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Dec 09By smarthomer

A virus hits millions of smartphones

Chinese pirates have created a new virus hitting smartphones and tablets that run "Android".The data of "Chinese Point" information security company reported that the Chinese pirates hit about ten million smartphones around the world.

According to the German newspaper "Zez Deutsche Zeitung", most of the affected devices are still in Asia, but about forty thousand smartphone devices and tablet computer in Germany are also infected with the new virus..

This new virus "Hamingbad" creates a "Trojan horse", as it infiltrates the smartphone or tablet, and then opens the software management feature (ROOT), which gives it complete control of the operating system.

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But until now, the pirates behind the virus do not seem interested in the personal information of the virus victims, as their interests are limited to the use of the affected phones and pushing them to click on advertising links, in addition to linking the affected phones with each other to create a interconnected network and sell them to other pirates, which is what achievesThey have an estimated income of 300 thousand dollars per month, according to "Duetsche Zeitung".

The security company "Chic Point", which has followed the effects of the virus for nearly five months, believes that the Chinese "Yang Mop" group is behind this virus..

Originally, "Ying Mop" is a Chinese company specialized in developing advertising campaigns, but it is believed that this company is active in electronic piracy in order to achieve additional income, albeit illegally..

According to the German "Chip" website specializing in technology affairs, protection programs on the "Android" Istiha Virus "Hambagad" will not be able to, and therefore the only way to get rid of it remains to reset the phone or tablet according to the factory settings, which means erasingAll that is in it after buying it.

Although the protection programs towards this virus are not effective so far, the "Chip" website is advised to install a protection program identical with the "Android" system on the smartphone or tablet, because these programs are constantly updated, and in the end you will be able to identify this virus and dealWith.