Home >petition >The death of the man who was arrested in a hostage accident in the Apple store in the Dutch capital
Oct 29By smarthomer

The death of the man who was arrested in a hostage accident in the Apple store in the Dutch capital

A 27 -year -old man who was held hostage at the Apple Store in the capital, Amsterdam, died in the hospital, as a result of wounding after a confrontation with the police that lasted for hours..

The Dutch police said that the gunman had entered the store on Tuesday, detained a mortal person and demanded a ransom of about 200 million euros of encrypted currencies..

The suspect's police car was deliberate.

The suspect was transferred to the hospital, where he underwent serious injuries, before he died from his wounds.

The investigation of the accident, its circumstances and motives continues.

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The police were initially summoned to the Apple Store in the crowded Lidsbel region in the city of Amsterdam around 17:40 local time on Tuesday, after the suspect who was wearing the camouflage of the building entered the building.Dozens of people fled from the store, while four were hiding in a wardrobe.

The photos that spread on the Dutch media showed a man waving a firearm in his hand and holding a person with his other arm.The gunman sent pictures to the AT5 TV channel in Amsterdam, in which explosives are linked to his body..

After nearly five hours, the hostage managed to escape when the water reached the store at the request of the armed.

Before the arrest of the bomber was arrested directly, while he was lying on the ground because of his injury, the police forces used a robot to examine it well, and to ensure that there are no ready explosives to detonate in his possession.

The matter developed from the process of armed theft of the store, to the process of detention of the hostages, which lasted for several hours.

Amsterdam police chief, Frank Bao, said that the hostage, a Bulgarian man, is not British as it was previously, played a "heroic role in making a breakthrough" in the confrontation.

He added: "He acted in a second.If he did not, we would have spent a bad night. ".

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The police say that the investigation concluded that the suspect was carrying explosives on his body, but it was not ready for the bombing.

Apple said in a statement that it is "very grateful and comfortable because our employees and customers in Amsterdam are safe after this terrifying experience.".

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All hostages were liberated (the hostage and those who hid inside the store), and there were no injuries between them.

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During the confrontation with the gunmen, the police asked the people in the area to stop pictures or live broadcasts on social media, in order to preserve the safety of those inside the buildings..

The Dutch "AT5" TV said that close witnesses reported that they had heard gunshots with the start of the accident, but the police did not confirm this.

Dozens of police officers participated in surrounding the field and asked people to avoid the area.

Lidsbelin is a famous square outside the series of ringing canals in the center of Amsterdam, and the attack was not far from the famous Recs Art Museum exhibition.

The Apple store mentioned is the company's main store in the city and like similar stores in other major cities, it occupies a prominent location, and it is located in this case, in the Hirish building, which was built in the early twentieth century in the southern corner of the square.