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Jul 20By smarthomer

Various reports

The twelfth of April 1961 was a difference in the history of mankind, opening broad horizons for the human journey on Earth to go beyond space. On this day, the Russian Yuri Jarin set out to outer space, on the first human -made space flight.

After 50 years on that trip, the United Nations General Assembly announced, in its 65/271 Resolution, dated April 7, 2011, announced the twelfth of April an international day for the human trip to space, to serve as an annual celebration of the beginning of the space of humanity, and to assure the important contributionFor space science and technology in achieving sustainable development goals, increasing the welfare of countries and peoples, and ensuring their aspirations to maintain the use of outer space for peaceful purposes.

The General Assembly affirmed its firm conviction of the common interest of humanity in promoting and expanding the scope of exploring and using outer space, as an open field for all humanity, in peaceful purposes and in continuing efforts so that the benefits arising from that all countries prevail.

The importance of space exploration

Exploring human space aims to answer the basic questions about the role of the universe and the past of our solar system, through technology development and developing new industries and helping to establish a friendly relationship with other countries.

Space exploring played a decisive role in several areas:

Innovation - Discovering space to many aspects of daily life, from solar panels to cultivated heart screens, from radiotherapy to lightweight products, and from water purification systems to advanced computer systems to a global program for research and resuscitation, space exploration will remain a decisive force to open new areasIn science and technology.

Culture and inspiration - Space exploring provides a rare and changing view on the role of mankind in the common universe among all, and every day space exploration projects answer people's interests, and generate new data on the solar system, to bring us closer to answering the basic questions raised for thousands of years: "HowThe universe appears? Is the human destiny related to the earth? Is life in the universe elsewhere? ".

Overcoming global issues - Exploration of planets is a global activity that leads to international cooperation and diplomacy, the establishment of global partnerships and exploratory capabilities that contribute to international preparation to protect the Earth from catastrophic events, such as some of the effects of the asteroid, cooperative research in space weather, and the protection of spacecraft through the development of new methodsTo remove space debris, the acquired knowledge of space exploration can also lead to environmental sustainable development policies.

The benefits of space can be defined directly or indirectly, and direct benefits include the production of scientific knowledge, the spread of invention and business growth, and the strengthening of agreements between the countries of exploration.

The indirect benefits resulting from space exploration include changes in the quality of life, such as increasing economic stability, health, environmental quality, safety and education, including the depth of understanding and new visions about the person’s role and the collective role of humanity in the universe..

Space invasive from dream to reality space

Space trips have become part of the human achievements after the theoretical and applied discoveries of the Russian scientist Constantine Tsukovsky, "the founder of missile theories and the man who predicted that jet planes, space ships, missile trains and satellites undoubtedA liquid fuel missile, which was successfully launched on March 16, 19261, and the German "FAO-2" missile is the first space missile during the flight test in June 1944.

Constantine Tsiolkovsky was the first to submit a realistic proposal for the space trip, when he published his famous work "Exploring the Cosmic Space with Interactive Mechanisms", but this theoretical work had no widespread impact outside Russia, while space flights became engineered after publishing a work of Robert Goddard in 1919, From his research, "a way to reach the maximum heights", and its use of Manfat de Laval for the liquid fuel missile gave adequate power to the possibility of traveling between the planets, and this research had a great impact on Herman Obith and Ferner von Brown who later led space flight Slovenian - The first to build his perception about a full space station in his book "The problem of space flights".

Space race

The Soviet Union occupied the lead in the post -World War Space race, by launching the first satellite, the first man and the first woman to space orbit, and the United States was able to catch up with its Soviet competitors by launching the first man to land on the surface of the moon in 1969.

بعد أن أطلق الاتحاد السوفييتي السابق أول قمر اصطناعي في العالم وهو سبوتنك-1 في 4 أكتوبر 1957، بدأ Space race العالمي إلى الفضاء الكوني، وهو سباق بدأ أساسًا بين الاتحاد السوفييتي والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية كجزء من الحرب الباردة، محوره التسابق علي أخذ أكبر مساحة من الفضاء عن طريق الأقمار الصناعية ومركبات الفضاء المأهولة وغير المأهولة، كان الأمر إظهارا للقدرة والتقنية لكلتا الدولتين في مجال غزو الفضاء.

With the launch of the first artificial satellite known to humanity Sputnik1 to outer space, the world's face changed, as it was behind the beginning of the revolution of the tremendous technology that was achieved in our central world areas of communication and the transfer of information and space and cosmic developments that also achieved the dream of the Global Village that dreamed of literature.Science Fiction.

تقارير متنوعة

On November 3, 1957, and less than a month after the launch of the satellite "Sputnik 1", they released "Sputnik 2", which was on the back of the first living being to space, which is "Leica", where scientists studied how the lifestyle of the bitch in space.

وفي 12 أبريل 1961، أصبح رائد الفضاء السوفيتي يوري جاجارين أول إنسان في الفضاء مستقلا المركبة الفضائية "فوستيك 1"، وقضى جاجارين 108 دقائق داخل مركبته الفضائية في مدارها حول الأرض قبل أن يعود إلى الأرض، لتسجل أول محاولة سوفيتية لSpace race، ولتكون بداية سباق أمريكي سوفيتي نحو إطلاق بشر إلى الفضاء الخارجي.

23 days after the first person was launched in space, American astronaut Allen Shepard made a 15 -minute rotation in space.

In 1962, John Glenn became the first American to revolve around the earth.

After that, the Soviet Union launched the first woman in space, Valentina Terichkova in 1963, and the Soviet astronaut Alexei Lyonov performed the first walk in space in 1965, and the journey almost ended with a catastrophe when Leonov stumbled to return to the capsule.

In 1983, Sally Raid was the first American to travel to space on the space shuttle "STS-7", and the travel of space pioneers to space became familiar in the eighties"STS -93" in 1999, she became the first woman to lead a spacecraft in the United States.

Landing on the surface of the moon

After the Soviet success in placing the first satellite in the orbit and after the Jagarin trip, the Americans focused their efforts to send a space probe to the moon. On July 21, 1969, the American Neil Armstrong became the first person to put his foot on the surface of the moon in an event watched more than 500 million people around the world.

This was the beginning towards a real space and conquest of space by humans, and the work was marked in full swing, and a race house between time between the great countries, in order to collect information and prepare to launch the largest number of satellites and satellite missiles...The planetary plane visited all the planets of the solar system, but humans remained around the orbit and on the space stations for a long time such as "Mir" and the International Space Station.

The development of inhabited space flights

The tallest human space flight is that Valleri Polakov, who left the Earth on January 8, 1994, and did not return until March 22, 1995 ", a total of 437 days 17 hours 58 minutes 16 BC".

Sergei Krikkalov spent most of the time from anyone in space, 803 "days, 9 hours, and 39 minutes" completely.

The longest period of continuous human existence in space is 15 years and 72 days on board the International Space Station, which exceeds the previous record of approximately 10 years or "3634 days" that Mir maintains, which extends to the launch of Soyuz TM-8 on September 5, 1989To Soyuz TM-29 on August 28, 1999.

Humans were constantly present in space for 16 years and 80 days on the International Space Station, all early human space flights were inhabited, as a passenger had to perform driving tasks or operate the spacecraft, but after 2015, capable spacecraft were designedTo carry humans, and is also able to work independently without the need for human intervention.

Since the retirement of the US space shuttle in 2011, only Russia and China have maintained the performance of human spaces with the Soyuz program and the "Churcho" program.

Currently, all trips to the International Space Station use Soyuz vehicles, which remain connected to the station to allow a quick return if necessary.

The United States is working on developing a commercial transportation system to facilitate the access of citizens to the International Space Station and the low terrestrial orbit.

Space flights were usually linked to the government, but commercial space flights gradually began to take a larger role.

On June 21, 2004, the first private human space flight was launched, when the Space Ship 1 vehicle performed a semi -tropical trip, and non -governmental companies began to develop the space tourism sector,

NASA also played a role in stimulating private space flights through programs such as: commercial services for tropical transport and the development of the commercial crew, and in 2010 the trend began towards commercial companies providing NASA with services for transporting people and goods to low ground orbit..