Home >petition >The world raises the state of emergency in front of "Corona" and the Egyptian government in negligence and pensioners complain
Oct 12By smarthomer

The world raises the state of emergency in front of "Corona" and the Egyptian government in negligence and pensioners complain

Cairo - "Al -Quds Al -Arabi": The Egyptians mark the ninth anniversary of one of their most important revolutions at all, and the main squares and streets in the grip of the police, which announced the arrest of a cell targeting the security of the country.

And the Egyptian newspapers issued on Friday, January 24, dominated a wide praise of the role of the police in preserving the security of the Egyptians, as a newspaper was not without reminding the masses of the history of the security services, by the way that President Sisi, who said in his speech during the celebration of the 68th Police Day, celebrated: “On a day of pride, dignity and patriotism, the feelings of pride mix with the sacrifices of men who were hurt them themselves, and their homeland did not insult them, so they fought and stood up, and struck the most wonderful examples in defending the soul and soul, in defense of the honor of the homeland, and the elevation of its supreme value, which inhabited within their souls and settledInside their conscience ».The journalist Tamer Amin poured into crying after the speech of the police student Atef Tahoun, the son of the martyr, the inspector of the Public Security Investigation Department, during the celebration, stressing that he will be an extension of his father to bear the protection of Egypt's security, stressing that the police will not end, and will continue to protect the country and the great people.Amin said, during his program on the "Al -Nahar" screen: "He is in the beauty of this, steadfastness, calculation, determination, love for the country and sacrifice..You have to put yourself in the person's place to know his sense ».While the intellectuals received the second day of the book fair with painful news, as a young writer died during the signing of his first novel in the corridors of the exhibition.On Friday newspapers, the press battles flourished and the January revolution did not escape from an attack in which those close to the authority, many of whom celebrated the Police Day, without any mention of the revolution. Rather, some writers attacked it publicly, that revolution that was absent from most newspapers except onSevere timid, while she remained strongly present in the homes of the masses and during their conversations on cafes and in the work wheels.

White robe victims

About a tragedy that occurred recently, Nadine Abdullah admits in Al -Masry Al -Youm about the following: “They are the Minya doctors who lost their lives after being forced to attend training in Cairo.The problem is that they were not informed of the date of training, except before it very shortly, so it was stated between the hammer of absenteeism and the subject of investigation, and the support of the reservation of an unsafe transportation, as long as the trains had been booked all, and it was not possible to independently..The second choice was the reason they lost life while they were in the flower of their youth.The truth is that this horrific incident reveals a real crisis that Egypt with deadly accidents suffers from.It is known that the low and medium -income countries are witnessing 90 % of the deaths of traffic accidents in the world, which the World Health Organization indicated...This is although it only has about 45 % of the vehicles in the world.However, Egypt remains one of the worst countries in the world with regard to road accidents.According to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, road accidents in 2018 reached 8,500 accidents, and the death rate after road accidents in the same year reached the equivalent of 9 people out of every 100,000 people, while in a country like Germany, the death rate after road accidents reached in themTo 4 people out of every 100,000 people.It also confirms on the other hand the state of unjustified abuse that the small doctors in Egypt suffer from at the beginning of their lives.They are exposed to countless pressure, not all of them have to do with the pressure of the work itself, or the difficulty of the profession itself, or even the requirements of learning medicine, but rather it has to do with the state of administrative chaos ».

Police day

تشريف الرئيس احتفالية Police day هو من وجهة نظر حمدي رزق في «المصري اليوم»: «ليس من قبيل البروتوكول الرئاسي، ولكنه استحقاق وطني واجب ومستوجب، شهداء الشرطة جوار شهداء الجيش يستحقون الاحتفاء والتشريف، لولا تضحيات هؤلاء الغر الميامين ما قامت لهذا الوطن قيامة، الأوطان تحيا بالتضحيات، وأعظمها التضحية بالنفس، شهداء شهداء شهداء.The writer affirms that honoring the families of the martyrs on this holiday is a model and an example of celebrating the sacrifices of the sons of a great homeland that deserves sacrifice and redemption, a celebration of the mother of a martyr, the widow of a martyr, and the daughter of a martyr, and the son of the martyr stand. Police day من الأعياد التي تعطر أجواء الوطن، ترسم لوحة لشهداء عظام قضوا في حب الوطن، ويوم تكريمهم تكريم لكل مخلص لتراب هذا الوطن، لو تعلمون عظم التضحيات التي بُذلت خلال عقد مضى على يناير/كانون الثاني 2011 لوعيتم درس الشهادة، أن تستشهد في حب وطنك، هذا أعلى مراتب الشهادة.The celebration is a deserved right, a duty required, for those who vowed themselves and their souls in exchange for the homeland, a greeting to those who died in love with their homeland, and they did not think of the souls precious, and they are gave and made from their ages for the sake of the home.Rizk adds that the Egyptian police, since the "Battle of Ismailia" before the 52nd Revolution, are recorded in letters of the light of great sacrifices, great sacrifices for the bone of the homeland, on the authority of Tayeb, and on the belief and faith, and on the basis of menstruation with the help of God, the glorified and exalted, the loyal, and the martyrs are consideredSome of them are in the sky, some of them who spent his love, and some of them are waiting for martyrdom in the love of the homeland..

Home guards

“The Egyptian police have the right to celebrate its Day 25 January..It is, as Muhammad Al -Hawari admits in Al -Akhbar, the true bond of internal security and the feeling of citizens..It is enough for the police of the police in their battle against terrorism..The police did not give up their role in establishing security and safety inside the homeland.Since the Egyptian police heroes confronted the English occupier in Ismailia, the police and their heroes have struck the most wonderful national and heroic images in confronting terrorism, bullying, thefts, smuggling of money, antiquities and other issues that concern citizens...The police are chasing criminals everywhere, and their men sacrifice their lives for the sake of the homeland, and to eliminate bullying and criminality, as happened in the face of terrorism and terrorists.Perhaps the confrontations carried out by the police in North Sinai and in many terrorist incidents in which the martyrs of the police fell are the best evidence of the policemen offering the police in defense of the homeland and the citizens ».

Support for overcrowding

“Many news publishes that the government is conducting studies for an old topic that is renewed.It is the subject of support.The numbers are huge, maybe astronomical.The problem, as Youssef Al -Qaid sees in Al -Akhbar, is not a result of the moment, but we inherited it from previous times.The writer tends to maintain cash support, despite his many disadvantages and problems.Perhaps I can be relieved of his knowledge of his faults. On an unknown, I may not know the size of the problems resulting from its implementation.Months ago, the Ministry of Supply canceled a large number of cards, exceeded a million.Based on studies conducted.And standards that were relied upon, such as family ownership of a car license, or housing in ownership housing.President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi intervened, and the officials demanded a review of the cancellation procedures taken.Based on the intervention of the president, many families returned to supply again.This means that the topic needs more studies before reaching a final or temporary decision in relation to support.This means that before taking a procedure.You should not be satisfied with the discussions of closed rooms, nor specialized offices, nor universities, nor research and studies centers, but a broad societal dialogue must not exclude any category of categories.The word community dialogue is a beautiful word and the human being is reassuring, but the problem is that we do not have a mechanism to do such a dialogue.Especially when it connects to a problem such as support.Nevertheless, I hope that it does not understand from my words that I want to overcome the community dialogue, so it is necessary.But the case, how do we do it?How do we reach the most appropriate solution?I do not say its most accurate and do not believe it.Perhaps it was impossible for our days, but the most appropriate solution was the most appropriate word ».

Human demons

Among the optimists in Friday newspapers, Sayed Othman in Al -Bawaba News: “We must first admit that the Egyptian leadership runs the files of the Renaissance Dam and Turkish terrorism in Libya brilliantly and competently, and we called today to talk about the first issue, where the Nile crisis is about the recent Ethiopian statements.And Egyptian, and even Sudanese is the solution.The writer adds: I will not calm myself or relax me, except after removing the wick to the Nile bomb, by signing a clear -cut agreement between us and Ethiopia at the end of this month, to close the Renaissance Dam file and get our share of water, so that Egypt will continue with the comfort and reassurance of the construction and construction movement, which startedWe do not want to stop.With honesty, I still feel suspicious and uncomfortable, despite the signs of optimism that have been on the horizon after the meeting of the three Nile Basin countries, Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan in America, and the emission of dim light is a strong hope of hope at the end of a dark tunnel, we hope that the Ethiopian dodges will end with it and remove through it the wallAnd that evil countries seek to ignite, to fuel the water conflict between us and Ethiopia, to reach a clear result. والحقيقة التي لا تخفى على أحد أن البعض من Human demons وسوس واشتغل على دماغ الإثيوبيين خلال السنوات الماضية، وأفهمهم أن المياه الإثيوبية ليست أرخص من المياه العربية، وهي كنز سيدر المليارات على البلد الافريقي الشقيق، إذا باع مياه النيل لمصر مع منح السودان حصة مجانية من الكهرباء، لتغض الطرف وهو ما قبل به الرئيس السوداني المعزول البشير، الذي كان قلبه أسود على مصر».

The government horses

يطلقون على المحالين للتقاعد لفظ «The government horses» مقارنة بالنهاية المؤسفة لطول الخدمة ومأساوية النهاية، وهو ما اهتم به عادل نعمان في «الوطن» عبر شهادة مؤثرة: «كل البيوت كانت حبلى بالموت حتى البكاري منهن، الموت في بيوتنا يوزَّع بالتساوي بين الأحياء، والظلم لا ينجو منه أحد عندنا، ويتقاسمه الصغار والكبار، فما بالك لو كان المظلوم رب البيت وسيده وكبيره، لما خرج إلى المعاش صغر وهان! ولم يكن في حسابي أو في حدود طاقتي وقدرة مشاعري، أن أحمل في لحظة واحدة أوجاع كل هؤلاء، أو أخفف عنهم، وأرفع عن كاهلهم كل هذه الأحمال، فهو حمل تنوء منه الجبال.O my Lord, what is all this thirst and all this estrangement and this crying, and this hope, the breasts have destroyed by pain, and the hearts have exhausted them, the elephants die standing, and these - oh his two sons - stand on the roads from the first day of the pensioner dead.This is the case we have meager pensioners, I apologize to you all my loved ones..It is not a secret that pensioners revealed the cruelty and hardship of their lives, as it is exposed and exposed without a complaint, indicating its owner from the middle of the hundred.The stories are many and painful, all behind the curtain of you, and they are hidden behind the hands in a eclipse, and it is still a redness of shame stuck, a virtuous reader that fears the day of its exit to the pension while it is, in a prominent center, it has never been weakened, softened, shaken, or widespread, and she wonders: How do I live with this pension».

العالم يرفع حالة الطوارئ أمام «كورونا» والحكومة المصرية في غفلة عنه وأصحاب المعاشات يشكون عسر الحال كلمات مفتاحية

Egypt gets up

حمل ماجد حبته في «الدستور» ما يشير لتحسن الوضع الاقتصادي للبلاد: «جرعة التفاؤل التي حملتها كلمة الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي، خلال احتفالات وزارة الداخلية بPolice day رقم 68، تزامنت مع تأكيد وكالة «موديز» للتصنيف الائتماني على أن الاقتصاد المصري ينمو بوتيرة قوية، بفضل مبادرات البنك المركزي المصري التمويلية، والإصلاحات الاقتصادية التي تتبناها الحكومة المصرية.The President indicated, in his speech, that the whole world saw how Egypt turned in a few years into an oasis of security and stability.He stressed that the economic achievements achieved on the land of Egypt, and an urban renaissance will be based on the construction of the modern Egyptian state, which is dominated by justice and the value of the Egyptian person rises..The president did not note that today is coinciding with "the anniversary of the January 25 revolution, with its noble demands to achieve the noble livelihood of the Egyptian citizen.".On the same day, Moody's expected, in a report, the growth of credit growth in the private sector is accelerating to a rate ranging between 12 and 15 % during the current year 2020, driven by the economic momentum witnessed in the country, amid a low inflation rate, associated with the decline in interest rates..The agency stated that the series of financing initiatives presented by the Egyptian government and the central bank will contribute to stimulating credit growth and stimulating the private sector to play a greater role in advancing the comprehensive economic growth witnessed in the country.Moody's saw that these steps succeeded in reviving vital sectors such as the industrial, energy, agriculture and tourism sector..

Citizen Health

من المعارك الصحافية ضد الحكومة نقد على لسان علاء عريبي في «الوفد»: «يبدو أن الحكومة، في غفلة، أو أن سمعها أصبح ثقيلا أو أن Citizen Health ومصالحه آخر بند في أجندتها واهتماماتها، الدنيا قامت على ساق بسبب ظهور الفيروس القاتل كورونا، وهي بعون الله لم تفهم بعد.Since the news of the emergence of some cases infected with the Corona virus in China, the governments of the countries of the world are considering preventing this disease from entering their countries, they raised the state of emergency in airports and ports, and imposed severe supervision on those coming from China, and they notified hospitals and medical centers to raise the maximum preparation to receive casesAnd dealing with suspicious cases of seriousness, and isolating them in separate rooms.The World Health Organization also issued a statement in which the countries of the world warned of the danger of the virus, and demanded that the countries be tightened and raised the state.The Chinese government was not satisfied with raising the state of emergency. Rather, it was isolated last Thursday, more than 11 million citizens to stop the virus outbreak, the police and rapid intervention forces closed the city train station, Wuhan, as it allowed passengers with travel tickets only to enter the station.«Xinhua» agency published a statement of the local authorities, in which it asked all residents to wear masks in public places, and urged government employees to wear them at work, and demanded that the store owners to publish banners in this regard to their visitors..Citizens in the queues lined up to buy masks from pharmacies that identified one package for each customer, while medical workers wore protective allowances outside the hospital, where some patients with viral respiratory inflammation are treated ».

Dangerous forgery

Imad Al -Din Hussein yesterday, Friday, expressed anger expressed in Al -Shorouk: “Can we imagine that the Egyptian Minister of Irrigation, Dr. Mohamed Abdel -Ati, said that the Ethiopian Minister of Defense told him:“ There is no one who has been, and confused your brain in the wall ”?Of course, this is completely unlikely, but one of the fabricated wrote these words, and put on it Logo and the slogan "Al -Shorouk" and published it on social media.On Friday before last, I was surprised by a friend who sent me this news, and asks me that whenever he searched for him, he did not find him.Such a news is repeated in many topics.Many electronic battalions, or professional rumors, are forged and fabricated incorrect news, and put the "sunrise" logo on it, to delude the readers that they are correct.What happens that many readers cannot notice that the news is fabricated, and that the true logo of "Sunrise" is different.Discovering this matter needs a specialist or a good follower.Of course, we excuse the majority of readers who cannot differentiate between the correct logo and the other fake.The ordinary reader lies with his eyes on the title, without checking the technical details that you may not occupy or do not care, or not notice it mainly.Before this fake news, falsely attributed to the Minister of Irrigation, the battalions themselves fabricated dozens of news on multiple topics, and put on them the "Sunrise" Logo on it..Among these multiplied and fabricated news, a statement by the Minister of Environment says: Timur and the compassion of "The Story of My Life"!A third news says: The skulls discovered in the coffin of Alexandria belong to one person..And Matroub news says: Officially: If your income is less than 8,827 pounds per month..You are below the poverty line (instead of annually).These brigades do so, in use of the respected reputation of "Al -Shorouk", and the general impression of it, as an institution that investigates accuracy and objectivity..

The old days

The nostalgia series continues for a long time, days and prices for time..We are all not only..Abbas Al -Trabili in Al -Masry Al -Youm says: “Our talk today about traveling abroad and wandering in the most famous city of Europe. On Wednesday, June 25, 1952, newspapers published the prices of many trips and prices include travel costs..Also, residence, and trips include travel and tourism in Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and France, for example the trip 16 days costs 58 pounds, and they noticed accuracy, and 50 millimeters, but if the trip continues for a whole month, the costs amount to 89 pounds and 50 millimeters..The trip includes all expenses..On the way, there are trips in July and August and other trips to Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Norway and the Netherlands...As for the prices of aircraft tickets, there is no embarrassment.As for the travel rates for Hijaz, on Saudi Airlines, on Dakota and Bristol aircraft, including the costs of residence, at the prices of the 1940s, travel from Cairo to Jeddah, then Medina, then return, was 75 pounds..As for Cairo to Jeddah only and returning, the price is 57 pounds...Reservation from the company’s headquarters in front of the Shabard Hotel on Ibrahim Pasha Street..That is, these prices were before the Cairo fire in January 1952, that is, before the burning of the Shabard Hotel.And because the camel was a means of transportation for the wild Hajj..In front of me an announcement was published in 1876 about the sentences of the camel traffic license, issued by the municipality department in Egypt, in which the passage of the king of the king of Hazrat Al -Haji Al -Manfaluti - to pass without any contraindications to the Al -Mahrousa and Al -Mutaniya centers, i.e. entry and travel points to the Hijazi countries, and these fees were only 90 piastersAnd on the license, the Hijaz ring..And that the camel is white.We remember here that the pilgrim to announce that he performed the Hajj pilgrimage, was drawing on the front of his house, and the ticket was issued on September 4, 1876.I have another announcement published by EgyptAir, "Al -Maza Airport", on the rent of aircraft led by two famous pilots to travel to a side in the Egyptian country and outside it with a day's air outposts, except for Monday, compared to 25 piasters for one person..There was a school education school in the company.I say this because we know how much the Hajj pilgrimage does not cost these days, and how some of them arrive- but rather- 150 thousand pounds..And that the least of which costs above fifty thousand pounds, and imagine how much the entry visa is cost..Or even the price of a birani rice meal with half a chicken and a juice box now.So who dares me and attacks me for my teeth of time and time for time?.

The Nile is fine

The Media Center of the Council of Ministers denied, what was reported by some media, websites and social media pages about the low level of the water level of the Nile, which threatens Egyptian agriculture, and the loss of nearly one million and a quarter of a million Egyptian farms for their work."Al -Akhbar" indicated that the center contacted the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, which denied these reports, stressing that there is no truth to a decrease in the water level of the Nile River from the natural levels at this time of the year, explaining that the water level in the Nile River and its change is onThe course of the year is normal, and it is subject to water management programs, which take into account a set of determinants, the most important of which are the needs of different sectors of water as well as rain and torrential rain..During each winter season, the ministry reduces the discharges and levels of water in the Nile, so that the Nile River is able to receive rain water, which reaches the level of torrents in some places, in addition to that the winter season is characterized by a decrease in the needs of agricultural lands for water.The Ministry has confirmed that the water management plans are done accurately to ensure the maximum benefit from water resources, and to achieve the requirements of all sectors benefiting from water in the appropriate quantities in a timely manner..The Ministry appealed to all the media and citizens the need to investigate the accuracy and objectivity in spreading information, while emphasizing the importance of communicating with the relevant authorities, to verify the news before publishing information that is not based on any facts, and leads to confusion of public opinion ».

Beyond Soleimani

“It seems that the success and Iranian spread by General Soleimani in several countries, which has suffered an excessive confidence that may reach the degree of vanity, adds Rakha Ahmed Hussein in“ Al -Shorouk ”, it is assumed in cases of intensification of hostilities between opponents, to take cautious leaders, and it was fromSoleimani is expected to work with this golden rule, but he traveled in a manner that is difficult to hide, and from here it was very easy to hunt.Iran's response to the assassination of Soleimani came to launch several missiles at the American Ain al -Assad base near Baghdad, and the American base in Erbil, in line with President Trump's demand not to be exaggerated in it..Hence, Iran informed the Iraqi government of the operation to launch the missiles on the two American bases, hours before it, which in turn informed the US government to take precautions that are not casualties between its soldiers..The American losses were material, in addition to the injury of about 11 people, according to the American sources, and the arrival of a message that Iran is able to hit the American military bases, and the control agencies or anti -missiles will not transfer without that..The Iranian Foreign Minister announced that the assassination of Soleimani has been answered, which means that it is sufficient for this process, even temporarily.The Iranian confusion in dealing with the accident of the downfall of the Ukrainian passenger plane, after taking off minutes from Tehran Airport, which coincided with the beating of the two American bases into very negative results and repercussions, at the internal levels in Iran and external - after Iranian officials announced that the plane fell for technical reasons, Or human, the President of the Republic, Hassan Rouhani, returned and acknowledged that the plane was overthrown by Iranian missiles and that those who committed this error were held accountable, but the external media, but rather broad segments of Iranian demonstrators, focused on the tragic plane accident, which covered the missile attack on the two American bases in Iraq ».

He predicted his death

أثار رحيل القاص والشاب المجتهد محمد حسن خليفة داخل معرض الكتاب، الذي He predicted his death في مقطع كتبه على صفحته الشخصية، حزناً عميقاً بين الكتّاب وكثرت الأقاويل عن سبب موته، سعى مدحت صفوت في «المشهد» للبحث عن الحقيقة: «بداية، أعلنت وزارة الثقافة سريعًا وبدون فتح تحقيق، أن الكاتب الشاب رحل نتيجة إصابته بإغماءة أثناء تواجده في دار النشر، التي أصدرت مجموعته القصصية الجديدة، وهي دار الكنزي، لتبرئ الوزارة ذمتها من الاتهام بضيق مكان معرض القاهرة، ووفاة كاتب شاب نتيجة التدافع، اتصلنا بأصدقائه وشهود العيان، الذين رافقوا الراحل في ساعته الأخيرة، يقول مدير «دار تبارك» إسلام أحمد، إن محمد حسن مرّ عليه لتبادل السلام في جناح دار تبارك في المعرض، التي تواجه مباشرة دار الكنزي، ووجد خليفة أن الدار التي نشرت مجموعته لم تنته من عرض كتابه، يكمل إسلام لنا أنه بعد فترة، جاءت زميلة لخليفة، تنتظر أن يوقع لها الراحل على نسخة من مجموعته، جاءته تهرول وتخبره بإغماءة محمد حسن، فتوجه إلى قصور الثقافة ليجده قد ذهب إلى المستشفى في سيارة إسعاف، يقول إسلام، إن الأطباء أبلغوه أن الراحل حضر إلى المستشفى مصابًا بتوقف عضلة القلب، وحاولوا إسعافه، فعاد النبض لثوان ثم توقف نهائيًا وظلّ الراحل في العناية ما يقارب 45 دقيقة، حتى فاضت روحه إلى خالقها.Here, Marwan Hamid tells us that he was already heading to the palaces of culture in the exhibition, accompanied by Muhammad Hassan Khalifa, and they found it closed, with great waiting and massive from the masses, and immediately after the authority opened its wing, the people defend, in an unorganized crowd, and the young writer fell, to go to Marwan.To the ambulance that immediately transferred the late to the hospital ».

Not new in Libya

"The Libyan problem is chronic, as Ahmed Jumaa sees it on" The Seventh Day ", the Berlin Conference to solve the Libyan crisis has not presented anything new except some items and points contained in previous international meetings, the Libyan parties failed to do it, due to the dominance of armed militias on state institutions in the capital, Tripoli.The Berlin Conference is the seventh since the outbreak of the events of February 17, 2011 after a number of international meetings were held on Libya in Paris, Yarmo and Abu Dhabi, and these meetings did not succeed in providing effective solutions to the Libyan crisis, and they only issued closing data, dealing with a number of points for solution.The most prominent of what was stated in the closing statement of the Berlin Conference is the necessity of resolving the militias, removing their weapons and establishing an active presidential council and a new government, which attains confidence from the House of Representatives, in addition to emphasizing the role of the Libyan parties in agreeing to a solution to the crisis, enjoys the support of the international community.The writer affirms that the people of the Libyan tribes are afraid of the marginalization of the United Nations to the role of the tribes, which is the pillar of the tent in Libya, and one of the most prominent active social components, which is able to fully put the crisis to solve the crisis, and despite the speech of the UN envoy Ghassan Salama about the formation of the “40” committee that thatIt will include 14 personalities chosen by the latter, but the UN mission did not refer from near or far to the role of the tribes.The Libyan tribes constitute a major and difficult number in the political and social equation within the Libyan territories, and their large and effective role in dealing with the successive crises that afflict Libya and its people cannot be exceeded..The main problem within Libya lies in the spread of weapons between groups and armed battalions, which indicates that the crisis is based on security, not political ».