Home >petition >The Egyptians support the demolition of the ruin dam ... and the Minister of Stubborn Education threatens the cheaters in the secondary school keywords
Jan 25By smarthomer

The Egyptians support the demolition of the ruin dam ... and the Minister of Stubborn Education threatens the cheaters in the secondary school keywords

Cairo - "Al -Quds Al -Arabi": The most bitter feeling of the Egyptians these days, more than their sense of robbery of their most important treasures..Days and the second filling of the dam begins, in a predetermined book that occupies the majority with battles the least that is said about it, it was launched in the wrong time, and perhaps the most recent of which is the dress of the dress at the Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, from which many writers took the opportunity to escape the merit of the moment, represented in the NileWho is about to migrate, and Ethiopia, which manipulates us around the clock.In newspapers yesterday, Monday, June 28, their book continued to celebrate the passage of seven years of President Sisi’s rule, and the newspapers prepared their count in this context, as he singled out many pages to elaborate in the narration of the achievements made during those years, and in turn, Dr. Mustafa Madbouly congratulated the Prime MinisterPresident Abdel Fattah El -Sisi, on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the glorious thirtieth of June revolution.The Prime Minister expressed his originality, on behalf of the members of the government, to offer the highest verses of heartfelt congratulations on this great occasion, coupled with the best wishes of the President of the Republic always success and payment, for the good of Egypt and its authentic people.And the weather news occupied the priority after it exceeded the temperature of forty degrees Celsius.Among the news that has the lead that has to do with high school exams: The Ministry of Education said that the ministry has put several means and mechanisms to tighten control of high school exams committees, and to prevent student fraud, as the first of these mechanisms is that the ministry resorted to the use of smart screens in the classes to monitorSecondary secondary exams committees.Among the news of the railway is what the Minister of Transport, the entire minister, who is subjected to permanent criticism, said, “The passenger is a trust for me..And 480 million pounds were lost annually as a result of the escape of passengers from paying the train ticket..He stressed that she had a malignant disease, and she spent a period of treatment outside Egypt, and when her condition improved, she returned to Egypt, and she was receiving treatment in Egypt, pointing out: “During the past weeks, the disease increased it, so it was decided to transfer it to one of the specialized medical centers in Cairo.He stressed that her condition is critical and is still in intensive care..Sanctity

One of the paradoxes that Mohamed Abdel -Moneim Al -Shazly monitored in “Al -Shorouk” is that the Arabs and most of them are Muslims read in the Qur’an the Almighty saying “and made us from water everything living” what makes water sanctity before the special value, and that their country is one of the poorest areas in the water.Hence, the Arab region imported more than 75% of its food, and the United States does not hide that it used wheat as a pressure card on Egypt during the Abdel Nasser period, as Iraq was exposed to one of the most insulting agreements, which is the oil agreement for food;The writer explained that it is time to ask a legitimate question: Is it purely coincidence that the most Arab countries are exposed to unrest, and instability are the countries that have rich sources of water, which can be productive for abundant food?Sudan, Iraq, Syria, and happy Yemen, which we used to sing its fertility, and even Somalia, which we forgot to be an Arab country.One of the tragic matters is that the Arabs did not return themselves to confront the greed of their neighbors in their waters, although they announced from the beginning their ambitions and did not hide them. After the Balfour Declaration was issued, Haim Weizmann, the head of the World Zionist Organization, sent a message to the Prime Minister of Britain on December 29, 1919 requesting annexationWadi Al -Litani and Jabal Al -Sheikh, which are the areas rich in water sources, to Palestine.The Zionist circles after 22 years after this message, a second message sent by Ben Gurion in 1941 to the British Foreign Ministry, was asked to include the Litani Valley and Jabal Al -Sheikh to the borders of Palestine.

We steal publicly

Mohamed Abdel -Moneim Al -Shazly confirmed that Israel has changed the fait accompli in practice, and pumped pumping stations to withdraw the water of the Litani and Hasbani rivers that poured into the Jordan River as parties on the Arab right, and when the Arabs expressed an objection, the Israeli chief of staff said that his country would implement his project by force.Ironically, the United States stood up to Israeli violations, despite its conflict with the Johnston project in relation to Ambassador Joseph Johnston, who was commissioned by President Eisenhower in 1953 to study the distribution of water in the region, to suffice development for the benefit of Palestinian refugees and refugees.Israel continued its water plans by force, by occupying the Golan Heights in 1967 and its control over Lake Tiberias, and Israel continued its operations against Lebanon, such as the Litani operation in 1978, then it was completely invaded by Lebanon and its control of Beirut in 1982 and its occupation in southern Lebanon for a long time, in which it carried out engineering operations to serve its water ambitionsAnd more, it practically achieved Lebanon's terrorism from taking any action that hinders Israel's ambitions in the waters.The waters of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan were not alone as coveted by the neighbors. Turkey took advantage of the strong enmity between the two systems in Syria and Iraq, to steal the waters of the Euphrates, and it is irony that the two systems belong to the Baath Party, and its slogan is one Arab nation, so Turkey established the Elisso Dam to store 44 billion cubic meters of waterAnd it is continuing to establish 22 dams, the largest of which is the Ataturk Dam, which is the fourth largest dam in the world, which stores 70 billion cubic meters of water, and thus Turkey has controlled 90% of the Euphrates water.We cannot fold this page without mentioning the Jongoli channel project, which would have provided 9 billion cubic meters of water for Egypt and Sudan, and the SPLM forces attacked it in 1984.

Technician or virtue?

In an interview with "Russia Today" channel, General Bhuta Pachata Debili, Director of the Engineering Department of the Ethiopian Ministry of Defense, tried to draw a "legendary image" of the Renaissance Dam, when he indicated that he was difficult to destroy, and that he was solid in a way that prevents the Nile from it.In turn, we mentioned Dr. Mahmoud Khalil in “Al -Watan” with an old Israeli tactic that the Hebrew state relied on several decades ago, and he employed it in building a legend around the Bar Lev line, and its officials chanted that he needed special kinds of weapons, so that it could be destroyed, and the aim was to discourage the Egyptians.Their determination to liberate the Sinai occupied by Israel on the eve of June 5, 1967.Israel tried to put itself in the category of invincible state, with its tools, and the contraindications it provided between the Egyptians and the liberation of their land, which is the legend that has rushed and sought from the first moment in which the Egyptian army decided to cross the channel, and to confront the Bar Lev line directly.There is nothing made by humans that can be difficult for other people, and any dam, line or wall, no matter how high and across it, there must.And if we recalled the details of the Egyptians' confrontation with Barlev during the glorious October War, we will find that its destruction was made by a genius idea created by the late Major General Zaki Yusuf, may God have mercy on him, and at that time a reserve officer, when he suggested using the pressure of the canal water to create gaps in the dirt curtain, which isThe idea that was implemented and achieved great success in breaking the legend on the afternoon of October 6, 1973.Repeated myths

Dr. Mahmoud Khalil stressed that the promotion of myths is one of the tools of psychological warfare in any conflict between countries.During the Second World War, a legend was hoping that Hitler has a deadly weapon that would decide the battle in his favor.When the nuclear bomb was first used in the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagazaki.Israel tried to lead the same way, after its state rose to the occupied territories after the 1948 defeat, and it was involved in the application of this tactic after the defeat of the Arabs in 1967, until things returned to its quorum after 1973.Thinking about Ethiopia is very identified with the tactics of Zionist thinking, so he tries to play the game itself, and he thinks that he can promote that he made a project that is difficult for confrontation, as if Ethiopia has become a great state.The primary goal of promoting legend in the event of conflict is the desire to impose the fait accompli, and that is exactly what Ethiopia seeks, as Israel sought it before..The Ethiopian general wanted to say that Addis Ababa succeeded in imposing the dam as a matter of Egypt and Sudan, and that his country's passage of the second filling will prevent the dam from hurting, but he does not know that if the Egyptians are thirsty, they will break the Nile basin, not only the dam..

Extended war

It seems that Ethiopia and the words of Mahmoud Al -Hadary in the “gate” insist on its fallacies and arrogance in dealing with the Renaissance Dam crisis, and insist on exporting information in which a lot of fallacy and looking at the issue with the provocative eye, but rather emptying any gesture of hope, in bringing the views closer to its content.It does not pass a week except that Addis Ababa explodes statements that increase the crisis, in confirmation that they wish to escalate day after day, and provoke the other parties (Egypt and Sudan) to a certain point, and pushing towards igniting the region in the crisis of long -term conflict. المتتبع لملف سد النهضة منذ بدايته، يدرك بالفعل أن أديس أبابا، ودبلوماسية وسياسة أبي أحمد لا يمكن أن يخرج في تفسير ما يستهدفونه ليس التوصل إلى حل سلمي، واتفاق يرضي كل الأطراف، ويحقق العدالة والمصالح للجميع، بل تسعى بكل قوة إلى دفع المنطقة إلى أتون Extended war، بدون أن تدرك خطورة هذا، ليس على إثيوبيا، بل على كل المنطقة في أثرها.Addis Ababa claimed that "the recent procedures for Egypt and Sudan are simply a continuation of a well -organized plan to undermine the operation led by the African Union, and to declare its ineffectiveness in the end," and Ethiopia was not satisfied with that, while it sought to thwart all negotiating rounds, its message was falsely mentioned.Egypt and Sudan's request for a role for the Security Council leads to eroding confidence between the three countries!Addis Ababa did not stop its provocations in the issue of life or death for Egypt and Sudan, to say in its message, “The two countries tried to strangle the operation led by the African Union, by introducing unrelated issues in discussions, giving the unnecessary security and building the matter, and drag the universityArabic to the situation to increase the complexity of the issue..It sought to create an African crisis with the President of Congo Flex Ciscidi and the current president of the African Union in the Maghalt in publishing inaccurate information, claiming that “Egypt and Sudan are working to undermine all efforts.

Sudanese crisis

We go to Khartoum with Amr Al -Shobaki in “Al -Masry Al -Youm”, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdouk warned against fragmentation within the country's military institutions, and announced a national initiative to get out of the political crisis, which he described as putting the country at a crossroads that aims to exist, so that it or notIt is, and that the country's crises are considered to be a political crisis, because the crisis is much deeper than that.Hamdouk warned of the danger of divisions within the transitional bloc, the absence of a unified decision -making center, and the absence of common priorities for a democratic transition, and that the defuse of the crisis will only take place through a comprehensive political settlement, including uniting the civil and military fronts, and finding a common vision between them, to make the transitional period and building the stateDemocratic civilization, which promotes the rule of equal citizenship.And submitted proposals that summarized it in the establishment of a national army, through structural reforms.He moved to the poem in his initiative, when the accident was subjected to the accident inside the military establishment, specifically between the army and rapid support, and said: “The Rapid Support Forces contributed to a positive role in change,” noting that the process of integrating them into the armed forces requires a consensus between their leadership and army leaders,And that the intelligence service must be enforced in the constitutional document, by the executive body of its administration, and the development of the Security Council and Defense formula of the National Security Council.The problem is from here

The truth that Amr Al -Shobaki concluded that the Sudan crisis since the first day is that its government inherited the institutions of a weak country, many of which were brotherly and weakened, and although the Sudanese army overcame a side of this policy at the hands of the previous regime, it succeeded in maintaining its cohesionDespite the great challenges he faced and the differences that took place between some of its leaders, and the presence of a parallel force for the army, they are rapid support, even if part of the military establishment is considered.The issue of uniting the military establishment is a difficult issue, but it is not impossible, and the question will remain: Can a transitional government and a transitional path face many political, social and security difficulties to do this task?I don "t think so.The multiplicity of power centers and their division within the transitional authority, in a country that suffers from a political and regional division, is separated from it, and other regions demand secession, and also suffers from the presence of armed militias, as well as the peace agreement that was signed in Juba last year, with a number of armed factions many challenges.The Sudanese Prime Minister's initiative is important, and it must be dealt with positively, but the status of the civil political back supporting Hamdouk, in turn suffers a division, and makes the tools - he possesses to pressure the military establishment in order to unite and solve the problem of rapid support - limited.What is required is to end the transitional phase as soon as possible, not to wait another three years, and to agree on the features of the "post -transitional" political system, which is able to take surgical reforms in all fields.

المصريون يسندون هدم سد الخراب… ووزير التعليم العنيد يتوعد الغشاشين في الثانوية كلمات مفتاحية

Nice dress

Alaa Uraibi took care of the "Al -Wafd" in the incident of the dress of the dress: Well, the President of Tanta University did by referring the student, Habiba Tariq, to the Attorney General, we have received from one side, and he is the victim girl, and bullying is not a real description of the incident, but rather a flattening and jumping over the horrific factsAnd the real description according to the girl’s account is intellectual and religious extremism.Bullying is located daily with a laugh with a joke with a sentence with a foolish behavior with a look, and the bully may pass it on, and it may stand and confront to those who are bullying, and bullying is an individual case that can be controlled and limited, but militancy and intellectual extremism are difficultThinking, and perhaps most of them belong to a group, or a party, and the extremist believes in what he believes and what he does, and what he dictates, and the girl’s narration if she is correct, she warns and warns of real dangers within universities, we must turn to, monitor and fight.Every person has the freedom to believe what he likes of ideas, but he is not free to transform what he believes to an act if these ideas violate the group’s thought or transcend the prevailing or violate the law, he has to atone society, to see most of it in delusion and decay, but it is not his right toHe tries, just trying to reform the group, change its behavior, or invite it to adopt his belief.What happened with the girl is an attempt to intimidate and deter, whether the man of the man or the two watchers, the two women, the observer stopped her and asked her about her religion, and this is not one of the tasks of his job, and what the two women have done is a process of intimidation for the girl and imposing a power and intellectual control over her.


Fatima Na'ous in "Al -Masry Al -Youm" invented a battle that only exists in her mind and the current that she represents: Let me present to you "Habiba Tariq Ramadan": a beautiful, educated girl, 21 years old, a student at the Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, Department of Eastern Languages.In addition to the study, a volunteer is working in the Alexandria Library Information.She became famous on social media as "the dress of the dress", as she went to take her exams in a simple "Medi" dress (its length at the middle of the leg) and its sleeves long, so some observers fought against it as if it came to something!The matter now is under the investigation that will come to the girl against her, but here we are discussing the right of society whose constitution criminalizes the crimes of bullying and sectarian discrimination..According to Habiba: She came out of the committee after performing her exam, to receive her personal card from the observer, so he looked at her dress and asked: (Are you a Muslim and not a Christian?It is a question of sectarian sorting.We recall that Mahathir Muhammad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, has a law instructing a strict imprisonment for any citizen who is asking another about his faith.The law was implemented with decisiveness, and during the years his country jumped from the poverty line to become one of the strong Asian tigers..Sectarianism destroys homelands, and societal peace builds them.According to the student’s statements, a teacher stopped her in the college corridor, and asked her sarcastic: (You forgot to wear pants under the dress?.Then another teacher said to the student: (You were veiled and my guidance remained not respectful and a few literature?.The student, Habiba, posted a picture of her in her simple dress, and she cut what happened to her, so the public opinion was able to support the boys, and that is a good phenomenon, confirming the integrity of the mineral of our great people.University officials began to move to investigate the incident.


Dr. Osama Al -Ghazali Harb participated in the battle of the dress in “Al -Ahram”: I never tend to reduce the importance and significance of the incident of bullying or inappropriate dealing that the student in the second year of the Faculty of Arts of Tanta University Habiba Tariq was exposed to, while attending the end -of -year exams,It was presented by the distinguished media, Amr Adib, in his program "Al -Hakaya" last Friday evening.Frankly, it refers to lurking cancer today in Egyptian society, which managed large sectors of the Egyptians, which should be confronted with all awareness and firmness.I do not exaggerate here in describing what is happening with cancer, because it is a malicious disease that attacks the body and ravages in its cells, and is able to it, without a person feeling it, before it is revealed ... and this is what is symbolized by a beloved fact!It is first cancer that threatens the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Egyptian constitution, among which is the freedom of the citizen in choosing its clothing, and this threat seemed clear from the shape of the normal and simple dress that was a sweetheart wearing, which is absolutely no different from what our mothers and grandmothers were wearing.Second, it threatens the malice and determination..But we have witnessed - unfortunately - a girl who is asked you are a Muslim or a Christian, based on her clothing, and we are in the third decade of the twenty -first century!They want a country that divides itself between Muslims and Christians (or Copts) and their distinction in the streets, schools and clubs.However, we touched the narration of Habiba, another division of Egypt, a division between the provinces of Egypt, between Alexandria and the peasant countries, with the stigmatization of the people of Alexandria by moving away from the traditions of the countryside.Habiba incident that tends to dozens of bell..I thank Habiba for her courage, and I thank her father for his wonderful solidarity with his daughter, and I thank the dean of the college for his interest in the matter, and I hope to know the results of the investigation into it.

The most dangerous bullets

Dr. Wajdi Zain Al -Din indicated in the “Al -Wafd” that the fourth generation wars are more deadly than traditional wars, because they depend primarily on temptation and spreading lies..It is also known that the media is the first to enter this battle, and the last to leave, after it may achieve the goal of it.The US Army's War College was explicitly declaring the fourth generation wars, which is the conquest of states, through the media and various social media, and this media has a pivotal role in influencing the peoples of the state to be invaded by spreading lies and temptations, and causing the impact betweenAll sects of this people to invade their country.The matter is therefore not a military confrontation in the sense of the traditional concept, which depends on the destruction of a military capacity, but it depends primarily on the exhaustion of this nation in the targeted state, and this is often in something of extreme slow, and the use of traitors from this nation, as it tried to be thatThrough the terrorist Brotherhood in Egypt, a number of conspirators, in addition to other terrorist organizations, which often enjoy a religious character, to be a strong impact on the peoples of the state to be targeted..The United States in its war in the Middle East it wants, has used many axes in the wars of the fourth generation, but there is a common denominator between all these axes, which is reaching the chaos, and therefore America was not shining as shy when it was talking about creative chaos from its point of view!Condiala Rice announced that the religious trend is the only one capable of achieving the goals of the United States, through his participation in political life, and his arrival to power with the aim of enabling it to make the required chaos, and achieve all American and Western goals, in the partition plans that you want, and from God's blessings on us inEgypt is that there is a national army that realizes all these fourth generation and confronts it with great wisdom.

Minister of trouble

Although the Minister of Education, Tariq Shawky, adhered to for a long time to take high school exams this year with the digital system, and his refusal to return to the paper system, but, as Mohamed Saad Abdel Hafeez explained in “Al -Shorouk”, he retreated and returned to defend enthusiastically from a new system that mixes electronic and paper.The minister retreated from his previous position, came after his meeting with President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi at the beginning of this month in the presence of the Prime Minister and Minister of Communications, who ended up announcing the president's directive to "provide the paper system alongside the electronic as two alternatives available together in front of the students.".The guidance of the president did not come from a vacuum, as it was certain that reports from different devices and destinations, stating that we are not technically ready to conduct tests on the electronic system, especially since the experimental exams that were conducted, revealed many technical problems, most notably the fall of the server, and the lack of networking networksLarge numbers of students on them at the same time.Last week, the Minister of Education received insults from some parents, stating that "some cheaters students succeeded in hacking, or penetrating safety factors for tablets, which will enable them to open social media and cheat during the course of the exams." One of the parents said:Students with the sperm are the ones who will enter medicine and engineering ».The minister, thankfully, responded to these appeals, saying: "We know this, but we reassure everyone that we have an army of engineers, and with us the entire state agencies to address any attempt to fraud.".The last version of the experimental exams for high school revealed the Ministry's inability or its army to discover "cheaters". According to what was published on high school grades, students were able to penetrate the digital system and "hack" the tablet apparatus.

The opposite is exorbitant

Mohamed Saad Abdel Hafeez stressed that the Minister of Education said that his ministry did not work to prevent cheating during the experimental exams, claiming that "the cost of preventing fraud is very high." He added: "The ministry decided to provide the cost of preventing fraud for the final official exam.".The writer stressed that the minister, who insists on transferring the digital experience to our educational system that suffers from poverty in technical infrastructure until now, decided to provide the expenses of detection of fraud, and did not cost himself to test the "Army to confront cheaters" during the experimental rehearsals, and waited to test and test with him capabilitiesHis ministry and his army during the final exam, then the disaster would have come, after the professionals of cheating can cross a test or two, which violates the principle of equal opportunities among students, so the student of the diligent nap, in the hallucinogenAbout 650 thousand Egyptian families.It is wise for the state to reconsider the decision to conduct examinations with the mixing system "Tablet + Babylon Shit", as it previously, and reconsidered it with the digital system only, does the minister know that any comparison in the technical capabilities between the "cheaters" team who depend on an army of"The Hackers", and the army of teachers who are observed in the high school committees, is in the interest of the first team that the minister threatened with "imprisonment and fine" in the event of proven manipulation, as stated days ago.We call on the minister and the whole state to listen to the voice of the mind, before the ax falls into the head, as the popular proverb says.

Black box

The media and the producer died of Khorshid's adoption, after suffering for long months with the disease, and her son Ihab Khorshid had demanded that she be treated at the expense of the state..Ihab Khorshid confirmed to Al -Watan, “Days before the death of my mother, the Saudi businessman, Mr. Ramiz Al -Rashid, presented a free stay for Mrs. Idam Khorshid in a hotel with a special medical supervision, in honor of her and the role she played to support the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser.”.Khorshid added: “The late Jorshid’s adoption has deteriorated during the last three days, and was placed under a precise medical note, and that the family was surprised by the news of the death an hour ago.” He continued: “May God have mercy on her, all of us, we were surprised by the news..Pray for her with mercy ».Khurshid died after suffering with the disease, and Ihab assured Al -Watan that the cause of death failed in lung function, as she suffered from difficulty breathing, and was placed on artificial respirators..Ihab Khorshid, the son of the producer, has previously announced the accreditation of Khorshid, the details of her health condition earlier for her death, saying, “We have already conducted a CT scan on the chest, but thank God the rays appeared sound, meaning that they are not infected with the Corona virus, but they have been suffering from a while agoThat is why we have a breathing device at home, but several days ago, her condition was worse due to a lung water gathering ».Ehab Khorshid continued, that when he found her condition, she is bad and the breathing system does not improve her condition, he had to transfer her to the hospital to follow up on her health condition..It is reported that recent news had been reported that the Tunisian artist Dora will embody the role of the producer..The producer was the accreditation.The adoption of Khorshid is one of the most famous producers and media professionals..I got married to Ahmed Khorshid.Some believed that the adoption of Khorshid is the mother of Omar Khurshid, the late guitarist, but it turned out that she was his father's wife.She was born on January 15, 1939, described as the "Black Box".