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Symptoms of food poisoning your comprehensive guide

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Symptoms of food poisoning, what are the most important signs of food poisoning?How do you interact in the case of food poisoning?Is food poisoning fatal?Are there serious complications?

Symptoms of food poisoning (symptoms of food poisoning), this can cause a person to feel suddenly after eating spoiled food and experimenting with certain symptoms such as fever, diarrhea and vomiting.So what causes food poisoning.What are the ways to treat food poisoning?Symptoms of food poisoning and how to deal with it when it occurs, this is what we will know.

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What is food poisoning?

Food poisoning caused by eating contaminated food is not a serious disease, and most people recover within a few days without treatment.

Most cases of food poisoning usually occur due to bacteria, such as salmonella or coli -coli, and bacteria can also cause viruses such as norofirus.

Signs of food poisoning

The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin after a day to two days of eating contaminated food, but it may also appear within hours or extend to weeks after that.

The main symptoms include the following:

In most cases, these symptoms disappear within a few days and the person will recover exactly of the so -called mild food poisoning symptoms.

Causes of food poisoning

Food can be contaminated at any stage of production, treatment or cooking.For example, food can be contaminated for the following reasons:

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It can also happen if raw meat is stored with meals and cooked juices due to the transmission of bacteria from meat drops to food, so it is one of the causes of food poisoning.

Types of food poisoning

Food pollution is usually caused by bacteria, but it can sometimes happen due to viruses or parasites.Here are some of the main reasons for food poisoning:

Anta bacteria

These bacteria are commonly found in raw or unacceptable meat well (especially poultry), unpasteurized milk and unspecified water.

Usually the incubation period (the period between eating contaminated food and the appearance of symptoms) for food poisoning caused by two to five days, and the symptoms usually last less than a week.


Salmonella bacteria are often found in raw or non -cooked meat, milk, other dairy products, and in raw eggs.

The incubation period is usually from 12 to 72 hours, and the symptoms last about four to seven days.


Lycerea bacteria are found in fast foods or "ready -made", including bottled sandwiches, cut meat, baked pies and soft cheese.

All of these foods should be eaten in time before they are spoiled, otherwise they will cause serious problems, especially food poisoning in pregnant women, because infection with esteria during pregnancy (legends) can lead to complications during pregnancy and childbirth and lead to miscarriage.

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The length of the incubation period varies greatly, from a few days to several weeks, and the symptoms generally disappear within three days.

Irritable Escherichia (Escherichia)

Irritable Xoronian is bacteria present in the digestive system, and most of the strains are not harmful, but some can cause a serious disease.

Most cases of food poisoning in coli occur after eating well -cooked beef (especially minced meat, hamburger and meat balls) or drinking unpasteurized milk.The custody period ranges from one to eight days, and the symptoms usually last a few days or weeks.


This pollution occurs due to washing food in contaminated water.Symptoms usually appear within seven days of eating polluted food and last for up to a week.


The most common virus that causes diarrhea and vomiting is norofirus, and it is easily transmitted from one person to another through water or contaminated food, especially raw oysters.

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The incubation period usually lasts from 24 to 48 hours, and the symptoms usually disappear within a few days.

The Rotta virus is a common cause of food poisoning in young children.Symptoms appear within a week of exposure to the source of pollution and disappear within five to seven days.


Many parasites can cause food poisoning, including:

Symptoms of food poisoning caused by parasites appear within 10 days of eating contaminated food, but sometimes they can extend for weeks before the symptoms appear, if the symptoms are not treated, they last for a long time, up to several weeks or even months, then symptoms appear appearSlow poisoning.

Treatment of food poisoning

If the symptoms persist or get worse, or if a person is more likely to develop a serious infection due to age or poor health, he may need additional treatment, such as:

In some cases, the person may need to be hospitalized for a few days to receive appropriate care and intravenous fluids.

Treatment of food poisoning بالمنزل

Most people with food poisoning recover at home and do not need a specific treatment, although there are some cases where they should see a doctor to obtain advice.

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It is recommended to use oral dehydration solution.

Methods of preventing food poisoning

The best way to avoid food poisoning is to ensure maintaining high levels of personal and nutritional hygiene when storing, dealing with food and preparing it..

Follow these steps to achieve high levels of prevention:

Finally, the symptoms of food poisoning vary according to the microbe that causes it, and in most cases, food poisoning is not dangerous, but most of it responds to home treatment and the person is completely recovered completely.

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