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Sep 27By smarthomer

Tips to save time and effort to deal with your email

You will not regain control of your e -mail unless you address the problem of the flow of emails from its roots, and it will not suffice to find temporary solutions to the problems that occur from time to time.

Most people cannot dispense with email, and some estimates indicate that we spend about five and a half hours in reading emails daily during working days.

E -mail use rates have not decreased despite the great demand for social media in recent years.Opinion polls showed that the number of emails that people send daily will reach 246 billion messages in 2019, in the number 205 billion messages in 2015.

Evidence indicates that young people are currently preferred to use e -mail despite the many means of communication that have appeared since the invention of the email.

Some may think that the reason behind this excessive attachment to email is the length of working hours and the large number of tasks assigned to us, and this may be true, but there are other reasons that explain the high rates of email use, including wasting time in reading the huge number of emails thatOur ability to follow up, as well as high digital addiction rates.

Using e -mail is no longer limited to desktop computers and laptops, as most people can now know the email via smartphones and tablets, and we may often read it as we are lying on the bed..

Some prefer to respond to emails as soon as they are received, and this requires continuous follow -up to email to empty the messages, although we know that he will fill it immediately.But we will not regain control of the email unless we address the problem of flowing messages from their roots, and it will not suffice to deal with its symptoms that appear from time to time.

Below we will show ten ways to put an end to the torrent of messages that flow through e -mail

1- Do not use the e-mail to chat

Email has not been designed for instant conversations, as your time was wasted by searching through a long series of conversations that the email is filled with.It is preferable to use alternative ways to chat.The best way to settle disputes and problems is to speak to the person face to face or via the phone.

2 - Beware of repeating messages

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You know the problem of insulting the addressee to respond to the message as "repeated messages", the person may receive a text message that: "I just want to make sure that you received the message you sent via email", or the sender may call the phone to the sender to say to him: "I haveI just sent a message via email ".

Many people do not yet trust the decisions taken through electronic means of communication, such as text messages and e -mail, and they see that they are unseen decisions, and then the two parties enter into a spiral of repeated messages, as they exchange text messages to confirm what was mentioned in the messages received through the means of communicationSocial, or email messages to confirm what was mentioned in text messages, or phone calls to confirm what was mentioned in emails, or face meetings to confirm what they agreed upon in phone calls.

There is no doubt that the exchange of repeated messages is wasting time, and it may cause confusion and confusion.E -mail is not the ideal place to agree on official decisions, as many still see that the meeting room where people meet face to face to speak and consult is the best place to make decisive decisions.

3- Get rid of unwanted messages in your email

Email filled with messages is similar to the garden covered with wild herbs..

To get rid of these messages, you can follow a simple and effective way, which is to write in the e -mail search field the word "cancel the subscription", and thus you will delete a huge number of periodic bulletins for sites that you may not remember when you subscribe to it.

The general regulations for data protection of the European Union- which has come into effect may not be prevented- may not prevent unwanted messages to your e-mail..You may have to open every message and cancel the subscription from the site.This step may seem a little arduous, but it will comfort you in the long run.

4- Use the unwanted messaging folder wisely

In recent years, the service of monitoring unwanted or disturbing messages has improved automatically, and yet some suspicious messages may infiltrate the messages sent from reliable sources..

There is another easy way to get rid of annoying messages, you can improve the performance of this feature in the email if you are devoted to some time to put these suspicious messages in the unwanted messaging folder, and search in the folder for any messages from reliable sources in this file unnecessarily and transfer it from it.

5- Ask your friends and colleagues to stop sending messages via email

This step requires you to have some audacity, and a bit of tact.Receiving messages from people close to you may exacerbate the problem of wasting time and effort to respond to the messages.

Be prepared to ask others in a polite style to stop using email to send messages that can be transmitted orally in one of the meetings or via the phone or send them as a text message.

6- Try to formulate your requests in a simple style

Do not send complicated and difficult letters by email.If you mention five requests in your message, the sender will not be often received by a suitable response except to the last request from the request list.This means exchanging more messages to inquire about the other four requests.

7- Make sure your responses are full

Do not leave any inquiry or request mentioned in the email without a response, so that you do not receive more messages to inquire about the items that you have not answered.

8- Do not see emails except at specific times

It has been proven by evidence that the lower the number of times we look at e -mail messages and respond to it daily, our productivity, and the lower the number of psychological pressure we are exposed to..

It is not reasonable to be in constant contact with others, moment by moment.Even if you need it, the email will not be the perfect choice to communicate with others, but in this case it is preferable to use any form of instant messages.

9- Relax the application in the subject field and in the body of the message

You may think that writing the application twice is just a waste of the effort.But the case is not so in the email.In emails, it is preferable to write in the subject box a summary summary of the request for which the message was written, provided that it does not exceed 15 words, then conclude your message in the same sentence, because repetition and clarity will increase the possibilities of receiving appropriate and complete responses, as well as adequate answers to your requests.

10- I dispense with the e-mail completely

The number of people and institutions who decided to abandon the e -mail is increasing and affected the use of other means to communicate, although the consequences of dispensing the email in the long term communication are not yet clear..

However, stopping the use of e -mail may increase your productivity and avoid psychological pressure, as well as other means of communication are smoother than e -mail, so why don't you try to dispense with the email even for one week.

Try to apply some or all of these tips, because the things that we are used to in our lives and we may think that we will not be able to do without them that sometimes causes us serious problems.

This article was previously published on "The Convention", and it is republished under the Creative Community License.The publisher is Paul Levy, the chief researcher in the field of creativity management at the University of Brighton.