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Oct 19By smarthomer

The 10 most failed products over the past five years

Sometimes companies offer new products that change things completely, and major companies have succeeded in doing this such as "Apple", "Uber" and "Google", but at other times an idea is implemented badly that makes people remember it for years, and not small companies areExposed alone to failure, according to what was mentioned by "Cheatsheet", there are many large companies that produced failed products.

10- McDonald's chicken wings

Mighty Wings from 1990 to 2003, then re -presented them again in 2013, but did not last long in that, because most consumers found their taste very hot as its price was high and its shape was strange..

9- Satisfries

People eat fried potatoes because they taste are delicious and not because they are healthy, and in 2013 "Burger King" restaurants attempted to offer a lower calorie potato, but they did not get the approval of consumers, so the restaurants were forced to remove these potatoes from their list after less than a year has passed.

8- Trump University

Trump University was established in 2005 as a profitable university aimed at teaching people how to earn money in the real estate sector, but many students have filed lawsuits against the university, claiming that the university uses sales and marketing practices deceptive to defraud students, and the university in April this year has settled lawsuits.For 25 million dollars.

7- Nike Fuel Band watch

The reason for the failure of this watch is that the market has become imbued with fitness devices, which forced the company to stop its production in 2014 after four years of its issuance..

6- Amazon Fire Phone

"Amazon" company has many experiments in the technology sector such as drones and printing with a 3D technology, but the biggest failure the company had was its "Fire Phone" phone, which caused the company a loss of $ 170 million..

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The reason for the failure of this phone is due to the high price of $ 649 and its average performance, in addition to that the applications inside it were focusing on the Amazon store, and because of the failure of the product, the company decided to stop its production and the demobilization of engineers working in the project.

5- Nissan Morano Kross Cabriolet

This multi -purpose sports car remained poorly sold until its production was stopped in 2014 due to its ugly design and its high price, which amounted to 48 thousand dollars, and this car is resolved in many lists of "the worst cars that have been produced ever"..

4- HP Touch Pad

In 2011, "HP" announced the design of a tablet to compete with the iPad produced by Apple, but the "Touch Bad" device failed miserably due to the bad operating system and the company's failure to market it.

3- Google glasses

Google glasses were one of the most promoted products that the company was promoting, and millions of people were excited to try it, as the technology of this glasses enabled users to take pictures and videos anywhere.

Despite the strength of the technology involved in the glasses, it failed and did not rise to consumer expectations for many reasons, including its high price, as the company put the glasses for $ 1500, and its capabilities are a threat to security policies, as many countries have taken a decision to prevent their sale..

The company could have been marketing glasses to certain groups such as engineers, doctors and other people who would have benefited from them in their work, but it markets it to ordinary users who did not find a goal of buying this glasses..

2- Oreo with watermelon

The Oreo company produced only a few of its product, "Oreo Balbakh", which was not admired by consumers because of its bad flavor..

1- Samsung Galaxy Note 7

After the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, many consumers complained about the ignition of the mobile batteries, and this was due to the existence of a battery defect that led to its explosion, and the company was forced to call 2.5 million devices from global markets and lost about one billion dollars because of this.