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Aug 01By smarthomer

Study: Short text messages will disappear

A recent study by OVUM for technical research indicated that SMS service has become today threatening its popularity from what it was in the past, which requires companies equipped for communication services to search for new income sources.

The short text messaging service is the main supplier of income for these companies by virtue of their spread and wide popularity because of its users to stay in constant contact with their surroundings in a way that avoids them relatively high costs of phone calls.

However, the great spread in the use of smartphones that are permanently connected to the Internet has increased free correspondence and communication services available to users such as video calls, audio messages and text messages available through many applications, as well as social networks that have achieved extensive popularity since its inception.

All of these services and products would make short text messages service a matter of the past because of its wide advantages and options for users at a very low cost compared to the cost of SMS service, but perhaps free often most of the time.

The study indicates that the companies equipped for communication services around the world - regardless of the revenues of voice calls - have achieved in 2009 57% of their totals through short text messages service, and it is expected that this percentage will decrease to 47% during the current year.

دراسة: الرسائل النصية القصيرة ستندثر

The study also adds that the alternative messaging services that were recently used have been reduced by 8.7 billion dollars in the total revenue obtained by the communication companies during 2010 and nearly 14 billion dollars in 2011.

بحسب الدراسة بلغت نسبة استخدام الهواتف الذكية في العام الماضي فقط 12% من مجموع أنواع الهواتف المستخدمة، لكنها في المقابل شكلت ما نسبته 82% من حجم التراسل ونقل البيانات

Statistics The study presented statistics that included some of the countries of Southeast Asia, where data from government communications bodies in the Republic of Singapore indicate that what was sent and received short messages in the city of Singapore alone has reached 2.5 billion text messages during September 2011, then this number started to reach 2.2 billion messages last March.

Last year, a statistical survey of mobile phone users included 21 countries in the world, through which it was found that Indonesia is the most used country of the world for short text messages, as 96% of its total population is used regularly, and the reason for this is due to the fact that the vast majority of Indonesia -who are numbering.Nearly 240 million people- they cannot acquire smartphones, which makes the SMS service the basic means of communication in this country, according to the study..

Indonesia is also one of the popular markets of the Canadian company "BlackBerry" because of the latter's immediate messages services.

In the Philippines, where the use of the smartphone is widely spread at the rate of "a phone for every Filipino citizen", the SMS service has become an essential part of the culture of the Philippine society and its political life as well.

Official data indicate that every Filipino citizen sends 15 text messages on average daily, according to its different content "rumors, invitations and recreational and comic messages, but rather they are used to organize political protests as well", which makes the Philippines among the countries most used for text messages, and this as wellCorrespondence of approximately nine million people of workforce outside the country.

Although this service is very popular with the above -mentioned Asian markets, one of the experts has concluded that the users frequently went to the use of smartphones will have an opposite impact on the use of SMS service.

According to the aforementioned study, the percentage of use of smartphones in the world last year was only 12% of the total types of phones used, but in return it constituted 82% of the size of the messaging and the transfer of data.An alternative cash resource.