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Sep 22By smarthomer

Service Pro 3 .. Libbed of laptop

Service Pro 3..The third attempt by Microsoft with tablets..This time I raised expectations to make a device that represents a starting point for a new computing stage called post-PC PC.Microsoft has always been making devices and hardware to promote software, that was with the mouse to promote the graphic interface and now with tablets to promote the new Windows interface..The previous attempt with the tablet was not successful as expected..There is nothing wrong..Microsoft returned again with a revelation, not like any other tablet on the market..It is a tablet design with laptop specifications.

Service Pro 3كان أحد أجهزة مايكروسوفت بقياس 12 وهو أكبر من الحواسب اللوحية المتوفرة حالياً بقياسات 10 بوصة كالآيباد و جالاكسي تاب وبنفس الوقت أصغر من الحواسب المحمولة التي عادة ما تكون بقياس 15 بوصة، يأتي قياس 12 بوصة لسد فجوة هامة هنا وتدعمها مايكروسوفت بمواصفات عتادية قوية للغاية.

Microsoft focused on her device to be highly specific as it is not weak as in Chrome Book devices, the screen is very strong 2,160 * 1,440 pixels and gives more severe and brighter colors that work with a large sensitive touch for ten fingers together and the company was interested in making it very slim until it surpassed the MacBook Air.

مع أن Service Pro 3لوحي لكن قدمت الشركة له كيبورد اختياري، في الواقع أنت تصبح مضطراً لشراء الكيبورد لتعظيم الفائدة منه، و طورت طريقة ربط الكيبورد بالجهاز مغناطيسياً بشكل ملحوظ مقارنة بالنسخة السابقة، كما أنه أصبح أكثر استقراراً حتى لو وضعت الجهاز على حضنك أو أي سطح آخر غير ثابت كالطاولة. بالفعل تريد مايكروسوفت أن يكون Service Pro 3جهاز عملي تستخدمه في حياتك اليومية لهذا لوحة المفاتيح مع مساحة اللمس الواسعة تعمل بكفاءة عالية ليتشكل عندك لابتوب.

And for those who have the old keyboard with the old tablet, it will work with the new tablet, but there will be a difference in the display to change the area of the tablet and enlarge it.

And now we come to the back bond, which also developed significantly, as in the previous version it was working in only two situations, but now you can adjust the angle of the screen according to a much wider field of up to 150 degrees to reach a semi -flat mode..Here is another point that makes the Microsoft device practical in daily life, for everyone who wants to adjust the angle of the screen as it relaxes or is reflected in the sunlight, for example, or how he wants to sit and support his back, it is unreasonable to force him to only two positions he chooses from them.

Personally, I do not see that the device represents a real alternative to the laptop and if Microsoft put it in this way, yes it has stronger specifications than my personal laptop, and despite the stable keyboard and the highly sensitive screen for touching, it is not a complete alternative to the laptop and if it comes with a new design.

Microsoft may target these people who prefer to use tablets and spend it longer, but they find that the tablet does not provide the same productivity that the laptop offers, especially in writing, so whoever uses the lymphatic tablet key will be slower, less effective and more committed to errors compared to the real plastic keyboard.And with two inch in the screen, it will give you more space to move on files, browse the Internet, or even watch movies. لذا من يحب استخدام اللوحي لكن يريد انتاجية أكبر فإن Service Pro 3خيار مناسب جداً له.

Also there is a trend now in companies to use tablets instead of mobile or office, the new Microsoft provides many advantages that make it suitable for companies, the most important of which is that it works with Windows, thus you will not find problems with the operation of Office, which is a major program in companies, and the tablet also provides the possibilityMobility, movement, and the longest battery, these are important factors to work in today's companies.

Another segment that can benefit from it is students. Students also need a quick keyboard to write notes or lectures or modify files and research and with the availability of Office and Windows, the device is an ideal option of a smaller size and a much lighter weight than any existing laptop.

Service Pro 3.. لوحي بقوة اللابتوب

As we talked, the specifications of the device, especially the processor, make it stronger than any tablet and even stronger than a lot of laptops. The device can be purchased a copy of it with an Intel Core i7 processor, and supports large storage spaces up to 512 GB and so that it can reach the random memory to 8 GB,Inevitably, it is not only a tablet to browse the internet and social networks.No one pays between 799 and 1949 dollars for the device only without the keyboard 129 dollars to perform the simple tasks that you can do by the Nuxus 7 inspiring on Android or Kindle Fire from Amazon at prices that revolve around $ 300..Service Pro at the price of normal tablets, so it must be used in other areas.

There are many devices that tried to create companies, especially Asus, to make mutant hybrid laptops that can be separated from the keyboard to have an independent tablet. في تلك الحالة أن تشتري جهازين وتستخدمهما بإستخدامين مختلفين، لكن Service Pro 3يقدم تجربة اخرى، هو جهاز واحد لكن بمواصفات و تصميم مختلف و أقوى.

Pros and negatives of Service Pro 3

According to Forbes' review of the device, and after using a week, they concluded a set of good and distinctive matters in the device and other points that the company did not succeed according to their experience:


* Performance: Of course, the performance of the device is a fabulous compared to the tablet or laptop even according to the processor you choose, and the device depends on Intel's Haswell processors and is available in Core i3, i5, i7, which is definitely stronger than tablet processors that are usually with the ARM chip..

* Design and Manufacturing: Slicer device 9.1 mm and light 800 grams and there is no fans with it, even though it carries strong processors, the dimensions of the device, its general shape and the substance you give you a sense of quality.

* Musnad: The Musnad has evolved to allow you to change the vision angle between 22 and 100 degrees, which is the most common vision corners, but it can adjust the angle of the screen up to 150 degrees as a maximum, and here I developed the mechanical mechanical mechanism to adjust the screen angle.

* Battery: According to the natural use, the battery capacity to operate the device has reached more than 10 hours, which is higher than what Microsoft said is that it is able to operate the device only 9 hours, and natural use such as browsing the Internet, email, editing documents, etc..The battery is a decisive element in any tablet device, so how is Microsoft offer the power of the laptop in a tablet and a long battery.

* Screen: The colors and accuracy of the screen excels on tablets and portable computers as well, and high sensitivity to the fingers of the hand or even the pen accompanying the device gives you a comfort in writing and as if you are writing a pen on the paper, the speed of response is high and you will not notice a difference and interruption and this is necessary if you want MicrosoftMarketing its device for students and companies.


* The keyboard: The negative idea here is that Microsoft made it optional and its price is $ 130, but in practice every benefit and strength of the device lies in the keyboard so you will have to buy it forced, which adds more costs to its price.The keyboard itself is good, comfortable and stable to stick to the device, it was better to make it compulsory with the tablet and serve it at a lower price because it will sell much more quantities than if it made it optional.

*السعر: Service Pro 3غالي ..Precious..Its price starts from $ 799 to 1949 dollars except accessories.If you compare the price with other devices with the same specifications, especially the accuracy of the touch screen and the high storage capacity, you may not find it very expensive, but the trick lies with accessories, the keyboard at a price of $ 130 is expensive compared to its function as a keyboard where you can connect a regular keyboard via the USB port at less than this price, howeverMicrosoft forcing you in a nice way to buy its board because it sticks to the device, so there is no need for cables and connections, and its design is elegant.

* متجر تطبيقات ضعيف: طالما أن Service Pro 3هو لوحي بقوة لابتوب، يعني يجب أن تتوفر له تطبيقات و ألعاب تقنع من يريد التخلي عن لوحيه الآيباد بنظام iOS أو الجالاكسي تاب بنظام الأندرويد.But the Windows App Store is still weak and Microsoft wants from its device originally the increase in the use of Windows, and here we are in a vicious circle. Service Pro 3هدفه زيادة انتشار ويندوز 8 و واجهة الميترو و تطبيقاتها، لكن حتى يشتري الناس الجهاز يجب أن لديه تطبيقات كافية و نسخ من كل تطبيقاتها المفضلة على الأنظمة الأخرى، وحتى يقوم المطورين بإعداد تطبيقاتهم لتعمل على ويندوز 8 يجب أن يكون منتشر بشكل كبير.

الوسومsurface pro 3 Service Pro 3مايكروسوفت