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Jun 20By smarthomer

Technology: After Intel .. Microsoft mocks Apple MacBook

Last month or so, Intel was taking pictures of Apple and her MacBooks devices in a series of advertising campaigns.

Joining the "Let's Bash Mac" campaign is only Microsoft, by displaying its Surface devices, the latest short advertisement from Microsoft takes an insight into Apple.

تكنولوجيا : بعد إنتل.. مايكروسوفت تسخر من Apple MacBook

It was posted on Twitter by Microsoft India account, the short advertisement does not really refer to Apple or MacBook, however, it compares Surface to another laptop called "Backbook", not very funny but it is a clear hint that Microsoft talks about Apple MacBook.

The advertisement contains two laptops - Surface Pro and Backbook

- بجوار بعضهما البعض، يدور الإعلان حول إظهار مرونة Surface Pro حيث يمكن فصله عن لوحة المفاتيح ويمكنه "التمدد" و "التأرجح"، نظرًا لأنه جهاز هجين 2 في 1، يمكن استخدام Surface Pro في وضع الجهاز اللوحي أيضًا ويمكن فصله، MacBook - أو بالأحرى "BackBook" - لا يفعل أيًا من ذلك، تقترح Microsoft من خلال الإعلان أنه يجب عليك "الترقية إلى Surface".

It is strange that Microsoft requires users to upgrade to Surface, but perhaps they missed the fact that the Surface collection includes unlimited, "stretch" or "swinging" devices,

لا تأتي كل أجهزة كمبيوتر Surface المحمولة بمعامل شكل 2 في 1. مثل Surface Laptop Go هو أحد هذه الأجهزة التي تشبه إلى حد كبير MacBook - على الأقل من حيث التصميم التقليدي، ليست هذه هي المرة الأولى التي تجري فيها Microsoft بحثًا عن شركة Apple دون تسمية منافستها مباشرةً.

In the meantime, Intel CEO explained in an interview why she was dealing with Apple and MacBook.

In an interview with Yahoo!"It is due to competitive pleasure, so it is clear that you have seen some competitive energies resumed because there are many wonderful innovations that have to be done, and we have not seen a request on computers at this level for a decade and a half,The world needs more, and there is a continuous competitive pleasure with Apple and the environmental Mac. "