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Oct 24By smarthomer

When medicine meets art, an Iraqi is creative with painting with bacteria

Baghdad - Although medical analyzes and art are rarely met, Mustafa Al -Yasiri was able to become a link between them to draw paintings that combine science and art using bacteria, taking advantage of the laboratory environment in which he works.

Al -Yasiri stormed the world of painting with bacteria, which is considered a modern art that has spread among those interested in medicine and bacteria after 2000.

On his beginnings and what the difficulties and challenges he faced in his work, Al -Yasiri - a specialist in pathological analyzes - says, "While working on bacteria colonies that grow on Blood AGAER dishes, I came to me the idea of using dishes that do not show growth to bacteria with drawing and scientific experiments instead of destroying them.".

He added - in an interview with Al -Jazeera Net - that his first experience was with the "staphylococcus" bacteria, where he drew a flower in a simplified manner using the LOP (a thin tube ending with a small ring used to transport the bacteria) and then took a sample of these bacteria, drew it and then planted it on the lax dish (Posatoes used in pathological analyzes (artistic paintings using bacteria.Then put the sample drawn in the bacteria incubator.

He added that the topic was similar to the challenge because the results do not appear until after 24 hours, the matter is similar to drawing in the air where the drawn lines cannot be seen, and this is what needs a wide imagination to draw in a correct way without any defect in the painting.

The next day, Al -Yasiri went to get the sample out of the incubator and see the results to be surprised by its success, which made it surprising how these microscopic neighborhoods managed to grow as designed for them.

Drawing stages

When you ask Al -Yasiri about the stages that any painting he draws with bacteria, he answers that any drawing passes through several stages, the first of which is to prepare the isolated incubator (FUME HOOD), which is done within it by sterilizing it to be free from any bacteria or harmful parasites that can affect the course of the work.

The second stage is to prepare two plates of bacteria cultivation dishes, the first plate contains the samples it works on, and the second must be clean in order to start drawing on it.

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The third stage is to prepare the transplant tool (Loop) a small tube and (Burner), which is a gas or oil flame that must be close to work to use to sterilize the tools continuously until the end of the painting's drawing to avoid the growth of any harmful bacteria that can cause pollution and thus distort the drawing.

The fourth and final stage, which is the most difficult where the drawing is done with extreme accuracy and constant focus, because the work is done without being able to see what is around it, relying on the high focus and artistic imagination.

Al -Yasiri explained that the process takes from a quarter to half an hour, after which it plays the dish (which contains the drawing) in the bacterial incubator for agriculture at a temperature of 36 to 37 degrees Celsius and for a period.

The rental plate is a not deep bowl made of glass or plastic and is equipped with a cover used for cell cultivation, such as bacteria and fungi.

Drawing and science

Sally Amir, which is the technique of satisfactory analyzes, says that bacteria are a wide world full of secrets because they are present everywhere and thus are considered one of the most widespread living creatures in nature, they are present on the surface of the human body and inside it and on his mobile phone and the door handle and in the air, and others without it dies a personNot all bacteria are harmful, for example, the digestive system, for example, helps to break the food and convert it into energy.

She added that due to the ease of circulation, the speed of its growth and its ability to adapt, the painting with bacteria (the art of rent) has become a passion for many students of science and specialists in microbiology, using bacteria and fungi to draw paintings of a special artistic nature despite the difficulty of completing the work, as they need a person specializing in this science that knows how to coordinateBacteria directs their movement and growth within limits that set them.

For his part, Muhammad Yassin, who specializes in microbiology, says that the art of drawing on the rent is different from the rest of the arts, as it needs a specialist in microbiology and biopathicism in order to be able to use the appropriate from them in drawing without infection with the infection.

He added that what distinguishes this art is that the drawing does not show its results except after putting it in the incubator for a full day, and despite the risks surrounding this art, it has great benefits for students of science in clarifying the benefits of bacteria and its harms and providing information in a smooth and interesting manner.

Awjar is the art of modernity

Commenting on this art, the critic and plastic artist Mustafa Akram said that painting with bacteria is one of the manifestations of artistic modernity that appeared in the present era by a few artists with a medical specialty due to the difficulty of combining art and science in one place.

He added that this art requires accuracy and artistic creativity with organic and microscopic materials, which constitutes a challenge to his pioneers, considering that this is embodied by Mustafa Al -Yasiri in his paintings, "which dazzled me and raised my questions as an artist and critic in terms of accuracy, aesthetic and scientific".

The first exhibition

Under this title, Al -Yasiri works to prepare for his first educational artistic exhibition (as he describes), which will include a group of his works and paintings that he drew with bacteria and using a new way to save it from damage.

The exhibition, according to Al -Yasiri, aims to communicate the idea that bacteria and parasites are a disease and a medicine.The exhibition will be a small scientific encyclopedia that includes an explanation of the bacteria, their types and diseases that cause it.