dismantling their code, no matter how difficult, and perhaps the news of the robbery that the pages of newspapers are listed daily is the most honestfor example.In the context, we mention the issue of the theft that a businessman and owner of a series of jewelry shops were subjected to two years ago, when the thieves stormed his villas in the morning while he was going to work, and he was accompanied by his family members and seized a treasury with a significant amount of jewelry and money in dinars and hard currency, they took it in full..It is true that its opening is difficult, perhaps on the thieves, but they opened it at the end..What is the safest place to save our money?The research and investigation teams in the security of the capital, in January, also addressed a issue related to the robbery and thefts that affected a number of private institutions, which were stolen their steel treasures designated for collecting and storing money, and it is related to three companies located east of the capital, specifically in the Casablanca and Al -Hamiz region, has been exposed to.To a night theft of its cabinets, the issues were recorded in separate times, while the theft scenario did not differ.The five -person arrested network members assault on guard agents working for the targeted companies before being able to transport the treasury..Security interests have recovered the stolen closets with a sum of more than 400 million centimeters."Cover Four"..African migrants are also the African migrants who invaded the streets of the capital to beg and begging the generosity of the Algerians to provide them with some dirhams, and they mostly reach their goal, or those whose issues are flowing a lot of ink daily on the pages of newspapers for their involvement in drug and fraud cases, from the customers of the armored stores as well, according to the owner of the storeIt is located in Al -Humaz, Algiers, adding: “These people visit us a lot to purchase the storage of all types and sizes in order to save their money for fear of being stolen.”.Some of them, according to the owner of another store in Al -Humaiz, prefer to store their money at home, for fear of being exposed to confiscation or reservation in the event of their judicial follow -up or if they are deported, in addition to that most of them entered Algeria illegally, and therefore do not have the necessary documents that allowThey open a bank account.

كلمات دلالية :بنوك سرية في بيوت الجزائريين