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Jul 28By smarthomer

Textual neck ... the disease

reason of calling

The name of this syndrome is derived from the beginning of the erosion of the neck vertebra.Doctor Diane Fishman was the first to draw attention to the effect of the use of smartphones excessively in the neck, and created the name of the text neck syndrome..The person suffers from pain in the neck and shoulder, with chronic headache and stiffness in the neck muscles, and with the severity of symptoms, the person can suffer from the top of the upper limbs..It is advised to prevent this syndrome to reduce the use of the phone, and avoid head curvature when using it, while exercising continuously.The treatment includes the use of analgesics and physical therapy exercises, while trying to avoid the deterioration.


The spine is directly affected by the text neck syndrome, and a recent medical study monitored the forces affecting the spine when looking at the smartphone and tablet or when writing on them.The study showed that the adult human head weighs between 4 to 6 kilograms, and the strength of its effect on the spine is about 13 kg when the head is tilted forward at an angle of approximately 15 degrees..The burden increases on the cervical vertebra.The angle of inclination is usually when looking at the smartphone screen is approximately 60 degrees, and it is equivalent to the weight of a seven -year -old child.The shoulders are relaxed forward, the neck muscles are extended with the repetition of this position and the length of its duration..It can cause muscle tension and headache, and in severe cases, the intervertebral tablets are under erosion..

Excessive use

Exaggeration in the use of the smartphone sometimes leads to the expansion of the natural curvature of the spine, which can be a cause of hall.Children are considered more likely to develop text neck syndrome, due to the fact that the size of the head for the body is greater than adults.The infection of the text neck syndrome is due to the excessive use of the injured phone, as it bends its head frequently forward for a long period of time.This bending leads to changes in the vertebrae of the neck, as well as in the ligaments supporting them, tendons and muscles, and extend to the bone, causing changes in their strength, and perhaps they have reached their curve.This condition is exposed to phone addiction, which leads to health problems in the neck as a result of the bad situation when using it.It is also one of the causes of this syndrome that the injured person puts his head in an incorrect position, and for a long period of time, and from that to bend his head in front of him continuously.

Neck and shoulder pain

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The person complains about the textual neck syndrome from several symptoms, which begin with pain in the neck, shoulders and the top of the back, and it can extend to the upper limbs, and accompanies it in many cases chronic headache.The injured suffers with an increased severity of symptoms..This syndrome in general is one of the non -serious cases, but in some cases it can cause severe pain or distortions in the textures, which is considered complications for them.These complications include a flatness in the curvature of the spine, with a deterioration in its paragraphs, and there is pressure on cartilage, and in severe cases the matter reaches a herniated discm.The muscles and nerves are destroyed, and it may have reached early roughness, with a lack of lung capacity and digestive problems.

Non -dangerous

Doctors consider the textual neck syndrome a non -serious pathological problems, and therefore the treatment of most cases depends on the procedures for conservative treatment, and the doctor does not resort to surgical intervention except in severe cases, or that suffer from distortions in the texture and severe pain..Conservative therapy procedures start taking the patient to pain relievers, undergoing physical therapy sessions, and it can also include Chinese acupuncture therapy.It helps to overcome the symptoms that the injured person has enough rest, and it can relieve pain through cold or hot compresses.It reduces pain and tension..The person with this syndrome should avoid the causes that led to its infection, including adjusting the position of the head, and replacing phone calls with text messages..

Physical therapy

Physiotherapy programs aim to improve the muscle strength and flexibility, and these programs vary from person to person, depending on the diagnosis and the nature of the condition.The person begins to obtain a number of weekly sessions with a physiotherapist, followed by some exercises at home.These exercises include the kinetic range of the neck, where the person is sitting or standing, and his chin descends his chest while staying on this situation a little, and then returns to the starting position.In the second exercise of the situation, he is sitting or standing at the bending of his head back, while staying a little, and then returns as it was, and in the third exercise he bends his head to the right, in an attempt to touch the shoulder with the ear, and he remains in this situation a little and then returns, and repeats the exercise in the opposite side,With the repetition of each exercise from 5 to 10 times.

Strengthening muscles

تشمل تمارين Strengthening muscles الجلوس أو الوقوف والنزول بالذقن تجاه الصدر، مع إرجاع الرأس أفقياً للوراء في نفس الوقت، ويضع المصاب يديه خلف رأسه، مع الضغط عليهما بالرأس، ومحاولة ثني الرأس للخلف مع عدم الحركة.In the second exercise, the injured person takes the same previous steps, but he puts his hands in front of his head with pressure with both hands, trying to bend the head forward, and without movement.The right hand is placed on the side of the right head in the third exercise, while trying to bend the head for Yemen without movement, and presses the right hand at the same time until it prevents movement, and repeats the same exercise with the left side.The stretching exercises of the neck muscles include sitting or standing with the head curved to the right, and putting the hand on the head from above and gently tightened, with an attempt to touch the shoulder with the ear, and in the second exercise it repeats the same steps but with the left side.

Useful Tips

Statistics indicate that there are 4 billion people who own smartphones, and because of this the messages have become the prevailing way to communicate, and according to statistics, there are up to one billion messages that are sent around the world monthly..It takes communication and the use of the phone on average 2.7 hours a day, and 75% of the world's population takes several hours a day in the use of smartphones, and they are craving their heads forward, which increases the risk of developing the text neck syndrome..Doctors direct some advice that avoids this syndrome, such as if a person tries not to overuse his phone, while not staying in the head curvature for a long time, while the correct head position is by making the ear at the shoulder level.And he tries to put the phone screen at the eye level, in order to reduce the curvature.Phone calls can be replaced with text messages, with attention to exercise, especially neck exercises that increase their muscles..