Home >petition >At a value of $3.4 billion, Israel signs an agreement with a German company to produce 3 advanced submarines
Apr 08By smarthomer

At a value of $3.4 billion, Israel signs an agreement with a German company to produce 3 advanced submarines

The Israeli Ministry of Defense announced today, Thursday, that it has concluded an agreement with the German company "Thyssen Group" for naval systems to develop and produce 3 advanced submarines for the Israeli Navy, in a deal worth $ 3.4 billion.

The three submarines will be the largest manufactured by Thyssen Group to date, and will be equipped with a fuel cell. A shipyard and a fuel cell production plant are already under construction in Kiel.

The agreement also includes building a training simulator in Israel, and providing it with spare parts.

In the same context, the Israeli newspaper Maariv said that these submarines are from a new series called "Dakar".

She added that the value of the deal amounts to $3.4 billion, noting that the German government will fund part of it through a special grant, according to a previous agreement signed between the two parties in 2017.

A value of 3.4 billion dollars... Israel expects An agreement with a German company to produce 3 advanced submarines.</p><p>The newspaper pointed out that the agreement provided for the delivery of the first submarine to the Navy, within 9 years.</p><p>For his part, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that he is confident that the new submarines will develop the capabilities of the navy and contribute to security superiority in the region.</p><p>In a tweet, Gantz thanked the German government for its help in moving this deal forward, and for its support and commitment to Israel's security.</p><h3>Corruption Cases</h3><p>In turn, the German Ministry of Defense said that the deal was concluded, after it was frozen for years due to suspicions of corruption over the sale of these submarines to Tel Aviv.</p><p>The announcement comes a few days before a meeting of the Israeli cabinet, in which it is scheduled to discuss the formation of an investigation committee that will look into the process of deciding on previous purchases of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of submarines and missile boats from Germany from 2009 to 2016.</p><video><br></video><p>Last year, Israeli prosecutors charged several individuals, including a businessman, a former navy officer and a former government minister, with bribery, money laundering and tax evasion in connection with these purchases.</p><p>The Thyssen Group said that an internal investigation did not find any suspicion of corruption in its dealings with these deals, and the Israeli authorities did not take any action against this German company.</p><p>The Israeli Navy owns 5 German-made Dolphin submarines, and has already ordered a sixth of this type, which is in the process of being manufactured in Germany. The three Dakar submarines will replace 3 aging Dolphin-class submarines.</p></div>
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