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Aug 22By smarthomer

The costs of unification patients exacerbate the suffering of the family and the "community development" tightening censorship

The high cost of treating cases of autism is a great problem that falls on families, the exacerbation of their suffering and the impact of the calamity of one of their children on them, as the average cost of treating one case in government centers at the state level is about I2 thousand dirhams annually, and more doubles in private autism centers, to reach Sometimes to 400 thousand dirhams, which opens questions about the reasons for these exaggerated heights and their justifications, despite the Ministry of Community Development that there are standards and requirements that follow to monitor the prices of treatment and rehabilitation services provided by the private centers of people with disorder, and that there is continuous monitoring to follow up on this cost and confirmation One of its suitability for their existing services, while those responsible for the centers justified the reasons for the high prices of services provided to an autism due to attracting specialized competencies from outside the state..

In addition, specialists called for the need to include the injury in the list of health insurance at least during the golden stage, to help the people overcome this ordeal and contribute to the treatment of many cases, and parents called for increasing the number of government centers concerned with the rehabilitation of autistic patients, while the reality of the centers shows that there is that there isA shortage at the state level in some disciplines, the most important of which is a speech or communication specialist from citizens, as the presence of a non -citizen speech specialist does not bear fruit from the desired benefit, if the child is a recipient of rehabilitation treatment as a citizen.

Standards and requirements

وأوضحت وفاء حمد بن سليمان، مديرة إدارة رعاية وتأهيل المعاقين في وزارة تنمية المجتمع، أن هناك Standards and requirements تتبعها وزارة تنمية المجتمع لمراقبة أسعار الخدمات العلاجية والتأهيلية المقدمة من قبل المراكز الخاصة للمصابين باضطراب التوحد، وأن هناك مراقبة مستمرة لمتابعة هذه التكلفة، والتأكد من ملاءمتها للخدمات الموجودة لديهم.

She added that the private centers that wish to increase the prices of treatment and rehabilitation services must first submit an application to increase fees for the administration, accompanied by the existence of the justifications and motives that make them want this increase, pointing out that such requests must be submitted before the start of the school year with a sufficient period of time to provide the opportunityTo respond to it, so that parents can search for places in other centers for their children commensurate with their financial circumstances, and so that no burdens are heavily burdened with these families.

She stated that after submitting the application, it is carefully studied, as it is required to agree to the increase in pricesProviding their own perceptions to request this increase and its justifications.

She pointed out that the Department of Care and Rehabilitation of the Disabled has the freedom to refuse or accept the increase, a sense of what the price is seeing for it with the services offered to the care centers with disabilities, and that it is possible to request a request to reduce the required increase in a certain percentage, if it turns out that he is exaggerated and appreciated,This comes from the responsibility that the ministry attaches to observing families with children with autism spectrum.


Bin Sulaiman indicated that the rehabilitation services provided to this segment are generally characterized by the high prices of rehabilitation services compared to other disabilities, and that the treating specialists are few, and therefore the treatment cost increases accordingly, noting that some private centers are the numbers of people with autism spectrum are few, and therefore mayThe classrooms become empty, which increases the total cost.

Bin Sulaiman referred to the early intervention program in the disabled centers affiliated with the ministry, which is considered one of the modern systems provided for people with disabilities, because it is a system of educational and preventive educational services, which is provided to young children from birth to 5 years who have special developmental and educational needs, and exposed to the risk of disability for multiple reasons.

Mothers' training

وأضافت أنه نظراً إلى أهمية التدخل المبكر في الشهور الأولى من العمر، فإن عملية التدخل تعتمد على الأم في هذه المرحلة بشكل أساسي، حيث يتم Mothers' training على مجموعة من الأنشطة والskills التي يمكن أن تمارسها مع طفلها في الأسرة، والتي تهدف إلى تحسين عملية تواصله وانتباهه إلى الأشياء من حوله، وتعزيز استخدامه حواسه في استكشاف المحيط، واستجابته للمحيطين وبداية إقامة علاقات معهم، إضافة إلى تحسين قدرته على اللعب بالأشياء والتعامل معها، وهذا كله بدوره يمكن التخفيف من السلوكيات غير التكيفية عند الطفل، وإثراء عملية تواصله الاجتماعي مع الآخرين، وبالتالي تخفيف آثار الإعاقة وتداعياتها على الطفل وأسرته، ولتسهيل وصول أداة الكشف المبكر إلى الأسرة، يجري حالياً تصميمها عبر الأجهزة اللوحية والهواتف الذكية، مما يسهل استخدامها أيضاً، ويبين نتيجة المسح الأولى بشكل آلي، والجوانب الحرجة أو التي تحتاج إلى متابعة، والتي ترشد الأسرة إلى التوجه للمختصين من أجل التدخل فيها ومعالجتها في وقت مبكر.

Legislation and controls

بدوره، طالب الدكتور محمد العمادي، مدير مركز دبي للتوحد، بأهمية وجود Legislation and controls يتم من خلالها التقليل من المتاجرة واستغلال أولياء الأمور، إضافة إلى تشديد الرقابة على جميع المراكز المعنية بتقديم الرعاية للأطفال المصابين بالتوحد، وعدم ترك المجال لتلك المؤسسات لتحديد قيمة الرسوم حسب تقديرها، مؤكداً أن قلة عدد المتخصصين في مجال التوحد، خصوصاً الناطقين باللغة العربية، هي من أبرز التحديات التي تواجه مراكز التوحد في الدولة، وذلك ما أدى إلى ارتفاع قيمة الخدمات التأهيلية للمصابين بالتوحد.

On the effectiveness of treatment, Dr. Al -Emadi explained that the results differ from one child to another, some of them show positive results in verbal communication after I months of receiving treatment, and some of them lasted for 5 years until he started responding, and said that there are no pharmaceutical treatments for this disorder, but rather treatmentsRehabilitation and educational only, unless the agitation of the injured child comes out of control, then he is sent to a psychiatrist, to prescribe the appropriate pharmaceutical treatment for him.

Create centers

For their part, a number of parents of autistic children expressed their dissatisfaction with the fees for the centers to which their youngs are affiliated, and their continuous increase in a year after a year..Alia Mohamed Al Ali, or a child with an autistic spectrum, confirmed that she did not expect that the fees for the affiliated center will be increased in this year 10 thousand dirhams from last year, and despite her ability to bear the costs of rehabilitation and his drawings that are collected in installments, she asked: DoAll parents can pay these high fees, even if the center is characterized by the quality of its services and quality, which are provided by teachers and specialists?

Al -Ali added: “The fees of these centers were not stopped only, but the increasing waiting lists for the entry of specialized centers as well, given the severe pressure on the current centers.” Al -Ali wished to create more governmental specialized centers to treat children with autism, so that its highest goals are qualifiedChildren are behavioral, and their merging educationally and socially.

Al -Neyadi's mother indicated that autistic children do not need centers to qualify them only, but also need centers or institutions to contain their hobbies and creativity as well, especially since her child Ahmed Al -Neyadi has achieved unlimited creativity in the field of inventing robots, installing them and designing them amazingly, through the use of cubes. La Ligo », where he began practicing the hobby of collecting robots since he was six years old, the last of which was the robot« EV3 »that can be moved with" Remote Control ", and won the title of innovative 2015 in the competition organized by the Abu Dhabi Technology Development Committee, and he needs continuous support In a specialized party, he understands his creativity in the field of invention.

Special center

تكاليف مرضى التوحّد تفاقم معاناة الأهل و«تنمية المجتمع» تشدد الرقابة

وحرصت نجلاء محمد العبد الله، أُم لطفل توحد يبلغ من العمر I أعوام، على إلحاق صغيرها بSpecial center لتأهيل أطفال التوحد، وقالت: «على الرغم من وجود مركز بسعر أقل في إحدى الإمارات المجاورة للإمارة التي أقطن فيها، فإنني اخترت هذا المركز لأفضلية مرافقه وخدماته، حتى تميز طاقمه الإداري والوظيفي، ولا أنكر أن أسعار مراكز التوحد الخاصة مرتفعة جداً، لذا أرجو أن تنظر القيادة الحكيمة إلى مشكلتنا التي يكمن علاجها في تأسيس مراكز تستوعب أطفالنا، وتخفف ألم الأسر التي لا تستطيع إلحاق أطفالها، نظراً إلى ارتفاع تكلفة العلاج التي تفوق طاقتهم المادية».

Child care

The mother of the child Abdullah Saeed Rashid, who is 8 years old, a student at Al -Nahiya School, suggested finding a body concerned with autistic children in terms of their rehabilitation, and facilitating their procedures in terms of health and materialism, and even highlighting their hobbies and interests, and this matter wouldTo reduce the parents of the material and psychological burdens towards this child who needs special attention, stressing that the presence of this body that will accommodate autistic children will undoubtedly reduce the parents who cannot bear the expensive treatment expenses in private centers.

An important role for the family

Wafa bin Sulaiman warned of the importance of the family’s role in early detection of children with autism disorder, as it is known that autism disorder is diagnosed during the third year of the child’s life or a little before, but there is a set of indicators and signs that the family can pay attentionIts, which is considered initial indicators to the development of autism disorder in this child, noting the importance of educating mothers on how to notice children, their communication and response, and social interactions with those around and any abnormal behaviors that differ from ordinary children.


قدم عدد من الأمهات I مقترحات لتخفيف معاناتهن، وتمثلت في زيادة مراكز التوحد الحكومية، وإيجاد الكادر المؤهل للعمل مع الأطفال، وتوفير مراكز متخصصة بأسعار رمزية، وإشراف الخبراء على برامج المرضى، والتنسيق بين المدارس والمراكز العلاجية، وأخيراً، تأسيس مراكز تعنى بهوايات أطفال التوحد.


لفت محمد العمادي إلى أن موارد المركز المالية تأتي غالباً من الإعانات والهبات والتبرعات التي تقدم من الهيئات والمؤسسات العامة والجمعيات والشركات والأفراد التي يقبلها مجلس الإدارة، ومن أي Charitable يوقف على المركز، مشيراً إلى الأقساط الرمزية التي يدفعها أولياء الأمور، على الرغم من أن تقديم البرامج المتخصصة مكلف جداً، ويعتمد بشكل أساسي على العامل البشري.


Terminal specialists have identified 13 floors for the principal of the school, which opens its doors to integrate the injured patients.The most prominent of these roles is: encouraging the culture of integration, creating the educational and school environment guaranteed to implement special education programs, and to facilitate the process of accepting and integrating students according to the recommendations.

Therapeutic technology

The Dubai Autism Center provides the latest qualifying technological means that can be applied and updated periodically at its new headquarters, where Exrgame technology was chosen to provide it in the children's sports center club, which is characterized by using 3D interactive elements that push them to movement and play in a fun and beneficial manner for growth and promoting skills.The center will also provide interactive surfaces with Vertigo Systems.


Mohamed Al -Emadi stated that the Dubai Autism Center was established as an institution of public benefit aimed at providing specialized services to care for children with autism, explaining that due to the high incidence of autism, an effect of the waiting list to join the center’s ranks, as they exceeded 280 children..


تواصل مركز دبي للتوحد، وبالتعاون مع مؤسسة خلف أحمد الحبتور للأعمال الخيرية، مع عدد من جامعات الدولة لاقتراح مشروع تقديم Scholarships للطلبة من مواطني الدولة في تخصصات مختلفة ضمن مجال التوحد، وذلك سعياً لتشجيع الكوادر الوطنية واستقطابهم للعمل في قطاع التربية الخاصة.

40 %

Dr. Heba Shatta, Director General of the Children's Center for Early Medicine Intervention in Dubai, explained that early intervention leads to the dispensing of 40 % of the autistic people later on services..She said: It is necessary to work to stimulate nerve cells in the brain during the first 5 years of the child's life.


يساعد أخصائي العلاج الوظيفي على إدخال وتعديل وتحسين الskills الوظيفية المختلفة، إلى أن يصل الفرد المصاب بالتوحد إلى أعلى مستوى من الاستقلالية، كما أن العلاج الإبداعي يندرج ضمن الخطة الفردية التأهيلية لكل طالب، ومن خلاله يتم إتاحة المجال للتعرف إلى القدرات الإبداعية لكل طالب عن طريق الأعمال في مجالات الفن والدراما والموسيقى والتمثيل العلاجي.

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