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Feb 06By smarthomer

Why will the tablet computers be replaced soon?

The Mishavir website, which is concerned with purification news, says in a report that tablets have witnessed significant growth during the past few years, but most of their use cases were not aimed at replacing personal computers (specifically mobile) as much as they were to prolong their life.

The report writer Bin Bajarin, director of consumer technology practicing at the Cityvitzes Consulting Company, adds that according to their data and numbers of a number of research companies, more than 90% of the tablets sold today were sold to people who actually have personal computers, and that these duties are used as a computer -based devicePersonal and not to replace it.

He believes that the phrase that the tablets "kill" personal computers are incorrect, indicating that most of the sold tablets are sold by eight inches or smaller, which means that most of them are not even in the competition level to replace the personal computer.And that the use of tablets is mostly concentrated during the evening hours, while personal computers are often used during the day or during work.

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He says that if we decide that tablets on the market are used in conjunction with personal computers, then we acknowledge that personal computers are still used and estimated by a large number of consumers.If this is true, these personal computers will still need to be replaced.The question is when will that happen and will it affect the tablet market?

Although the writer acknowledges that 2013 was a loser year for a personal computer, as his growth witnessed the most severe decreases, although his market was stable since almost the beginning of 2000, he nevertheless believed that the year 2014 may record a shift in favor of the personal computer sector to the point that many might amaze many people.

This is explained by the fact that a part of the logic of these words is the numbers of personal computers in the market used four years or more, which ranges from most of the estimates between 300 million to 350 million, and that a good percentage of users of those devices did not create them as a result of the purchase of tablets, and thoseThose who did not have their personal computers of school, work, home, or others will not be able to simply wait more, for this, the process of recovery (update) is coming for a personal computer and may affect the sales of the tablet..

He adds that the employees of companies, small businesses, and even consumers want the best personal computer that meets their needs and the best tablet, which means that they will continue to buy two separate devices to meet the maximum need they need.

He concludes with his belief that the personal computers market will be swinging like a pendulum. In the years when personal computers are not updated, the sales of tablets and vice versa are not correct, and for this, for information technology experts and equipment manufacturers, managing update rates and building products that benefit from the modernization years will be a vital issue,Although creative products and the price issue will play an important role in any aspect of them, regardless of the update cycle.