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Apr 06By smarthomer

This is how you wake up actively during the quarantine period


Short link: Follow us also on Facebook facebook.com/alwatanvoiceMany people suffer from insomnia and lack of sleep often, which may negatively affect their activity the next day, due to stress or anxiety Or other health factors, especially in light of the current conditions that forced millions of people to stay at home to limit the spread of the Corona virus. And wake up actively in the morning, as follows, according to (Emirati 24 website):

1- Turn off blue lights
Try to turn off any blue light that may be emanating from smartphone, computer, or screens. Tablet, because blue light negatively affects the quality of sleep and thus makes it difficult to wake up in the morning.

2- Block out any lights from outside
It is helpful not to allow any lights into a room Sleep from the outside, and keep the room completely dark while sleeping

3- Avoid using alarms
Try to avoid using alarms to wake up and allow daylight to pass gently through your window in the morning so that waking up is natural

4- Use essential oils
You can spray some essential oils such as lavender oil on your pillow or around the room to promote relaxation during sleep, as this helps to wake up active and energetic in the morning.

5- Take an evening bath
Take a hot bath at least 45 minutes before going to bed, as a hot bath helps to relax during sleep, and thus wake up more energetic and active.

6- Drink chamomile tea
Chamomile tea contributes to calming the nerves, so experts recommend taking it an hour before bedtime to get a good night.

7- Take a magnesium supplement
Experts say that a magnesium supplement helps to relax the muscles of the body, so it is recommended to take it at least a quarter of an hour before bedtime.

8- Try meditation

/b>Scientists recommend practicing meditation before going to sleep for a period not exceeding 10 minutes, because this exercise helps to sleep and enjoy a good night.

9- Deep breathing
Like meditation, it helps Deep breathing for 10 minutes before bed to relax and feel calm and serene.

This is how you wake up active during quarantine